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Mr Billionaires Secret Baby

Chapter 11
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Chapter 11

Dante’s POV.

My hold tightened around the device that had been in the palm of my hand. | felt anger. bubble withinwith

each word that my | had glided over in the form of an email. An email that had been waiting forat the top of

my inbox with no other reason but you infuriate and hold the upper hand.

It had been an email from Deluxe Enterprises stating all the terms as well as the finalization of the verbal bet

that had been made yesterday itself. | knew exactly who was behind this email and | knew to expect anything

from Sophia Miller. not only was the woman entirely unpredictable but she was certainly refreshing as well.

| didn’t know what to make of my ex- wifes unexpected return back into the country. but | did know two things.

The first being that she had returned nearly a different person. Her newly found confidence and feistiness was

something that | found utter frustrating and enticing at the stime. The second was that | did not know how

to deal with her return just yet.

Not only had she been gone for four full years but she was back now and right under my nose as the owner of

the company that | was a major investor in. Her determination was admirable and the back bone she seemed to

have grown in her absence was just as plausable. It had managed to rouse not only my attention but also make

my blood stir causingto impulsively do unthinkable things.

That night at the share holders meeting, | had absolutely no intention of following her with the inclination of

k*ssing her but when my questions begin causing her orbs to brightening in anger and her mouth parted as she

beratedcontinuously, | had given into the urge of pressing my I*ps against hers.

It was partly done to silence her and in great part because | wanted to feel her I¥ps beneath mine again, to taste

her sweetness as | once remembered it. It had caught her off guard at first but eventually gave in allowing

herself to indulge in her own desire but it lasted for a brief moment because she cto her senses. Her desire

filled gaze quickly shifted to that of fury right before she slappedand walked away.

A part ofwondered if the only thing that made her pull back was her recalling that Adam Huxley existed in

her life. I couldn't quite place their relationship just yet because as much as they evade the paparaz zi's

questions about it, Adam behaves a little too protectively around her and Sophia never seemed to push him


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My jaw clenched recalling the number of times I've seen him wrap an arm around her in front of people. Every

the had touched her, sthing ininstinctively fuelled with wild abandon wanting to tear his arm right

out of it's socket.

Chapter II

between Sofia’s newly attained position and her permanent return paired with Adam Huxley flying around her as

if you were a bee and she a flower it had left a lot of questions and blank spaces that | was determined to fill in.

it was exactly what had promptedto make a call yesterday to a long lost friend. Frederick Sanders had been

one of the best private investigators in the business. | have used these services years ago and haven't required

them up until now.

| needed him to dig up as much dirt as he could have gotten on Sophia in the last 4 years that she had left the

country. | wanted to know everything that there was to know and just exactly where Adam Huxley fitted in all of


A knock on the door had draggedout of my thoughts before it opened and there walked in Frederick Sanders.

“Good day, Mr Crawford. It has been a long while since I've last seen you.” He strode in to the office wearing his

twead pants and a button front shirt which had always been his look. | have never seen the man in a suit even


“Frederick, | have been awaiting your arrival.” | motioned to one of the two seats situated across my desk for him

to settle in to and he did.

“What you've requested didn’t take too much tto dig up.” He sounded proud of himself there but | didn’t


“Then you should have been here sooner.” | said in a flat retort but he didn’t react.

“I have every thing that you've requested right here so don’t be uptight. Your patience will be fruitful.” He waved

the leather bound file in front ofbefore sliding it across the polished table.

| placed a palm on top of it just in tbefore it s*pped of the edge of the table. | undid the straps that bound

that file together. | was impatient and wanted nothing more than to rip it open.

“What did you find, Fredrick?” | questioned before even looking at any of the papers.

“Sophia Miller left America and moved to Canada 4 years ago right after your divorce. She shortly began working

for Huxley enterprises where she performed outstandingly securing her position as head of her department. She

rented a decent apartment in a secure neighborhood but she has resigned recently after her new position at

Deluxe Enterprises.” Ahh so Adam was her boss for all intents and purposes. Not like her to mix business with

pleasure but people change.

| looked down to find her employment contracts along with pictures of her entering and leaving her work

building. She dressed well, professional, with a hint of understates feminine appeal.

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Chapter 11

“When she had just relocated, she had been seen frequently visiting the doctor often. when she had moved to

Canada.” My head snapped up to look at Frederick at that piece. of information.

“Was she sick?” It was surprising to think so because she didn’t look sickly now or like she had any medical

issues. “Why on earth would she need to visit a doctor so soon after her move? She hadn't been ill here.” My

bafflement was audible.

Frederick shook his head in the negative. “For a short while, she had been. | suspected that she had slong

term medical issue but after digging a little deeper | discovered that Sophia was not visiting just any doctor but

an OBGYN. A doctor by the nof Dr. Jackson who is known to be the best gynecologist in Canada.” | blinked a

few times knowing exactly what this meant but refusing to accept it.

“A gynecologist?” | asked, flabbergasted.

“Yes. She was pregnant when she left America. Early stages, too.” Frederick looked atlike | was slow but my

brain just did not want to accept this.

“Did she miscarry, then? Any complications that rendered her pregnancy null?” | questioned since | had not

heard any thing about her having a child let alone ever saw her with said child.

“On the contrary, she gave birth to a healthy girl baby. Check the hospital and doctor reports for yourself. It is all

there.” He motioned to the folder and | turned the pages to find images of the black and grey sonograms along

with pictures of Sophia heavily

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There were still pictures of her entering her work place when she was heavily pregnant. Weird that she hadn't

taken any leave beforehand.

“She definitely makes sure to keep her child away from society for sreason. I've never seen her child in all

the tthat I've encountered her since she returned neither had she mentioned it.” | felt my forehead creases

deepen. “But why would she?”

“Who knows. She could have her reasons. Aside from that, | couldn't find any other information on her.”

Frederick said in careful conclusion.

“That's a shame.” | muttered finding myself grow annoyed with every thing all at once.

Seeing Sophia so closely yet not being able to have her under my thumb like before. Adam Huxley and her

curious relationship. And now a whole child! That explained the fuller look her b*dy had since she returned. It

made her less fragile looking and more womanly. Her hips were more curved, her chest held a fullness to it that

made her irresistible.

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Chapter II

madness! How could this woman have such an effect on me. No other woman ever illicited such a reaction from

her and she despised my very


“I shall take my leave now, Mr Crawford. If you require my services again, do not hesitate.” Frederick left and |

nodded not really paying attention to him too much.

| needed to meet this child of hers. See if she bore any resemblance to her father or if Sophia was more

promiscuous than | had assumed her to be.

Asking Sophia outright was not the way to go. It would only lead to her being defensive about it all. | ran a hand

through my hair

roughly resisting the urge to tank at it out of sheer helplessness.