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Master of his heart (Brielle and Max)

Chapter 696
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Chapter 696 The tide had turned so swiftly, and the evidence was so overwhelming it left the online crowd at a loss for words.

The flood of information was just too much to process all at once.

An hour later, Amelia was being raked over the coals online, enduring the vitriol previously directed at Brielle a hundredfold.

Brielle, for her part, was unbothered by the chatter. She was touched by the official statement from Beaconsfield College, her atma mater. Without hesitation, she retweeted the post with a brief, heartfelt note-[Thank you, Beaconsfield College.] With that done, she continued to unveil her next move by sharing a court subpoena. [As for the slander and defamation Ms. Amelia has spread aboutonline, I've pressed charges, and the police are on it. You said you haven't received a subpoena. Well, it's been in my hands, waiting. As you wished, it’s now on its way to you.] Brielle’s series of updates chard and fast, leaving Amelia reeling and defenseless. The evidence was irrefutable, nobody could accuse Brielle of playing dirty. And now, nobody dared to speak ill of her. After all, what was there to criticize? She hadn't forgiven the fan who damaged her car, but her response had been reasonable-she wouldn't be morally blackmailed by someone seeking a favor.

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Even Beaconsfield College stepped in to defend her, proudly displaying her stellar academic record, which left everyone in awe.

Here was an outstanding woman, unfairly maligned as a villain, a slut. A true evildoer had masqueraded as an independent woman.

The irony was not lost on anyone, and the college’s use of the phrase “mob mentality” seemed particularly apt in reminding the public of their misjudgment. x] What had escalated into a fierce online battle by day had fizzled out by nightfall. It had begun with a bang and ended just as dramatically.

Brielle had stayed with Tiffanie all day, not eating a thing, and was now overwhelmed by exhaustion. She rubbed her temples wearily and stood up. “It’s over. I'm going to check on Stellar Stage Entertainment.” Tiffanie nodded, offering a reminder, “Take care of yourself. And while you're focusing on Stellar Stage Entertainment, don’t forget about your relationship with Maxie. You chere for him, after all. Don’t lose sight of what's important.” Brielle stiffened at the mention of Max, a bitter smile touching her lips. The day had brought her a resounding victory and even full control of Stellar Stage Entertainment, yet she felt no joy. The reason was precisely what Tiffanie had pointed out-success in her career but disappointment in love.

“I know,” she replied.

Tiffanie didn’t dwell on the subject. She trusted that Brielle, being smart, would know how to balance her priorities.

Descending to the ground floor, Brielle took a deep breath and coughed as the chilly night air caught her throat.

She pulled out her phone and dialed Max's number.

No answer.

She sent a message. No reply.

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Her eyes briefly reddened, and she sniffled. It wasn’t that she wanted to neglect Max. She was trying, but he was giving her the cold shoulder.

Upon returning to Stellar Stage Entertainment, her expression was still gloomy, a clear sign of her inner turmoil.

Inside the building, a janitor was sweeping up broken glass. Brielle instructed a nearby worker, “Get someone to replace the window. Anything else that’s broken should be replaced, too. Just get the budget from the finance department.” The nBrielle had becsynonymous with resilience.

“Will do, Ms. Haywood,” cthe prompt response.

Brielle nodded and made her way to the top floor. Donny’s eyes lit up at her arrival. “Ms. Haywood!” But after noticing Brielle’s somber mood, he quickly subdued his excitement. “Ms. Haywood, thank you.” She entered her office and inquired about everyone else.

“They're good. Everyone was scared at first, but they've settled down now.” “It's been tough,” she acknowledged.

“You've had it the toughest, Ms. Haywood. Oh, and there's one more thing. The director I've contacted has agreed to take on our project. He's willing to cast from our pool of talent at Stellar Stage Entertainment for all roles except the lead actor. He's got someone in mind for that and won't budge on it.” Brielle massaged her temples, knowing Donny wouldn't stress over a director unless he was truly talented. Now that the director had made a request, Stellar Stage Entertainment ought to accommodate it as much as possible.

10:32 “Donny, go ahead and firm up the other leads and supporting roles. As for the male lead, let's hold off on that. | need stto think of a solution.” Donny’s eyes brimmed with excitement, finding comfort in Brielle’s words. Stellar Stage Entertainment had weathered the storm. And soon, they would be soaring to new heights. With John’s movie paving the way and this new project in the wings, it wouldn't be long before their doubters were silenced.

“Okay, okay, Ms. Haywood. You rest, and I'll get right on the casting.”