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The Luna’s Choice by Kat Silver

Chapter 30
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Chapter 30: Ayla

My mind was all over the place by the time we pulled up to Kingston’s house. I nearly fell

on the stairs when I forgot about the boot on my leg and caught it on a step. Kingston

was there to catch me.

“Everything okay?” he asked. “You were pretty quiet on the ride home.”

I cleared my throat. “Yeah, sorry. It’s just been a big day.”

“I didn’t overwhelm you, did I?” Kingston rushed. “I just know that you’ve been going a bit

stir–crazy, and I thought this was a good opportunity for you to get back to work. I’m sorry

if just sprung it on you.”

“I mean, you did plan for it to be a surprise,” I said with a grin. “It’s fine. It was very

thoughtful. And you’re right. I have been going a little nuts in here. I’m very excited. This

was all great. Thank you.”


I chuckled. “No ‘but.‘ Really, I appreciate everything you’ve done for me.” I pushed up on

my toes and kissed him on the cheek.

“I’m happy to hear it. Now let me help you up the stairs.”

I rolled my eyes but let him take my arm and assist me into

the house.

“I think I’m going to go change,” said. “I’ll be back out in a





Chapter 30 Ayla


239 Macher

“Okay.” Kingston kissed me on the temple and headed toward the kitchen.

I went to my room and shut the door, taking a deep breath once I was alone. I wasn’t sure

exactly what I was feeling. I was definitely excited. That was the truth. I really liked Erica,

and from what I learned during our meeting, I admired the company that she had built. It

was just a big move to go from being an author to running an entire publishing house

within a matter of months.

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But it was a really great opportunity, and I was grateful that Kingston had set it up for me.

But maybe that was what was bothering me. Kingston had been so wonderful. But I felt

like this was being handed to me because the Alpha was asking for favors. I didn’t feel like

I had actually earned it.

I brushed off the feeling. I would have several months to earn my place there. It wasn’t

like I was completely handed the job and expected to take over on Monday. I still had time

to prove myself.

I changed into some loungewear and headed back into the living area. Kingston was

coming back in through the front door with a pile of mail in his hand. As he flipped through

the stack, his brow suddenly furrowed.

“What is it?” I asked.

“You have mail,” he said hesitantly, holding up a blue


“What?” No one outside of Sablemane knew I was here, and it wasn’t like I had any reason

to receive mail from anyone. I





Chapter 30: Ayla

took the envelope from Kingston and looked at it.

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It had my name on the front, but that was it no address, no postage. Now it was my turn

to furrow my brow. It was a dark blue, and for some reason, it looked familiar.

I opened the envelope, and there was a card inside. Pulling it out, there was a photo of a

nature scene on the front. I opened it to read what was inside, and my heart leaped into

my throat.

I guess you didn’t understand.

You weren’t supposed to find another.

Be smart, my love, and keep your distance.

Or you’ll force my hand.

You belong to me.

“Kingston,” I said, my eyes locked on the words in front of me.

He must have sensed my panic because he was at my side in seconds. He took the card

from my hand.

“What the f***?” Kingston pushed me toward my room. “Go to the bedroom and lock the


He must have realized the same thing I had. Whoever it was from had been here. They

had to have put it in the mailbox themselves. I moved toward my room but ended up

standing in the doorway until Kingston returned. He was on his phone when he came back


“Then they had to have masked their scent,” he said into the phone.





Chapter 30: Ayla

Whoever he was talking to responded.

“I don’t know. Just get here.”

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He hung up and came straight to me, immediately pulling me into his arms. “Do you have

any idea who could have sent that to you?”

“No,” I said, shaking my head.

He let me go and started to pace. “If Theo Arden is behind this, I swear to the goddess…”

“You don’t really think Theo had anything to do with this?”

“He obviously can’t let you go, Ayla,” Kingston snapped. “Who else could it be? I thought

he was stupid for rejecting you, bùt I didn’t think he was f***ing sadistic.”

I shook my head. That didn’t sound right. Sure, Theo may not have been happy to find out

that I was under Kingston’s protection now, but to send ominous messages? I doubted he

would go through that kind of trouble.

“I don’t think it was from him,” I said.

“Ayla, how can you think it wasn’t him?”

I rubbed my forehead, trying to clear all the thoughts running through my mind. I didn’t

think this was Theo. It just didn’t feel like him. He was more emotional, confrontational

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even, with his reactions. This… this was calculated.

And there was something familiar that kept nagging at me.

“Okay, for argument’s sake, if it’s not Theo, who else could it be? Could it be a fan or

someone from your old publishing



Chapter 30: Ayla

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house?” Kingston asked. “What about that friend of yours, Zeff? He wasn’t too happy that

you left him.”

“No, absolutely not. He wouldn’t do that,” I said. “Besides, I told him where I was. If he

wanted to take me back, he’d just come here and get me.”

“Okay, what about any fans?”

“That’s why we used a pen name and actor,” I said. “My publisher did a pretty good job

keeping my identity a secret. They still got a few creepy letters at the office every once in

a while, but as far as I know, nothing violent or anything like this.”

“Then Theo is our best guess,” Kingston insisted.

“Wait.” It hit me why the envelope was so familiar.

I rushed into my room to the desk and opened the top drawer. I had put some mail and

other papers in there when I had unpacked and just hadn’t bothered to go through it. Near

the bottom, I saw the same color blue peeking out.

“Here,” I said, pulling it out.

“Where did that come from?” he asked, taking it from my hands.

“I brought it with me when I left…”

Tearing it open, he pulled another card out, a different photo of nature on the outside. He

opened it, closing his eyes after reading the contents.

“What?” I grabbed the card, almost dropping the photo inside. it. I gasped when I saw it.



It was a picture of me and Zeff, but Zeff had been exed out. I returned to the card, reading

the message inside. returne

I’m glad you got rid of the mate

But this one has to go too.

No one else will have you.

You won’t be waiting long.