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Jojo and Coco's Unexpected Love pdf

Chapter 29
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Chapter 29 You’re Married?

Ten minutes later, Chloe could not bear the cold any longer and weakly tugged at Joseph’s sleeve,

laughing dryly. “I’m getting kind of cold now. Can we close the windows?”

As a gentleman, Joseph replied, “Why of course.”

He immediately had Patrick close the car windows.

The flicker of amusement that crossed his eyes did not escape Chloe’s notice. She realized he was

toying with her, but she had no other choice but to clench her teeth and bear it, in light of the fact that

she was wearing the dress he had bought for her.

Harold was waiting outside the house with his cane in hand, anxiously looking out for them. The car

stopped outside the large mansion that was as grand as a castle, and Chloe felt something was amiss

when she saw it.

Although Jake’s uncle was wealthy, his family was not considered one of the wealthiest in Aesper. How

could they afford such an extravagant estate worth billions while he was just a financial analyst?

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She asked in a low voice, “Is this your ancestral home?”

Joseph answered, “Yeah, my ancestors have lived here for five generations.”

“Oh…” Chloe nodded, understanding how they had obtained the mansion.

Turns out Joseph’s ancestors were rich. That was how they had obtained this mansion. Several

hundred years ago, the value of real estate in Aesper had not skyrocketed yet. Back then, a lot of

people made a fortune from eviction compensation, so their future generations were able to spend

money without worry.

“Ah, here comes my beloved granddaughter-in-law!” Harold exclaimed joyfully when he saw Chloe, his

eyes crinkling into a kind, happy expression.

Chloe handed him the gift that Joseph had bought in advance and said with a smile, ‘ Grandpa, this is

for you. I hope you’ll like it.”

“Of course, I’ll love it.” Harold beamed, but his expression changed suddenly when he saw the state of

Chloe’s ankle. He angrily pointed a finger at Joseph and scolded, “You little rascal. Did you bully


“You’re getting old and your eyes aren’t working as well as they used to, Grandpa. If I wanted to bully

her, it would be much more serious than this,” Joseph replied.

How did she hurt her leg then?”

Judging by how big the bruise was, it could not have been caused by a simple fall.

“Grandpa, it was me. I was on my phone at night and accidentally fell into a ditch,”

Chloe quickly explained.

“Really?” Harold asked, his voice thick with suspicion.

“Really!” Chloe said. As she made up the elaborate story, she held onto his arm and they walked


“Grandpa, what are we having for dinner tonight? I’m getting hungry.”

“You can have whatever you want. Just inform the chefs. They can make anything from a full-course

meal to whatever you desire,” he replied.

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“Grandpa, you’re so kind to me. It’s my good fortune to have married into the Whitman family,” Chloe

said, flattering Harold.

It was not entirely untrue. Based on what she knew, apart from Joseph’s strange temper, everything

else about him and his family was top-notch. It really was fortunate that she could marry into such a

family. fast update

Unfortunately, their relationship was based on a contract.

Harold stopped in his tracks, his old eyes widening in disbelief as he looked at Chloe. Did you just say

marry into the Whitmans? That means you two are married?”

Chloe paused, quickly covering her mouth as she looked toward Joseph for help.

‘Oh gosh, I’ve let the cat out of the bag. Joseph hasn’t told his family about our marriage yet!’

Joseph turned his head to look at Chloe, his expression unchanged. “Let’s talk about it later.”

From the exchange, Harold knew the marriage was true, and he became extremely excited, feeling as

though he had become ten years younger. It seemed to him that Joseph had inherited some of his old

charms-not wasting any time and putting a ring on it once finding someone he liked.

‘Not bad. Not bad at all,’ he thought.

In the hall, Harold declared, “I don’t care. You have one year to give me a great- grandson