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Prince Reagan

Chapter 47
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Th Warehouse My eyes are heavy with sleep, and my body is still slumped in the back of the moving truck. It feels like we've been driving for hours, but maybe it was a few minutes. I'm not sure, find it hard to comprehend anything that’s happening. I've been drifting in and out of consciousness, waking up anyt| feel the truck jerk. Plus, it's not easy to get ssleep with a creepy guy staring at you.

I'm just staring at the burly guy oppositewho hasn't stopped gazing at my exposed legs with lusty eyes. | wish | hadn't picked these stupid denim shorts to wear today.

That sick smirk on his face, makingknow I'm in deep s**t, infuriatesto no end. And | can’t wait to gain my strength back before teaching him a lesson he will never forget.

Suddenly, the truck starts to wobble on the road, turning bumpy as | jerk a bit. I'm guessing we're no longer on the main road. Where the hell are these bastards taking me? If | could speak, | would be yelling profanities, asking what they wanted fromand who the f**k they are.

Since they were able to overpowerat the penthouse, I'm guessing they aren’t human. Werewolf's hard to tell with their masked scent. But | will go with that. And the only werewolves who are stupid enough to kidnap the mate of a Prince are rogues, like those who have been ambushing werewolf packs and kidnapping she-wolves. And maybe they thoughtan easy catch since I'm still in the process of transforming.

With this realization, | look once more to my attacker to see his creepy eyes still on me. | can feel my strength slowly slip back into my body, and the pain reduces little by little. | think! can move sof my fingers now, though not much. | try to be discreet so that the weirdo in front ofdoesn’t notice. I'm actually surprised I'm regaining my strength so quickly, considering | had been injected twice.

But with my strength comes that of my wolf's also, and | can feel her anger burning inside with hatred for our captors. She had been the one to suffer the most from the wolf's bane and wishes nothing more than to claw at their throats. But as she regains her strength, | feel my heat resurface along with it.

I'm suddenly feeling how my heat spreads around my body, and | can feel my wolf's emotion heighten as she wishes to cout and inflict a lot of pain. My tired eyes turn to a harsh glare as | stare back at my captor, who has his head tilted to the side in curiosity as he studies me. Suddenly, he goes rigid and sniffs the air. | watch his eyes turn dark as he stands and walks closer to where | lay.

“You really smell amazing, whore.” He chuckles, crouching besidewith his leering gaze down my neck, while | still have to hide my intentions and ball my fist instead of attacking without plan. | still feel disoriented, so it would be wise not to do anything yet.

“Maybe I'll have my fun with you before we sell you off to the highest bidder. And you, my friend, will make us a lot of cash.” My stomach churns in disgust at his vile words while he keeps trailing his finger down to my breast, and my only thought is to spring up and choke him to death. If only | had enough strength.

Follow on NovᴇlEnglish.nᴇt

So it seems | was right. This might be the rogues we've been after all this while.

“The name's Trent.” He informs, and | furrow my eyebrows at him, wondering why he was tellingthat. “You'll need it since you'll be screaming it soon.” His sadistic smirk stretches and my chest burns suddenly with the need to attack.

Just then, the truck suddenly comes to a halt, and my captor stands up to open the door before carryingover his shoulder like a sack of potatoes. | close my eyes against the blinding light of the sun since my eyes are sensitive from being in the dark truck for too long.

But when | squint them back open, | see we're surrounded by trees all around, in the middle of forest. | stare around to see a large warehouse not too far from us, where it seems my captor is taking me. The other guy must be the driver, as he was with us now, following us to the warehouse.

| try to see if | could remember anything about the surroundings or smell anything, but there’s nothing. There's probably no sign of life for miles, and | wonder if we're even in LA anymore. | don’t know how long the drive had been, considering | drifted off to sleep sometimes.

| hear the sound of large doors being slid open before we step in.

The place is dark and empty, with little to no furniture in the large house. But the other man then crouches to the floor and uses his hand to open what | believe a basement. We move down a flight of stairs, and that’s when | begin to hear sounds of whimpers, sobs, and even a scream.

| look around in horror to see the place crowded with girls chained by their hands and legs.

They're barely clad in tattered clothing, exposed to the men around sneering at them.

Realization dawns onas | notice these girls aren’t humans but she-wolves, and there are about two dozen of them.

| can’t smell their scents, meaning they've been masked. So that’s why we couldn't find they've been ambushed.

They briefly look atwith their wide eyes and curious gaze. Fear was apparent in them as they stare back at the men guarding them with sick smirks on their faces. Sare dragged about by their hair, eliciting screams and sobs of pain. | watch horrified as sof the men openly grope the she-wolves before a growl of warning resonates in the room.

| look to the source and find an older looking man sitting in a chair like a king in the middle of the room. His sharp eyes glaring all around him with authority and warning evident in his stance before his eyes shift to me.

