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The Alpha Who Saved Me

Chapter 212
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Chapter 62
Mom’s eyes widen with understanding, but I place my finger over my lips. Only my mom and Aunt Quinn hear my little secret and
I can see the excitement in both of their eyes. I look up at my mates and they’re all smiling as well. I’m not sure what has our
father’s attention but none of them hear my bit of news. It’s just as well, though, they will be too over- protective had they heard.
Bea pops in, “The council is here!”
I nod at all three of my aunts and they do their part, the amulets glowing around their wrists as they hold the wall. Their hands
are linked while their eyes are closed. You can see their lips moving as they chant silently. I feel the wards come down, but the
new ones go up automatically, trapping the enemy between the invisible wall and the border.
“Do it now!” I tell our parents.
They all take the daggers to our hands and slice them in the center of each palm. The sting is nothing as the blade releases the
blood from within. We automatically form a circle as we grasp each other’s hands. As our blood drips to the ground, we begin the
chant, softly at first, but as I start to feel a warmth deep inside of me, my voice gets louder, as does my
Opening my eyes, I can see a golden hue radiating off my skin, and each of my mates have their own hue as well.
Decker’s is a black shimmery color, Holden’s is a white shimmery, and Asher’s is a red one. It’s like smoke as it filters to the
center of our circle and joins together, mixing the colors together before they move upward.
The wind picks up all around us and the ground begins to rumble beneath our feet. Screams can be heard from the Shikari as
one by one I can see them in my mind, dropping to their knees. They scramble, trying to take hold of their magic that seeps out
from their chests and gets sucked back into the earth. It’s too much for some and they drop, taking their last breath on foreign
soil. I can’t feel sorry for them, they chose this path and now they must suffer the consequences.
We are only about three quarters of the way through when I start to feel myself waver. Both Holden and Decker hold tightly onto
me, keeping me from collapsing. All of a sudden, I feel a burst of energy rush through me, and I stand up on my own, my voice
loud and clear until the very last Shikari has been syphoned.

“I felt that! The power surge that went through you; was
I cut Decker off, “Yes, that was the pup.” I grin.
“I don’t mean to rain on anyone’s parade,” Uncle Declan says as he hurries over, “But we should probably get to the border so

we can drop the wall and see what happens.”
“You’re right,” Holden speaks up, “Ledger and Spencer, will you grab the prisoner and bring him with you? Try not to kill him on
the way over.” My mate chuckles.
“Ten-four, Alpha.” Both of my dad’s say it in unison.
It’s so weird hearing them refer to my mates as Alpha but I guess I had better get used to it. Just like I’m their Luna, but I know I
will always be their baby first and foremost. Both of my father’s kiss me on the head, congratulating me for
accomplishing what we set out to do. Everyone always wants their parents praise and I’m not different. Warmth floods me when I
hear each of them and then they are gone, heading to go get Colin.
‘Are you ready, Em?’ Kiki asks anxiously.
Looking back at my mates, I see that they’ve already shifted and are only waiting on me, ‘Yes Kiki, I’m ready.’
We shift and then the four of us race to the border where everyone else is at. There’s only about half of the Shikari still standing.
According to the other territories, none of the hunters showed up there, they were all here, and by the looks of it, I’d say that
there were maybe two thousand, but less than a thousand remain standing. None of the council members stood a chance; they
were too old to take the loss of their magic as it was syphoned out. Magic was all they knew; it was like a mate losing their other
half, only the Shikari were too greedy and only loved their magic.
Out of all the men standing, there is one woman, and it’s one I know because I could never forget her face. Kiki growls and bares
her teeth at the woman. The hunters stand huddled together, scared shitless with so many wolves surrounding them and there
isn’t anything that they can do about it. The wall is now down and so Kiki walks slowly towards the woman like she’s stalking her.
I have to give it to Layla; she may be scared but she doesn’t back down.
“Kiki, please don’t!” We hear a familiar voice behind us and

turn to see Bea standing there with pleading eyes.
‘It’s her sister, Kiki. We can’t harm her; Bea has done so much
for us.’
‘Ugh, fine!’ My wolf turns back to Layla and snarls at her one last time, making the woman jump and then trip over her own feet,
landing herself on her ass. Kiki laughs out loud surprising
the woman and other Shikari around her.
We go back to our mates who have already shifted back. Asher holds an over-sized shirt out for me, “Thank you, baby.” Kiki says
and licks him up the cheek before taking the shirt between her teeth and going behind a tree.
“You’re welcome, little wolf.” He chuckles and wipes all the
slobber from his face.

When I come back out from behind the tree, I see Bea walking over to her sister. Layla’s eyes are wide with recognition,
“Hello, Layla. It’s been a long time.” Bea states.
Layla throws herself at her older sister and hugs her tight, “Father said that you were dead!”
“I was dead, to him. He disowned me when I left for a better life. He sent men after me, and it wasn’t until I came here to America
that I could finally be free.” Bea explains.
“You left me...”
“I tried to take you with me, Layla; you refused. You were too enamored with the Head Shikari at that time, and couldn’t wait until
you could join his harem. Tell me, Layla, was it all
you ever dreamed of?”
“H-He gave me my son.” Layla stammers.
“Oh yes, a son who is now going to lose his life all because of his sick perversions over his own niece.” Bea spats.

“What? No, they can’t kill him! He’s my baby!” The woman looks to me, pleading with her eyes.
At that moment, my own mother steps forward and puts her arm around my shoulders, “And what about my baby? The one you
hit and kicked, leaving bruises all over her body? What about my baby that you were going to allow to be raped by her uncle,
your own son?” Rani, my mother’s wolf comes forward and growls.
I place my hand on hers, allowing my aura to seep in and calm her down. I smile at her, thanking her for standing up for me. I
turn back to Layla and then point to my aunts, “Did you and Colin know that he also had three sisters?”
Layla has a strange look upon her face as she stares at all three women, “How, by who?”
“By me,” my grandmother states as she steps forward, “His mate, the woman he a kept secret for years because he couldn’t give
me up.”
“That’s a lie, Marko had no woman! Why would he hide you?” Layla scoffs.
“Because I’m a shifter and it was forbidden, but he didn’t care. My son, our son, had to wear a silver bracelet for years in order to
keep his wolf at bay. Had my son not killed Marko, I would still be living in the basement at the Hastings Family
“Y-You were the one that lived down there?” Layla asks disbelievingly.
“Yes, me and my three daughters, for about twenty-four, years.” My grandmother’s voice hardens, “You call my son a traitor, but
you were in love with one your whole life and you fathered his son.” My fathers are just getting to the border with Colin still in
chains as she ends her sentence.
“Mother?” Colin calls out.
“Don’t listen to anything they say! Everything out of their mouths are lies!” He sneers.
My aunt Sasha, who is right around the same age as Colin steps out in front of him and Colin’s eyes go as round as saucers.
Gasps throughout the Shikari are heard all around, “No, it can’t be!” Colin himself gasps at what is almost his mirror image in
female form.