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Resurrecting the Genius Within

Chapter 247
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Resurrecting the Genius Within Chapter 248 Distress.

Her slender arm had a gash, and he didn't dare apply any pressure, even though her wrist was far from the wound.

Her hand had just been in water, and it was freezing.

With a handkerchief, George carefully wiped the blood and water near her wound. He asked, "Are you hurt anywhere else?" He tried to calm himself and regained his composure. However, his voice and hands had been trembling uncontrollably from earlier.

George glanced at Isabelle and asked, “Why aren't you talking? Does it hurt much? Hold on; I'll take you back to the camp and get treated. Sorry, I ctoo late. George's voice was filled with guilt.

She still remained silent.

George looked at her again. Most of the time, he was expressionless, but now his face showed all his anxiety and concern.

Isabelle looked at him, wiping the blood off her wound, then turned her head in the direction of the labyrinth building. Finally, she spoke.

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Her tone was calm as usual, without any emotion, as if nothing had happened. Isabelle said, "It seems like there's a fierce power struggle for territory here. Now that Spadille is dead, I'll give you his territory as a birthday gift.

George paused his movement and looked up at her.

Isabelle noticed his dark eyes. She saw the emotions swirling and rising inside her, threatening to drown her.

The next moment, George pulled her into a tight embrace. His usually restrained feelings are now out of control. He kept tightening his arms around her, ignoring the blood seeping from his own wounds.

Without a stethoscope, Isabelle could hear his rapid heartbeat.

Everything seemed to align perfectly for the moment. Even an idiot would know it was the best tto say something, but George just held her without saying a word. He felt there was no need for words.

He softly called her name, "Isabelle." Her eyelashes fluttered slightly, but her face remained indifferent.

Even though he said nothing, it felt like he had said everything.

It's not necessary to express all feelings to understand them. Sometimes, a look, a smile, or a sudden. change in address can convey everything.

Despite their short acquaintance and limited alone time, George was aware of her slowness in matters of the heart. George didn't know her well enough, and their interactions had always been superficially polite.

Just a few days ago, they had shared a bed, and George had to speak plainly, fearing she wouldn't 1/3 Chapter 248 Distress But now, George felt a sense of unspoken understanding. She didn't need to respond; it was enough that she knew.

He asked hoarsely, “Can I ask for another birthday gift?" After a moment, she responded, "What is it?" George said, "No matter what, take good care of your life.

After another pause, she replied, "Okay. But you were very noisy just now." Her bluntness made George laugh despite himself, the tension easing. He said, "I know, I know you're better than him." But he was still worried.

George calmed down and released her, using the handkerchief to bandage her wound.

Isabelle noticed his sleeve felt heavy, as if soaked. Clearly, he wasn't using his arm properly.

Following her instincts, she touched his sleeve and found it warm with blood.

She had assumed that the smell of blood was from her own injuries.

George said, "It's nothing serious, not as bad as yours." Isabelle picked up the dagger nearby and swiftly cut off his sleeve, revealing the blood-stained white shirt beneath and the faintly visible wound.

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Both had sustained arm slashes, and their injuries were on their right arms. Her wound was vertical, while George's was horizontal, probably from blocking an attack.

Isabelle rose to her feet and helped him to stand. She saidm “Let's go back to the base and treat our wounds." She turned and started walking ahead.

After a few steps, George caught up and draped a coat over her shoulders.

They drove back together.

Their wounds kept bleeding, but they seemed more concerned about each other's injuries.

"When did you find out?" George suddenly asked.

Both were smart and had a mutual r seemingly understanding. George's seemingly random question was understood by Isabelle as referring to his identity as For the arms dealer's boss.

George had arranged for Seth, Lowe, and other subordinates to go tom Spadille's territory for support without consulting Isabelle. After Shadowblade ambushed Isabelle and fled, they immediately chased after him.

"When I saw you in Alcou, I had ssuspicions. I confirmed it the day we bought explosives, Isabelle said 2/3 55% Chapter 248 Distress She added, "If you had arrived a day later, I would've blown up your territory."

George laughed and said, "Blow it up if you want. Once we treat oun m wounds you can blow them up for fun if you like." Send Gifts 624 X