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The Consortium’s Heir by Benjamin_Jnr

Chapter 69
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Chapter 69 james Bruxce and Erin all had surprised expressions on their faces when they entered the room and saw Darins on the hospital

bed James in particular had the most surprised expression out of the three

"How severe are his injuries Jamnes asked in a choked voice The doctor glanced at him and sighed before answering in a professional

manner. "His ribs are fractured, his right and left arms are broken; his left leg is temporarily paralyzed after being shot with a poisoned bullet,

with risks of being permanently paralyzed, and his night ankle is fractured."

James closed his eyes for a brief moment after he heard the Doctor's answer. Alter a minute of silence, he asked the Doctor a question

" What are the chances of him surviving this ordeal?**

10%" The doctor answered

James closed his eyes again it was even worse than he expected A 10% chance meant that he had only one out often times to survive this


There was another moment of silence, as James krpt staring at Darius lying on the bed. He looked to be in deep thought after contemplating

for over five minutes, he let out an audible

"I guess that no choice" James muttered, before turning to Bruce with clear eyes.

"Arrange to hnehin transported to the Reid Mansion immediately." James ordered, and then turned to

the doctor

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"Thank you for your efforts I'll be taking my leave now " James said, before leaving the hospital room

Bruce immediately pot to work Erin offered to help with the transfer procedures, but Bruce turned her

down. Although he was shocked by James' sudden decision, he had no choice than to go along with it.

Soon enough, a luxurious ambulance van was prepared, after which Darius was wheeled into. With

everything set in place, the three luxury Rolls-Royce drove out of the hospital, with the ambulance

following suit.

The ride to the Reid mansion was quick and uneventful After one hour thirty minutes of driving, the

vehicles arrived at the Reid mansion

Darius was quickly wheeled on a stretcher into the room he stayed in during his previous visit to the

Reid mansion. Everyone was both confused and curious as to why James suddenly demanded for

Darius to be transported from the hospital to the mansion as it was obvious which the better choice for

Darius to stay was, but as James did not disclose the reason to them, they dared not voice their

disagreement with his choice.

After confirming that Darius was settled in properly. James went into his study. Before he entered, he

warned everyone not to disturb him no matter the situation.

Inside his study, James went over to his personal safe. He inputted the password to the code,

his fingerprint and scanned his right eye before the safe opened.

Usually a safe was supposed to contain either very important documents; huge sums of money or very

important jewels. However that wasn't the case when James opened the safe. Instead of the

aforementioned items to be inside the safe, all that was there was a single red button. James pressed

the button and a shocking thing happened.

The floor in the room suddenly gave way, revealing a stairway right in his study. James walked to

where the stairs appeared and descended down the stairs. He had built the stairs a while back; and it

led to a safe room where something very important was stored.

James walked for over five minutes after descending the stairs before appearing before arriving at a

gold plated door. He input his pass code and went through a series of biometrics verification; even

stricter than the ones he went through at first. It was only when he completed the last verification did

the door opened.

Although the interior of the safe room was luxuriously decorated and screamed opulence, the only thing inside the room was a tattered and

old book, and a bottle of clear golden liquid.

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James walked up to the where the items were kept in the centre of the room and picked up the bottle of golden liquid. He gazed at the bottle

of golden liquid with a complicated look in his eyes, before sighing. He started walking towards the exit, but glanced back at the tattered

book. After having an internal conflict with himself, he took the tattered book with him and exited the safe room.

The safe room was a room he had built to safeguard something very important. The bottle with the golden liquid was a very rare potion that

was in possession of the Reid family. The founder of the Reid family had saved a very prominent figure back in the days, so as a reward he

was handed twelve bottles that contained potions which could heal any injury, sickness or poison no matter how dangerous or severe the

injuries were, and a book that contained the procedures to follow to awaken Qi.

Over the course of the years, the bottles of potion were used only during extremely hopeless cases, such as the one James was facing now,

therefore reducing the amount of bottles from twelve to one.

When James saw how severely injured Darius was, he had no choice but to make use of the last bottle to cure him. Darius was the head of

the Reid family and his grandson, so he was even more inclined to use the bottle to save him.

After retrieving the items from the safe room, he ascended the staircase and walked back to his study room. He walked back to the safe and

pressed the red button, returning the state of the study to how it was before making his way to the room Darius was admitted.

His eyes scrunched up in worry when he saw how severe Darius' injuries were, and it tugged at his heart painfully. He then walked up to

where Darius lay and opened the bottle containing the golden liquid before forcing the contents of the bottle down Darius' throat.

After emptying the contents of the bottle, James kept the bottle on the bedside table and gazed at Darius with worry in his eyes. As James

expected, just three minutes after drinking the bottle, a series of miraculous events occurred.