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Mr Billionaires Secret Baby

Chapter 22
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Chapter 22

Dante's POV

This wooshing sound of waves crashing against the shore wildly rang through my cars. The bright blue sky was

aboveand the vast ocean was before me. My hair was wet as were much of my b*dy but the tide coming in

was tempting.

Too tempting that | refused to listen to the warnings of staying out of the water. | grabbed my surf board and

charged forward right in to the blue abyss. The blood rushed through my ears, the wind trickled through my hair,

and | waited for the adrenaline to kick in.

“Dant, are you insane? Get back here! The water is too wild.” | heard the wanting voices of the elders call out to

My surf board had already touched the waters surface and stood steady just as | climbed on top of it. The thick

current of the water propelledforward givinga boost and for a fleeting second | was on top of the world.

Until that moment ended.

A high, violent wave washed took the board from beneath my feet unexpectedly with so much of force and a

mind of its own that | was caught off guard. The board moved faster than my legs could keep up sending me

right in to the heart of the monstrous wave. The loud shrieks and screams were the last thing | heard before |

was catapulted on to the ocean.

The salty water travelled through my nose, burning like a freshly cut skin dipped in spirits. | gasped for air but

there was none, just the wild, uncontrollable ocean that threwfrom here to there. My efforts at regaining my

control of the situation was futile. The water was too wild forto navigate and despite my attempt at coming

up for air, another wave crashed overand this t| had nothing left in me.

| willed myself to kick my legs, to get back up again, to try once more and save myself but my b*dy didn’t

cooperate. Every thing was dark and | was hopeless. This was the way that | was going to die just because |

wanted to feel the exhilarating thrill of riding the wild waters.

My vision turned black and my b*dy allowed itself to be thrown around where ever the tide had taken me. My

senses were bleak and unclear, so when a pair of arms wrapped around me, glidingthrough the water, |

assumed that this was it. This was my soul being carried away in to the nothingness.

“Oh my god!” | heard the frantic exclamationbas my back felt rough beads against its skin.

“His pulse is weak. Sb*dy, do something.” Portia panicked loud enough that it hurt my ears.

“No. No! Stay with me, Dante. Another voice begged but this voice was low and rippled with fear.

Her I*ps pressed against mine as she blew in to it while closing my nose all the while compressing my chest until

my b*dy began coughing out whatever water had been making its way in to my lungs. | coughed and it burned

my insides, my throat, and my nose.

Follow on NovᴇlEnglish.nᴇt

My eyes opened widely and | saw the woman who savedloud and clear as day but when |

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Chapter 22

blinked, she looked different. | could have sworn it was Sophia who savedbut just one blink had refocussed

my eyes as Phoebe filled my vision. | took a few deep breaths before my b*dy passed out from sheer lack of

energy which madefeel like | was dying all over again.

Snappingout of it like a rug being pulled from beneath my firm feet, | gasped as my eyes flew open only to

be greeted by the white florescent light that hitright in the eyes.

Oh, thank goodness! It was just a damn dream.

| sat up immediately only to find that | was in a hospital room with monitors hooked up toleading to a

beeping machine.

Suddenly, it has all cback to me. | recalled the incident when | had drowned and | knew now for sure that it

wasn't Pheobe who had saved my life but Sophia! Sophia had been the women that risked her own life to save

mine. She dived in to the violent, uncertain waters just to pullout of it with out caring that she could have

drowned herself for even trying.

My breath was harsh and erratic through the room and my head pounded painfully as | made sense of it all.

Pheobe had lied tofrom the start and so did her mother. Portia had been the one who reinforced how

indebted | was to Phoebe for saving my life when she knew that that had been an utter lie. A lie told to gain my

favour only so that | would view Phoebe in a different light and feel like | owed her my own life in return.

This whole t| kept myself planted at Pheobe’s side thinking that | couldn't fully leave her, that | had fallen for

her in the first place, because of her selfless act of saving my life years ago but that was all bull shit.

It was Sophia all along!

She had savedfrom the deep waters of the lake just as she had done so from the crashing waves years ago.

