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The Alpha Who Saved Me

Chapter 65
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When I come back from tossing the used condom away, Quinn is wearing my shirt and sitting in the

window seat, staring out into the darkness. I walk over to her and run my fingers through her beautiful

auburn locks.

"Why?" It's all she says without looking at me. I can feel her emotions all over the place as I kneel on

the floor beside her. When I try drawing her into my arms, she pulls away, "No. Please answer my


"Quinn, I'm not sure how to explain it without you getting upset with me." I try holding her once more,

but she isn't having it.

"Well, then I guess there isn't anything more to say to one another." She states as she stands up,

pulling my shirt over her head and tossing it at me, "Don't let the door hit you on the way out."

Now I'm pissed, I stand and grab her arm wanting to hold her back, so I can try and explain, but she

takes hold of my wrist, and next thing I know, I'm flying through the air and slamming into the closet

door all the way across the room. I drop to the floor, stunned momentarily.

"Oh, my Goddess! I'm so sorry, Gavin." Quinn is kneeling next to me, a look of worry written all over her


"For fuck's sake, Quinn, what the hell was that?" I ask rolling my right shoulder around since it took

most of the impact.

"I don't know, I swear! I was just going to yank your hand off my arm." She stares wide-eyed at me as

she tries helping me up, but I brush her off. There is already enough damage done to my ego without

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needing her help in getting up off the floor. "Please, let me help you, Gavin."

"Why, so you can throw me to that side of the room this time?" I try giving her an annoyed look, but a

smirk takes its place, and then I chuckle. Instead, I pull her down to my lap, "You need to listen to me,

Quinn. I want to claim you as my chosen more than anything, but I think you need to make sure that it's

what you really want."


"No," I cut her off, "I saw the way you looked at my cousin earlier. I want you to make sure that you

aren't just choosing me because you can't have him, and I feel like that is exactly what you're doing."

"Do you think I'm fucking you too because I can't fuck him?" She jumps from my lap and then covers

her nakedness with a robe hanging over her vanity chair.

"That's not what I mean, Quinn..."

"No? It sounds like the same thing..."

"Stop being like this, please."

"How am I supposed to be when the man I said that I wanted to choose to be my mate, my Alpha, tells

me that he isn't going to accept me. What have we been doing all this time, Gavin?"

"Quinn, I just don't want you to regret anything. How fair is that to me. I don't want to have to worry if

you're going to hate me in the future because you tied yourself to me."

"Fine, we can wait, Gavin. I'm sorry that you feel this way, but I do love you, and I'm willing to wait just

to make sure it's what I want, for your sake."

"I'm doing this more for you, Quinn."

"Let's just agree to disagree on this." She states and then crawls back onto my lap, straddling my legs

and taking my mouth with hers.

My cock stirs right away as soon as her pussy brushes against it. I pull away, briefly, "Uh, can we go

back to the bed now, because if we don't get off the floor in the next few seconds, I'm going to take you

right here, and the protection is across the room."

Her cute little giggle makes me smile as I pick her up while I stand. She takes my lips once more and

I'm a goner for the rest of the night. Letting her explore every part of my body, I'm a slave to the Alpha

of the Dark Moon pack.

I'm called back to my pack first thing in the morning. When I arrive, I furrow my brows because

Declan's family jeep is parked out front of the pack house. I let out a heavy sigh, knowing exactly what

this is going to be about, so I take my time in getting out of my vehicle. and making my way to my

office. My cousin hasn't stepped foot on Blue River territory since my father made him swear the oath.

He's standing in the window over-looking the front of the house, so he knows that I took my time, but I

don't really care at this point. I walk around my desk and move a few things around, just making it look

like I have things to be doing.

"What can I help you with, cousin?" I don't bother looking at him because I know that he is still looking

out the window.

"I think you know why I'm here."



"And why exactly are you here about the Alpha of Dark Moon?"

Suddenly, he loses the stern voice, "I wanted to be the one to make her happy, and I know that I would

have, but I fucked up." He finally glances my way, "I want your word that you will not hurt her, and that

you will strive every day to make her the happiest that she can be."

What he says is definitely unexpected and all I can do is nod. After a short stare down between us, I

finally speak, "I told her that I'm not going to accept her offer, at least not yet."

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"Are you fucking crazy? Why would you do a stupid thing like that?" His anger begins to rise, so I raise

my hand to stop whatever it is that he's about to say.

"She's still in love with you, Declan. I don't want her making a decision that she's going to regret later


"Didn't you spend the night there, though? Don't tell me that you needed to get one last fuck in before

telling her!" His hands curl into tight fists, and I have to roll my eyes.

"We didn't breakup, Declan, and I resent the fact that you would even think I would treat her that way!"

He shrugs, "You have been a fuck boy for as long as I can remember, Gavin. Why wouldn't I think

that?" He growls.

"Quinn is different, and you know it! As for making her happy, that isn't something that anybody needs

to ask me to do, because that'

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s all I want to do, which is why, I'm willing to wait until I know that she won't regret wearing my mark."

My cousin's jaw ticks, and I know he is holding back words that he wants to say in anger, but he's also

trying to accept everything. I really do hope that we can get past our difference because I know that

Declan is a great guy and an amazing Alpha. I want to have a relationship with him for all those

reasons, but most of, because of Quinn. I don't want to be a thorn in his side when Quinn wants to go

see him because I will never get in the way of their friendship.

Sticking my hand out, I wait for him to shake it, "I promise not to hurt her and to always do my best to

make her happy."

My cousin's lips go into a tight, straight line, and he nods before taking my hand and shaking it. I do

believe that this may be the start to us mending our relationship, but I won't get my hopes up.

Awe, do you think that Declan and Gavin can really have a good relationship? =)