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The Alpha's Curse The Enemy Within

Chapter 75
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Sheila's point of view

I was motionless. I couldn't move. I couldn't even mutter a word.

It was as if time itself had paused, stopping every motion around me.

My eyes didn't leave Ria's wolf that was being bitten by the enemy's pack wolf. It kept on attacking her,

its claws piercing through her neck. Her blood rushed down, smearing the earth. It didn't stop till Ria's

wolf stopped moving.

I gasped weakly, I felt a heavy thud in my chest. My legs suddenly went weak, about collapsing against

the bloody smeared earth. Still, I didn't pull my haze away from Ria's wolf form. She was…she was

dead. Ria was dead.

Suddenly, my surroundings began to come alive and the motion soon became normal. Loud growls

filled the air, wolves fighting against each other. Even with a few witches' help, we were still

surrounded. Breathless gasps of death invaded my ears as many eyes continued scanning around.

I watched as my people were being killed. Even worse, slaughtered like animals. One after the other,

they collapsed on the bloody earth, covered in their own blood, breathing their last. It sent a sharp pain

into my chest. I didn't know when a tear rolled down my cheek.

I gasped again at the sharp piercing that went into my chest, my stomach, and every part of my body.

The pain was something I had never felt before, but it didn't last long as an unstoppable force began to

beat within me. My legs began to tremble, my hands soon started trembling. But that was the least of

my concern, I was so preoccupied with what was going on around me that I didn't realize that I was

surrounded by some wolves, and one of them lunged at me.

The next thing I felt was a hand on my wrist, and I was being tossed backward. My eyes fell on Allen

bleeding. He was bleeding profusely from his neck, chest, arms, and head. He wasn't even healing. His

weak gaze penetrated my eyes, and he whispered helplessly. "Run! The Alpha —" before he could

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even finish his words, sharp claws sank into him from behind, puncturing through him so that the wolf's

claws came out on the other side.

Allen groaned. I watched in horror as blood spilled from Allen's lips, his almost lifeless gaze was still on

mine. He couldn't speak but his eyes were urging me to run, pleading with me to save myself and flee

from this place.

As the wolf retracted his claws from Allen, he stumbled to the ground but I reached for him before he

crashed against the earth. He fell right into my arms. His blood smeared my dress and his body had

begun to lose its warmth. With one last weak glance at me, the gate of his eyes jammed shut, and he

was dead. Allen was dead.

The wolves that surrounded me growled in victory, and their eyes narrowed on me as if informing me I

am next. Adie groaned in pain in my head.

I looked around, and almost all our pack warriors were dead, somewhere deep within me something

began to push its way out. I felt only rage and pain. The two emotions were pumping in my veins,

blending with the rhythm of the new force that had been growing in the pit of my stomach.

I groaned in pain, crumbling to the ground, even Adie was writhing in pain as well. This pain was

different, it wasn't at all physical. It was something I couldn't describe. I felt an electric charge within

me, spreading from the cave of my chest to my entire body. My senses became heightened, and the

sounds around me were sharper and louder. I could feel foreign energy that escaped the earth, it was

powerful, almost magical. The air also carried similar energy, in a sick and weird way it was as if it

made me feel alive. Like they were the very source I needed, craved for, and denied all my life.

My nails dug into the earth, feeling the enormous power that seeped from it, and it felt as though I was

sucking it all. I couldn't control my body again. It was on overdrive. My eyes were closed, but I felt the

heavy steps of the wolves that rushed toward me, their aura was dark and impure. They were almost at

me when the rage and pain I felt fused up into one, and my eyes pushed open, torching a bright shade

of blue.

The enormous power I felt from the earth and the air danced around me, and I released a loud scream

that sent everyone flying. The energy from it could literally be felt. Suddenly, the darkness around

covered the earth and the sky. My scream held so much power that went around the pack, causing so

much destruction and chaos. And I couldn't even stop it. The earth began vibrating beneath me, and

the air around me adopted a certain roughness as it began spiraling out of control. The darkness that

held the sky disappeared, and the sky became red. From the middle, a full moon emerged, blending in

with the color of the red sky. It became a blood moon.

The whole pack was covered with a red mist. I stopped screaming, but the force inside of me kept on

pumping harder and more violently. I felt the chaos within me. It seemed like whatever was happening

within me was the cause of the earth's destruction, and the violent movement of the air as it grew

worse. I wasn't in control of my body, and the forced pumping within me finally broke free.


Kaiser Black's point of view

My heart was beating so fast in my chest. I was in my gargantuan gray wolf, racing through the thick

forest with some of my warriors from the Black Blood Pack. We moved through the shortest path there

was to get to the Crescent North Pack.

Word was sent to me that the Crescent North Pack was under attack and today was the Council's

meeting, many of the ranking members and warriors from each pack attended, leaving the pack more

vulnerable than ever.

Honestly, I didn't give a double fuck about them. They could all burn for all I care. My concern was for

the Alpha's mate, Sheila. The prophesied one, and my little sister. She was all that I cared for. I couldn't

stop the fear that kept stabbing my chest just at the thought of harm coming to her. I wouldn't be able to

bear it.

This was exactly what I always warned my brother, Leo, about. Sheila was in much more danger in that

pack. That bloody fool of an Alpha had many enemies, and this wasn't good for Sheila as she would be

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their target to get back at Killian Reid.

We just crossed into the Crescent North Pack borders from the mountains. We kept racing, taking a

quick path that led to the castle. We were almost there when a strong wave of energy hit us. It sent

every one of my warriors flying, and it almost had me too, but I was quick to root my paws firmly into

the ground.

Fuck! I didn't need any damned shaman to tell me who just released such an enormous wave of

energy. I could feel it. It had to be Sheila. That force carried its energy from the air and the earth. She

must have channeled it.

I didn't know if I should feel proud of her or worried. She didn't have any memories from her childhood,

and hadn't practiced in a long time but was still able to channel something this powerful. She was

indeed a Black in every way.

I turned to my warriors. "Hurry! Find the Luna at once!" I ordered through the mind link as every one of

the warriors scattered around the pack to search for Sheila. Only a few in the Black Blood Pack really

knew Sheila's true identity, and it had to stay that way.

I continued heading to the castle. I could already see the outline of the castle from afar when the sky

turned black, the earth beneath me began to vibrate, and the air was violent.

Soon, the darkness in the sky evaded, leaving a red sky, with a full moon in the middle, also red. This

was unusual. A blood moon. It wasn't supposed to appear today.

Fucking hell! No. No. This was bad. The only time a blood moon had appeared abruptly in the sky was

the night the prophecy about the white wolf, also the prophesied one appeared on the crystal stones.

And it also appeared abruptly on the night that child was born, my sister. An unusual blood moon

signified her.

This was bad. This was exactly what Leonardo fought against. With this, every fucking person in our

realm will come to know the prophesied one still lives, and that includes the Dark Circle.

Bloody hell.