A small, almost invisible smirk, appears on his lips as he watchesbeing lowered to the floor beside his leg. | lay slump, seeming debilitated even though I could move sof my limbs right now. But | have to keep pretending if | want to leave this place alive and save these she-wolves. | wouldn't be able to take all the men in the room by myself, as they are many and could still have more injections of wolf's bane.

But | can feel my wolf's longing to attack. She was overly pissed from being injected wolf's bane and being drawn far from her mate.

“| see you two really were okay on your own.” The man in the chair says, inspectingwith his eyes as | lay on my back.

“She wasn’t much trouble, boss.” My captor snickers, and | grit my teeth in anger as he mocks me.

The boss furrows his eyebrows then, staring atonce more with a frown. He sniffs the air before his eyes begin to blaze in anger.

“You fuckers didn’t mask her scent?!” The two men cower back at their boss's angry roar before apologizing hastily.

“W...we're sorry, boss. We were just in a hurry before her mate cback. Please forgive us.” The lean guy quickly explains with shaky knees. The boss continues to glare at them, with his body shaking in anger.

“You idiots! Don’t you know they can track her here? You're both lucky we're about to move and leave this f**¥**g place.” He snarls at them as they continue to tremble in fear. It's fascinating to see two grown men shiver like teens watching horror movies.

“What smells so f+x<++*g fantastic here?” | hear one of the guards ask, and I look up then to see every male's eyes on me. Damn heat of mine.

Follow on Novᴇl-Onlinᴇ.cᴏm

| still feel hot, but | ignore all of that to focus on the problem at hand. I'm under a now they’re all staring atlike I'm their next meal of the day. Seven look ready to pounce. fk! “Now, boys, calm down. It's just a way her wolf's saying she wants to be fucked.” | furrow my eye at the familiar voice, and my eyes dart around before landing on the feminine figure emerging from behind the boss's chair.

“Or am | wrong, Ellie?” The lady asks with her eyes peering down atin hatred and satisfaction of my position.

“Gina?!” | incredulously stare at the girl I've always secretly despised. | can’t believe she’s here, standing tall abovelike a villainess. | know she’s not a captive as she’s dressed nicely in dark pants and a red top with her hair curled falling over her shoulders.

“Daddy.” She leans down to kiss the boss’s cheek while he looks at her in adoration. Daddy?! My eyes suddenly widen in shock as realization dawns on me. The last | had heard about Gina's dad was that he was banished from our pack for reasons unknown to us. Alpha Benson hadn’t mentioned why and none of us could question him.

And now here he is, kidnapping she-wolves with his sick daughter aiding him wholeheartedly. Was she the reason they kidnapped me? | know she hatesever since Reagan announcedas his, so was this revenge? “I've always known you were a slut deep down that perfect girl act you always had on.” Gina's loud cackle fills the warehouse as she leans down to crouch and watcheslay helplessly on the floor. | stare up back at her in spite, wishing | could strangle her with my bare hands. How would a she-wolf sell her fellow kind? She was disgusting.

“Not to worry, my dear friend. There's a lot of werewolves here that can fulfill all of your fantasies.” Her sick words disgustto the stomach. And | would have thrown up if | had actually eaten anything today. | hear the snickers from the men around the room as they leer atin pure lust.

My nostrils flare in anger as | regard the taunting_smirk on Gina's lips. She’s enjoying this, my humiliation and helplessness. Then suddenly, her eyes turn dark with her smile fading away as she stares atwith a malicious look.

She grabs my hair, digging her nails into my scalp, causing a sharp pain to shoot from the area.

“You're the reason why Lana, the only friend | have, hateswith so much passion. Then think you're better than everyone else, right? I'll make sure you regret ever messing with me, slut.” She snarls into my face, but | could only glare back at her, still acting weak. Her father is only staring down at us in amusement but doesn’t do anything to stop his sick deranged daughter.

| know sof my hair has already been uprooted from my scalp by now from her tight grip. Gina has nothing but despise in her eyes for me.

“Don’t be so rude to our guest, Gina.” | hear another feminine voice that also sounds extremely familiar. My body goes rigid at the sound of it, and Gina immediately lets go of my hair to stand back up.

Then | see her. | would recognize that sweet voice anywhere that comes from a certain dark-haired beauty. That smile that seems innocent but had mischievousness hidden underneath it.

5] And here | was thinking she had gone on a long vacation and would only return years later. But here she stood, high and mighty like the b***h she was.

I wish | could snarl her name, but if | do, they may realize | have my strength back and try to injectagain with wolf's bane. So | could only snarl it in my mind.
