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The Alpha's Curse The Enemy Within

Chapter 19
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Chapter 19 Nineteen

Sheila's point of view

This is really bad.

Killian's angry eyes were on me, showing nothing but hate and utter disbelief.

I watched in confusion and horror as Mason approached Killian with the crossbow and arrow.

Killian's unfeeling eyes were on me again, after he inspected the arrow with the one in his hands.

"It's poisoned," he said, with hooded eyes.

"And those don't belong to me. It belongs to someone else. A man. He had his face covered, so I

couldn't see his face properly. I walked in on him while he was shooting this—" I dragged on, my

heartbeat skyrocketing when I noticed the incredulous look everyone seemed to be throwing my way.

They couldn't possibly think I would really murder Killian, right? I mean, with Thea, that might have

been a possibility, but with Killian, I would never.

"Even though I couldn't see the face of whoever shot that, he had the crescent mark on his wrist," I

finished, but Killian's cold gaze was filled with a rotten glare.

His fine lips pressed against each other angrily. "So, now you say, one of my own tried to murder me?"

His words came slowly.

I nodded, still noticing the incredulous looks everyone threw at me.

The air became quiet. Killian and I gazed hard at each other. There was a defined look of pain in his

eyes that killed me.

A ranking pack member stalked forward. "It's obvious that's a lie. All I see is a resentful Luna who

despised her mate so much that she tried to murder him. That's regarded as treason, and she must be


I froze, shaking my head, denying all the allegations against me. I needed Killian to believe me, even

when no one did. He should believe me.

"Killian I would never—"I moved closer to him, but the warriors drew in closer, preventing me from

reaching my mate.

"That isn't mine, there was another person." I began, my voice shattering every second as I realized

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how serious things were getting.

"Why would you do something like that? I do understand that you hate me, but murdering your own

mate is beyond forgiveness." Thea moved to Killian's side. I hadn't even noticed her until she spoke.

She was clutching her right hand, which was bleeding. "What if Killian was hurt instead? Have you no

regard for your people?"

I balled my hands at her words. She was only saying stupid things to make me look more guilty. If it

was another time, I would have answered her back, but now wasn't the time.

"This is treason, an attempt on the Alpha's and Thea's life. If something happened to any of them, it'd

be the end for everyone in the Crescent North Pack. " One of the pack's ranking wolves spoke, while

the others concurred in an uproar. They were all furious, sending wicked glares at me.

"I would never try to harm my own mate. Someone else was here. He had his face covered." I silenced

their uproar, my gaze never leaving Killian. "I'm falsely accused." I needed him to know that I could

never hurt him, let alone attempt to murder him. But the look on his face told me he didn't believe me.

"Killian, I swear I didn't–" I couldn't help the tears that had begun to form in my eyes.

Thea stepped forward. "Stop lying, you want me dead. You also want Killian dead."

Gosh. I wanted nothing more than to send a slap across her face. She should just shut the hell up.

"Enough!" At Killian's voice, everyone went quiet.

"What do we do, Alpha?" one of the ranking members asked, all eyes falling on Killian.

"That question is irrelevant. An attempt on the alpha's life is punishable by death regardless of who

committed the crime. She should be executed immediately! " Another one shouted. It was

heartbreaking how they all seemed to want me dead.

By now, tears had begun to stream down my eyes, as I connected my gaze to Killian's.

"Alpha?" Allen stepped closer to Killian, whose gaze held mine unmovingly.

"Take her!" came Killian's words. "To the dungeon, she will be punished for her crimes."

I could barely believe the words as they left Killian's lips. He turned his back on me, leaving with Thea

in his arms. The other pack members seemed displeased at his words, but they nodded, staring at me

with angry eyes.

Mason gestured to some warriors, and they grabbed me. I didn't even bother fighting.

I was taken to the familiar Pack's dungeon and tossed inside like I was a common criminal.

The tears that welled up in my eyes began to fall carelessly. The look in Killian's eyes hurt me even

more than his lack of trust in me. I know he didn't care about me, but I was still his mate. How could he

possibly believe that I was capable of harming him in any way?

The hurtful look in Killian's eyes haunted my thoughts, causing me to shed more tears. I didn't know

how long I had been down here, but it felt like forever.

The door creaked open. Allen and two warriors appeared. One of the warriors, I recognized as Rowan,

stepped in.

I pulled my teary eyes up to meet Allen's gaze. He didn't say anything to me, but I knew they all

believed I tried to murder my own mate.

"Take Luna out!" Allen sounded.

Rowan and the other warrior moved to my side, but before they reached for my arm, I was up on my

two legs, shaking.

"W-Where are you taking me to?" I could tell my voice held my fear. An attempt on the life of an Alpha

is considered treason, and the penalty is instant death. I wanted to know my fate.

Allen stopped moving. He turned to meet my gaze.

"What is going to happen to me?" I asked as a tear rolled from my eyes.

"I am sorry, I do not know. Alpha Killian hasn't made a decision on that yet. He turned to the warriors,

"Take her."

I was led out of the dungeon with both warriors on my side. We were almost at the entrance that led out

of the dungeon when Killian's huge figure approached us.

Everyone stiffened, bowing to him. His dark eyes were solely on me, scorching my very soul.

"Leave us!" He ordered, his tone cold and his gaze lifeless. Allen, Rowan, and the other warrior exited

from where Killian came from, leaving just my mate and me.

I pressed my lips to speak, but Killian moved faster. His hands gripped my shoulder, pressing me

against the wall. It was a firm yet gentle hold on my body. His face inches closer to mine, his eyes

peering right into my soul as if wanting to pry the answers from my very soul.

I watched him with teary eyes. "Killian, please believe me. I wasn't the one who shot at you."

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He seemed to be studying me carefully. "Then who did?" He asked in a hushed whisper. Even though

his lips were inches away from mine, I clung to my sanity. I need it now more than ever.

"There was another man. He had the mark of —-"

He cut me off roughly. "Enough with that lie. There's no way one of my own would try to take my life

knowing they'd meet the same fate as me if something bad happened." Killian wasn't yelling, but his

words held rage and irrefutable frustration.

The same frustration that began to eat through me. This wasn't the first time I heard a repeat of Killian's

words. A ranking member uttered similar words as well. How would everyone suffer the same fate if

something were to happen to Killian? And how is Thea involved in all of this?

Killian must have noticed I zoned out on him. His large thumb pulled my face to him.

"Tell me the truth now. Why on earth, Sheila? Why would you even think of murdering me?" I saw the

pain and rage that flashed in his eyes. But I wasn't liking my situation anymore than he was.

"Anyone who dared attempt what you did would have had his head ripped out the second he was

caught. Why did you have to put me in such a situation to choose between you and... " He paused, his

broken stare holding mine. I waited for his words, but nothing came. Only a careless sigh escaped his


"Why do you think I tried to murder you? Yes, I despise you and that whore, but believe me, I'm

incapable of murdering, especially my own mate. Killian, I swear I didn't do it. " I began sobbing.

"Someone else was there. I didn't see his face, but he was the one that shot that arrow."

"How on earth do you expect me to believe you? I didn't see any other person there."

"You have to. Because he had the Crescent mark on his wrist, he was a member of this pack," I

repeated my words, sincerely praying to the moon goddess that he believed me.

I couldn't tell the meaning of the look he held. But Killian kept staring at me, then slowly shook his

head, releasing me from his hold.

"For your actions, Sheila Callaso, you will be confined in your room until the Pack's court and I come to

a decision on what to do with you."

With one last glance, he left me. Allen and the warriors returned and led me back to my chamber. I

await my fate.