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The President's Secret Wife by Josephine

Chapter 38
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Chapter 038 Going to divorce
“Yes.” Jenny nodded, “Then let Carey send me.” She did not insist. She was obedient that she didn’t say a word of resistance.
Carey soon sent Jenny home, but he didn’t know that Jenny didn’t even enter the door. As soon as he left, she took a ride and
left too. Jenny went to “Meet”. “Meet” was a Qingba run by Jerome. She had followed Barret twice before. It’s very big inside.
The layout and decoration were her favorite style. More importantly, there was no bar noise here and it’s very quiet.
There were often people performing on the stage, accompanied by guitar or piano, singing some gentle
which she liked, Jenny found the nearest place to the stage. She sat there. Her gentle face was in the soft light, one hand resting
on her chin, listening to the music. She didn’t know what she was going to do, but she didn’t want to go back. She’s not a canary.
Why should she listen to him? Why should he tell her to go home? She should go back to her cage. After drinking two glasses of
hot water, Jenny leaned over the table and felt drowsy. It was too quiet or she was too tired. She lied down and directly fell
asleep. When Barret came home, he found that the room was all black and no light was on. He turned on the light in the living
room, and then searched the room for a whole circle without finding Jenny. He frowned and made a phone call.
What he heard was, “Hello, the number you dialed is powered off, please redial later.” He immediately called Carey and said,
“You better tell me where Jenny is.” “President, isn’t Jenny at home? I took her home myself.” “I have searched the whole house,
inside and out. There is not a soul in sight.” Barret’s tone was almost with anger. “President, don’t worry. I’ll send someone to

look for it.” Jenny can’t remember how long she lay on the table until someone nudged her and woke her up. She opened her
sleepy eyes and looked at the person in front of her. “Oh, what happened?” “I’m sorry Miss, but we’re closed.” “Closing?” Jenny
looked at him suspiciously. “I thought Jerome said this bar was open 24 hours a day!” The boss reacted quickly and said
immediately, “That’s right Miss. You can continue to sleep. If you need anything, please call me at any time.” They used to open
24 hours a day until recently.
It must be unusual for someone to know so much about their bar and the boss behind it was CEO Cook, whom she called by his
first name. Thinking of this, the owner immediately called Jerome and said, “Mr. Cook, you have a friend in the bar. She seems to
be in a very bad state. Would you like to come over?” “My
friend?” Jerome wondered. Very few people went to this Qing bar. His friends used to go to the bar directly. How can someone
go there? “You send me a picture.” “Okay, Mr. Cook, hold on.” When Jerome received the photo on WeChat, his eyes widened in

disbelief. It’s a good thing he was nearby, just ten minutes away. When he was sure it was Jenny, he called Barret and asked:
“Your wife is in my bar.
“What?” Barret was also incredulous. “She’s not in a bar. She’s in the Meeting.” “Keep an eye on her. I’ll be right with you.” When
Barret arrived, Jenny was still asleep on her desk. Jerome, who was sitting at the
other table, walked up to him and said, “Let’s have a talk.” “Maybe next time.” Barret’s refusal was simple and direct. He walked
over to Jenny. Then bent down and held her whole body in his arms. Jenny did not open her eyes. She only moved her body
slightly and found a comfortable position in Barret’s arms and fell asleep. When they went out from the door, it was already a little

cold outside because it was late at night. The wind was blowing chilly.
Barret took off his coat and put it over Jenny. When they got home, it was early in the morning. Barret just put Jenny to bed but
she didn’t let go of his neck and held him tight. “Barret.” “Huh?” He immediately responded. He thought Jenny was calling him,
“Barret, bastard, why did you flirt with that woman.” “Bad guy, why do you divorce?” “You know what? I didn’t want to...” Jenny
fell asleep again before she could finish her sentence. Barret then removed her arm and set her down on the bed. Jenny rolled
over when
she touched the soft bed. It was also this turn that allowed Barret to see the cut on her ear, the red blood stain on the scar, even
though it was scabby. A few days ago she was wearing earrings, and her earlobes were white and small.
When did you get hurt? He didn’t know that. After putting some medicine on her ears, Barret bathed and lay down beside her.
The next day Jenny woke up and saw Barret lying next to her. For a long time, she was confused. She seemed to have gone to
Meet yesterday, and she remembered that she fell asleep somehow. Why did she wake up at home today? Jenny got out of the
shower and changed clothes just as Barret woke up. Jenny said first, “You go and wash up quickly. I have something to say to
you.” Barret nodded with his usual bland manner. Jenny went downstairs first. She prepared the divorce agreement, ID card and
some necessary information. She should have done this long ago, but it was delayed for a few days. After doing this, she looked
down at the ring on her hand.
“Jenny, Barret made this ring for me personally. It’s my size. It’s too small for you.” Barret wore a black shirt. He had been
married for a long time and usually wore white shirts or blue ones. But there was no denying that no shirt of any color can stop
his charm and appearance. After breakfast Jenny put the ring in front of Barret and asked him, “Do you know the size of my
ring?”10.”His answer was so spontaneous that he didn’t need to think about it. Jenny smiled. She slipped her hand under the
table and, with all her strength, removed the ring. When she took it off her hand, her skin was broken, becoming red and swollen.

But she felt no pain in her hand. Her heart was painful. Holding the ring in her other hand, she laid the paperwork out in front of
Barret. “Let’s go get divorcé at two p.m.”