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Meeting The One For Me

Chapter 32
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Chapter 32

Audrey's social media was flooded with vicious private messages.

She was derisively called the spawn of a rapist and the lowly offspring of human traffickers.

As Nathan had predicted, the show's producers, true to form, were set to maximize the buzz and heat in the

upcoming episode. Audrey was about to find herself thrust into the eye of the storm.

Forewarned and prepared for this outcome, Audrey almost wished for an even more heated discussion. The more

attention the next episode garnered, the easier it would be for her to execute her


After a calming bath, she was about to turn off the lights and settle into bed when her phone vibrated.

It was a call from Anne.

“Aunt Anne,” she greeted.

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“Audrey, it’s me.” Hugo's voice cthrough on the other end of the line, bearing unwelcnews. Aunt Anne

had an accident.”

A chill ran down Audrey's spine.

Tossing aside the covers, she swiftly turned the lights on and pulled on her clothes. Her voice quivered

uncontrollably as she asked, “What... what do you mean Aunt Anne had an accident?”

“She’s been in a car crash at the hospital my sister is at.”


“But wasn’t Aunt Anne supposed to have returned home? Why is she still in Sheysea?” Audrey’s voice rose with

confusion and concern.

Just yesterday afternoon, Anne had called her to say she was hsafe. She had even mentioned how well she

was doing.

The sudden turn of events was baffling.

“I'm not sure of the details. You should cto the hospital,” Hugo advised, unaware that Audrey

had already left Sheysea.

“I'm on my way! Please take care of Aunt Anne,” Audrey said before hanging up.

Her hands trembled as she changed. She tried to remain calm. She knew panic led to mistakes.

She rushed to the airport and caught the first flight back to Sheysea.

In the Lambert family’s hin the capital, Audrey's biological grandfather sat in his study.

He sported glasses, and his silver hair was combed to perfection. The septuagenarian wore a brown cashmere

cardigan over his shirt. His posture radiated refined, subdued elegance.

“How was your meeting with the Shaw daughter in Sheyses? You didn’t have tto see her before,” George

inquired, lifting his glass

Ryan, poised and dignified, sipped the brown liquor. His every move radiated an air of haughty grace. “Ms. Shaw

is ambitious. She’s a good ally for marriage, but perhaps too strong willed to fit into the Lambert family as a

daughter in law,” he commented indifferently.

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“in the end, you're still wishing for that child to return to the Lambert family,” George mused casually. He played

with the glass idly

“How is she doing?

“She’s gotten a divorce from the Franklin heir,” Ryan replied, setting his glass down. “And now she” been invited

by Professor Douglas of Cloudmill University to join his research team.”

‘Drugged and slandered, divorced, and drugged again... the Lambert family going after her she think running

away solves everything? Leaving the country’s top university for Cloudmill University?” George muttered. He

held the crystal glass up to his lips.

Ryan didn’t expect George would be so informed about Audrey’s plight. “Sometimes, being too empathetic and

moral can lead to suffering,” he said slowly.


“But she’s not indecisive. Although Cloudmill University isn’t as renowned as Sheysea University, Professor

Douglas is a leading authority in genetic biology. He only stayed in Sheysea for his late wife.

“If she wants to make strides in genetic biology, he’s the best mentor she could have.”

Ryan’s phone vibrated with an incoming call.