Sophia never remindedabout it yet she knew the truth while Pheobe and Portia kept throwing it atevery

tthey thought that | was sl*pping right through their fingers.

| reached to massage my temples as it throbbed but felt a bandage wrapped around it. It was tender to the

touch and | vaguely remember much that happened after the black SUV knocked in to us sending us over the

edge of the cliff. The impact had hit my head against the roof of the car and | couldn’t remember much after that

except for Sophia’s voice as she draggedout of the water.

Shit! Where the hell was she? Had she been injured? Was she okay? Did something happen to her?

Countless bone chilling thoughts ran through my head and | needed to know that she was okay. | needed to know

that she did not give her life up in the process of savingonce again. | needed to know that she was perfectly


Who ever had been responsible for our attack last night would be tracked down and dealt with accordingly but

that could wait. | needed to know where Sophia was right now and so god helpif she was not. | would rain

hell on down on to the culprit until they wished they did not exist!


The situation could have been a lot worse. At least no severe harm had cto Sophia but I still wanted a full

medical report on her. | needed to make sure that we had not missed any thing, it was

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Chapter 22


already my every intention to bring forever was responsible for this attack to a brutal horrible Justice but so god

helpedif any internal harm had been caused to Sophia because of the entire accident.

| was here to make a call to Frederick but it would have to wait until | get out of here. | don’t understand why

they have chosen to keepin the hospital for this long, beside from my head which hurt like hell and the pain

in my arm, | was perfectly okay.

| threw my legs over the edge of the hospital bed which certainly was not designed for comfort in mind and

pulled out whatever monitors had been hooked Up to me. | needed to see Sophia and make sure she was doing

okay. | took the first step towards the door and realize that | had a mild limp from the pain in my back but it

wasn't anything | couldn't bear.

“Mr Crawford you should not be walking around in your state.” a nurse called out from behindthe minute |

had exited the room but | paid her no heed and kept moving down the hallway peaking into each room.

“Sir you need to get back to your room right now, the doctor needs to do a thorough examination on you while

you are conscious before you are free to just walk around as you please. “this was the voice of another nurse

that | also ignored and continued walking practically looking through the small cutout in each door hoping to find

Sophia soon.

| could hear collective footsteps walk behindas if | was sderanged psych Ward patient on the verge of

doing something dangerous.

“what are you looking for? you are not allowed to barge in to-"

The nurses were beginning to get on my last nerve. “I am looking for Sophia Miller. if | asscorrectly she and |

will brought in together. “I snapped at them after pausing and swinging around to face all of them catching them

of guard.

“you would asscorrectly. “the first nurse who had tried to cin my way spoke actually too the one that

joined her later. “however has already been discharged. “a wave of relief had washed overknowing that she

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was well enough to have been let go.

“had someone arrived to becup? “I couldn't think of Adam coming to pick up after what had happened

between them and I didn’t want to assthat she had driven herself hin her condition.

both the nurses darted skeptical eyes at each other. “I'm afraid we are not allowed to disclose such information

to you. “the second nurse Who initially joined the scene said like she was in control of everything that went on

around here.

| took a step forward and cleared at both of them meeting them know that | was not here to play. games neither

did | have the tfor it.

“who picked her up from the hospital? “I demanded to know once more and | saw their professional resolve


“a man by the nof Adam Huxley,” she said and that had caughtentirely of guard since Adam was the

last person | was expecting to show up after Sophia had blatantly declined his proposal.

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Chapter 22

aside from that a bitter taste was in my mouth partly from being absolutely thirsty but it also tasted. like

jealousy. | thought Adam Huxley was out of her life once and for all but the man was proving to be a leech that

refused to let go.

“which of the doctor needs to assessbefore dismissingfrom here | need to see him and | need to see him

now. “both of them shook their head in apprehension.

“the doctor is currently unavailable. “my nostrils flared as | begin to lose my patience with the both

of them.

“if the doctor cannot seeright now then | have no choice but too leave according to my own. will.” | muttered

angrily as | ignored the protests of both of them and headed back to the room to get my clothes on and go to


“Sir! Sir! You can’t just leave with out the doctors permission. There are still remaining tests that need to be

conducted on you before you're deemed well to leave the facility.” The nurse barked behindbut I ignored

them and continued walking determined to leave.

“Then getthe bloody doctor.” | barked finally having-lost my patience. “But neither of you can do that so do

not try and get in my way.” | warned them and saw both of them take a shaky step

