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The Alpha Who Saved Me

Chapter 92
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We are almost back to the pack house when I feel Tala stir. She's about to shift, I can feel it, so I jump off Rani just in the nick of
time. Tala bursts free and starts running in another direction. Trying to take control back is impossible so I yell at my wolf,
continuously, trying to get her to stop or tell me what's going on. I' ve never seen her like this before; she's never ignored an
order from me, let alone ignore me completely.
I'm in the middle of telling Tala to turn back to the Pack house when I sense him; our heartbeats syncing with one another.
Declan. Just as I think his name, his wolf, Duke appears and stops right in front of us. I look behind up when I hear other paws
pounding the earth, and see Rani come to a stop. She drops to the ground and shifts back into Cici.
"What the hell Tala?" My friend lectures my wolf, but then I watch. as Cici's eyes widen as she looks between Duke and Luna,
"Oh, my Goddess, you two are beautiful together! You look so...regal!"
Tala and Duke rub their heads together before finally giving me and Declan control again, "Quinn, I'm sorry. I don't know what
came over Duke; I had no control over him."
I chuckle, "Funny you should say that because it was the same with Tala. She's been acting strange lately and then today; she
just completely disregarded every order that I gave her."
Cici throws Declan a pair of shorts and me a shirt, "That was the strangest thing that I've ever seen, that's for sure, but you
should really see the two of you together when in wolf form. It's like you belong together; you match each other perfectly."
A nervous chuckle bubbles up, "Oh, Goddess Cici, you need to lay off the romance s." I begin my trek back to the pack
house, "You might as well join us for dinner since you're here." I glance back at Declan.
"Are you sure you don't mind? I really am sorry about the intrusion." The Alpha apologizes again.
"Oh, zip it Declan. You know that you're always welcome here. Besides, I want to talk to you about a couple of things."
"Alright then, lead the way, ladies." He grins and waits for both me and Cici to lead the way back.
"So, you're thinking Lila bugged your office way back then?" I ask as I think back to when I still lived with the Storm River pack,
and I nod my head, "It makes total sense, I think you may be right."

"But why did she feel the need to bug the place back then?" Gavin poses this question as he rocks Ash in one arm and takes a
bite of his dinner with the other.
The five of us are sitting at the dining table up in the Alpha suite. I figured we would have more privacy here, so we can talk

about. certain things, even if it doesn't have to do with this pack specifically. We do have Cici and Spencer with us, because as
my Beta couple, they should know everything going on as well.
"I think she may have done it after I broke things off with her," Declan explains, "She didn't take it too well, and even accused me
of having someone else already, which wasn't true at all. She came to me a few days later and we were talking in my office, but
then I got called away for a few minutes, that must have been she planted it," He rubs his hand down his face and sighs, "When I
came back, she had tears in her eves, and I felt really bad. I tried comforting her and then things got heated and well, that was
last time I had been with her intimately and must have been when I knocked her up even though we used a condom. One that
she had brought." He growls realizing what that means.
"It sounds to me that she had a plan set in motion when she went to you that day, and you played into it, just like she knew you.
would." Gavin scowls.
"Well, no shit..." Declan starts but I cut him off.
"It's done and there isn't anything we can do about it now. All we can do is figure out how we can get the Elders to see for
themselves that they are hurting one of the strongest packs by allowing Lila to continue as the Luna. What about Langly?" I bring
up the other part in all this mess, "I don't think he had any part in me getting pregnant. Did you see his face when you brought
him to me when I was in labor? You used your Alpha command on him, and he still denied it. He isn't strong enough to fight your
command, Declan."
The Alpha sighs again, "I know, I was thinking the same thing, but I know that I smelled him on Lila. Once I thought about the
scent, I knew it was him."
"Okay, so she slept with him, but that doesn't mean he's part of it, or at least he knows that he is part of it. Lila is a manipulator;
more than likely she is using him to get close enough to have access to things."
"So, what you're saying is that I probably shouldn't boot Langly out." He stares right at me, and I nod..

"I don't think he should be punished that way just because he was duped by a she-wolf, especially if it's because of what I'm
"What are you thinking, baby?" Gavin takes my hand and rubs his thumb back and forth.
"I think Lila and Langly are mates."
Declan begins to choke on his food, and Spencer, who is sitting right beside him, slaps him on the back. The Alpha takes a drink
of water and then a few breaths before addressing my comment.
"You think that my Luna has a mate?"

I lift a brow, "Since when do you call her your Luna?"
He rolls his eyes, "You know what I mean. I'm an Alpha, and as much as I don't want her to be, the fact remains that she is my
Luna, therefore, she belongs to me. If my Luna is sleeping with the doctor, he still needs to be punished, mates or not, it's
considered treason in my eyes."
I begin to get furious with Declan, "Dr. Langly has been a good doctor to your pack, and he saved both me and my pup! He can't
help the mate pull, Declan, and we both know that Lila is using that against him. I don't know why she hasn't rejected him, but I
don't think he should be punished as bad as what you are obviously thinking he should be!"
Declan flinches, "I didn't realize that you felt so strongly for the doctor." He says snidely.
I glare at the Alpha, "That is not the reason why I'm standing up for him, and you know it! I'm tired of that bitch, who YOU brought
into all of our lives, ruin another good person!" I stand up, throwing my napkin on the table as I do.
Both Gavin and Declan say my name, but 'm too pissed to answer either of them. I hear Gavin grumble, "Thanks for putting her
in a bad mood. Now I have to deal with it!"
I feel bad for Gavin, and I promise myself that I will not take it out. on him later, but right now, I can't be around anyone. Making
my way down to the second floor where my office is, I slam the door closed behind me as I pace back and forth, biting my nail.
'Lila will go down for everything she has done. We will make sure of it.' Tala growls, 'She won't get away with taking what is ours!'
I roll my eyes, 'How many times do I have to tell you that Declan and Mace do not belong to us!'

My wolf grunts, 'Goddess, you are so stubborn!' She then goes back to her corner, leaving me with my own thoughts.
"Look who's talking!" I say out loud, "You're more stubborn than I am!" I get a scoff from my wolf, but then silence.
I go to my window and lean against it, watching the pack pups kick around a ball at the nearby park while their moms sit on
benches. conversating with one another. A small smile dances across my face as I think about how they seem so carefree at the
moment. I wish I could feel that way.
A knock sounds at my door and Gavin peeks his head in, "Is it safe to enter?" He gives me his drop-dead-gorgeous smile and I
"Lock the door behind you." I order as I feel my desire start to build. We haven't had sex since Ash was born and it's about time
that we rectify that, and now is as good a time as any; it will help melt the stress away. Without saying a word, I pull my shirt up
over my head and push my leggings down, stepping out of them before tossing them to the side. I'm now standing here in just
my bra and panties. Placing one hand on my hip, I raise a brow, "Are you going to just stand there or are you going to get naked
and come fuck me?"
Dividing into pages now
Here you go peeps! I hope you enjoyed this chapter. I know there will be comments concerning some things said and I'm dying
to read them!
Waiting for the next chapters? Go read my title The Vampire's Hellion - The Elite, the 1st book in an 11-book series and also the
very first book I ever wrote! =)