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Master of his heart (Brielle and Max)

Chapter 12
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Chapter 12

But by 10 p.m., Brielle hadn’t sent a message. Spencer felt uneasy, as if something was slipping out of

control. Yet, thinking of the Haywoods’ attitude towards him, which was like they’d gladly gift-wrap

Brielle and deliver her to his bed, a flicker of relief crossed his eyes. After all, Brielle would have to give

in eventually.

Brielle packed her belongings, printed her resignation letter, and left it on her desk. Then, with a box in

her arms, she descended to the lobby.

No sooner had she steadied herself than a blinding light shone on her. She raised her hand to shield

her eyes and turned to see a familiar license plate.

Her first thought was whether this man wanted her again. After all, there was hardly any other reason

he would seek her out.

The car slowly approached and came to a halt The door opened. Brielle, still clutching the box, bent

down to peer inside and, sure enough, saw the man in a suit, looking a

ras dazzling as a painting but just too cold.

“Uncle Max,” she called out without any intention of joining him. She really wasn’t in the mood tonight.

Max’s fingertips lightly played with the rosary on his wrist, his demeanor indifferent. After a long pause,

he softly commanded, “Get in.”

“If I do, with Uncle Max’s stamina, I’m sure I won’t be able to leave.” She held the box earnestly.

Brielle intended to create a promiscuous persona around Max. It’d be better to keep their

entanglements strictly to the bedroom. Otherwise, she feared she might one day fall too deep.

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One Spencer was already draining enough, and Max clearly played in a different league.

Moreover, Max never asked if it was her first time when they slept together. He simply didn’t care.

Adults all knew the rules; it was unreasonable to pretend otherwise.

Max arched an eyebrow, a slight smirk tugging at his lips because of her words. His gaze dropped to

the box in her arms. His cool fingertips clasped her wrist and forcefully pulled her in.

“Quitting your job?” The box she held was too conspicuous to go unnoticed.

Brielle didn’t struggle and leaned into his embrace. They’d slept together. There was no point in

feigning modesty now. “Yeah, I’ve been cast aside after serving my purpose.”

Since she was resigning anyway, she might as well continue setting a timebomb here with Max. She

hoped when the bomb exploded, Spencer would be able to withstand the blast.


Chapter 12

“Uncle Max, Dorsey International has so many ventures-can you handle them all? There’s so much

opportunity for graft.”

He caught her chin between his fingers, sensing the subtext in her words, “Like what?”

“Have you noticed the building not far from Dorsey International? Spencer and the other directors built

it specifically for new product development. It cost a fortune. You probably didn’t receive the approval

contract overseas because they split the total investment into smaller amounts, each just under the

threshold that would require your personal approval. How much do you think they skimmed off?”

Spencer’s negligence in departmental affairs meant she knew all about these dealings.

Max had mentioned the company’s public accounts on his first day, but the directors’ petty theft was

just a drop in the bucket compared to what could be.

“I’ve been to that building. The entrance boasts an antique 18th-century screen and a set of vintage

vases. Every chair is a peach wood piece from the French Empire era, beside Empire-style display

cabinets adorned with British enamel tableware. The floors covered with $50,000 Persian carpets. For

a research building, why the need for such luxury?”


Max watched her quietly for a while before looking up and instructing someone in front, “Investigate

this.” The billion-dollar building, supposedly a research center, was probably just a playground for those

directors. It was well hidden.

Brielle’s eyes curved in satisfaction. Once the building’s secrets were exposed, Spencer would be in for

it. Her gloominess at losing her job instantly vanished.

“Uncle Max, they hold a party there every Friday. Spencer calls it the ‘Friday Night Decadence Club.’

You should raid it then. You’d catch them red-handed.”

Spencer was waiting for her apology, right? Ha. She’d use Max to dismantle his happy haven.

Max’s fingertips traced her waist before addressing Patrick, “Did you hear that?”

Patrick nodded respectfully and made several phone calls to arrange everything.

Max’s chilly fingertips touching her skin sent a tingling sensation like small currents burrowing through

her pores. “What reward would you like?” His voice, always cool and indifferent, somehow didn’t seem


“A reward?”

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Brielle relaxed her body, her gaze lazily downturned in a seemingly flirtatious yet innocent. manner.

She wasn’t trying to be seductive, but her eyes were enchantingly so.

As she mulled over the idea of a reward, her phone rang. It was Lucinda, likely frustrated after a

setback at Integral Elements Inc. With the contract signing the next day, they must have called Tanner

tonight. It probably didn’t go well.

Chapter 12

Brielle hung up, only to receive a text message shortly after.

[Brielle, Tanner said you have the prospectus. How selfish to take such an important document. What

company would want someone like you? Hand it over now!]

Lucinda was clearly losing her cool. They had called Integral Elements Inc., Tanner had picked up, and

when asked about the prospectus, their response was lackluster. Tanner had been blunt and hung up

without considering their feelings.

Facing Tanner and Integral Elements Inc. tomorrow would likely result in a tongue-lashing. The thought

of the impending embarrassment made everyone nervous. All these people were top talents; they

couldn’t stand such treatment.

Lucinda sent another message.

– [The data you used company resources to investigate belongs to the company. You have no right to

take it.]

Brielle almost laughed at the message. She’d seen shameless, but this was a

new level. Having someone like that replace her was Spencer’s goal, and indeed, it filled her with

defeat and indignation.

No worries, she’d got another trick up her sleeve now, a real doozy waiting for Spencer.