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Julian's Stand in Wife

Chapter 1541
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Vans didn’t seem affected at all at the sight of her with another man. He simply acted all tough, and even thought

that she couldn’t do without him.

There was no sign of guilt or care in his eyes at all. Nothing but arrogant pride.

Was this the man she loved?

Disappointment flooded Nina’s heart. She clenched her fists, and looked at Marcus with slight embarrassment. “He

didn’t use to be like this…”

In the past, Vans used to care very much for her. Even that one break-up they went through was because he didn’t

want to see her get hurt.

But now…

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She had no idea what to do next.

“Women need to learn how to love themselves,” Marcus said, not listening to her explain further. “I’m not

interested to know the kind of man he is, but if you want to share more about yourself, I’m all ears.”

His words shocked even his assistant. Since when did Mr. Jensen care so much for another woman?!

He even took the initiative to ask her about her past. Was he trying to turn the agreement into reality?

But he kept that question in his heart, not daring to ask that question out loud in front of Marcus. His gaze shifted

between the two of them, making Nina feel uncomfortable and embarrassed.

Her face started to flush.

“I know, Mr. Jensen,” she said.

“Your voice sounds as weak as a mosquito. No wonder you find yourself at the mercy of another man,” Marcus

said, as he pinched her chin. “Look into my eyes and talk to me.”

Nina had never been treated this way before. Vans was aggressive, but not to this extent. His aggression was built

on the foundation of them as an established couple.

Nina remembered when Vans first saw her with Diana. At that moment, they had fallen in love with each other at

first sight.

Of course, it could have been lust, but they couldn’t get each other out of each other’s minds. When they finally

contacted each other, Diana had no idea what was going on.

Vans brought her out for a meal on their first date. They also watched a movie together.

Their seats were in toward the back, and there was an armrest in between their seats. In the middle of the movie,

Vans folded the armrest up, effectively removing the barrier between them.

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A slight move of his hand allowed him contact with hers. Nina jumped at his touch, and immediately retracted her


“Dr. Stanley, what are we?”

Her eyes shone bright in the dark, and her question stunned Vans.

“We’re about to be a couple.”

Nina didn’t reject him. However, she said in all seriousness, “That shows that we’re not a couple yet.”

Vans nodded.

“In that case, you can’t touch me.” Nina smiled apologetically and politely. She looked enchantingly adorable at that


“When can I touch you, then?”

“After we establish ourselves as an official couple.”

Vans didn’t say anything further. He had to admit, he simply wanted to fool around with her at that point in time.