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Paintings of Terror

Chapter 277: Bloodstains
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The young man named Xiao Kai was apparently more outgoing. He seemed to be unable to tolerate such silence, so he pulled Tian Yang aside and asked him in a low voice, “Do you know those two people?”

Tian Yang nodded slightly. 5fa7TI

“You had grudges with them?” Xiao Kai had already noticed that the expressions of these three individuals were not quite right.

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Tian Yang pursed his lips, looked up at him, and whispered, “Don’t ask anything for now. I’ll tell you in detail after we leave here. And… our relationship… don’t…don’t let them know.”

Xiao Kai looked at him, then turned to look at Ke Xun and Wei Dong, then turned back to Tian Yang and lowered his voice even more, “I understand, don’t worry.”

“Okay.” Tian Yang seemed to have a lot of things on his mind and only responded with a faint voice. s4Ufti

Fortunately, not much thad passed, and the white light finally lit up again. This time, a girl cin, her age not easy to determine. Although she was dressed quite plainly and maturely, there was still a youthful student-like air about her, with a pair of round-framed glasses perched on her nose.

The girl looked shocked at everything in front of her, it took her a while to find her voice, “This… I… I isekaied?”

“No, you haven’t,” Wu You looked at her with sympathy, “You’ve entered the world inside the painting.”

The girl was speechless for a while, turned to look behind her, found no way back or any doors, only desolate soil. She turned back abruptly and said with a stiff expression: “Inside… inside the painting? How is that possible? This is impossible – this is unscientific – this, this doesn’t make sense -” SWKybv

“What’s your name?” Wu You sighed.

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“Gu… Gu Qingqing…”

“Alright, now that everyone is here, I’ll be brief,” Qin Ci said, “Everyone, please believe that everything you see in front of you, and everything you are about to hear, is real.”

Perhaps because he was used to explaining — Qin Ci had mastered how to convey the most essential information in the most concise language, so it didn’t take much time. While the three newcomers were still in a state of shock and incredulity, Qin Ci finished speaking. I5vKJA

“All of the above is true,” Ke Xun took over expressionlessly. “Whether you believe it or not, if you want to try to leave here alive, it’s best to cooperate with us. Twaits for no one; we act now.”

As he spoke, he reached out and took Mu Yiran’s hand and stepped forward.

The veteran members followed suit with Xiao Kai and Tian Yang falling at the end.