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I Am The Luna

Chapter 9
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Chapter 0009 *0Oh, a theme! That does sound exciting.” | say, smiling, but no matter who | talk to or how | cccupy myself, the gaping hole left by Sebastian's rejection forever remains.

“Violet, so we will bring out the Bellflowers, wisteria and geraniums, oh | have at lovely stock of hyacinths.” She continues. “It’s a big event. Alphas and guests from other packs will attend.” | listen quietly, wondering if there will even be a slight chance of someone we know coming. | would need to find out and if there is, then Mom and | will need to make sure no one sees us.

My phone begins ringing and | take it out, ‘UNKNOWN NUMBER’ | look at Ms.


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“Oh excuse me, | need to take this.” “Go ahead dear, after lunch perhaps you can helpwith the arrangements for the ball.” “Of course!” | say as | step out onto the cobbled streets.

The Whispering Mountain Pack is a breathtaking place. Unlike Dark Hollow Falls, it is filled with nature and beautiful scenery. With a stunning backdrop of snowy mountains and a waterfall that could be seen from afar. [x] “Hello?” | answer the call.

“Hi, how are you?” Valerie whispers.

It's always lovely to receive a call from her. | don’t call her just in case someone else picks up the phone, but when she gets the chance, she does call. Mainly to make sure | am up to date with all the prenatal care and instructions she has commandedto follow, She may advice.

not be here but she’s been there guidingand offeringpregnancy “I'm well, just working at the shop. This is such a nice place. | hope someday you can +15 BONUS visit. Is everything alright, you don’t usually call during the day?” | ask. She doesn’t sound like her usual self.

“I am... but we have a slight issue.” She murmurs, keeping her voice low.

My heart thumps as my nerves begin to get the better of me.

“What is it?” “Jai somehow saw the pregnancy report, and-" “What!” Fear envelopsand | grip the low fence that runs along the side of the flower shop.

“Calm down, Zaia, I've handled it. He told Sebastian, but | managed to lie and said to him that you miscarried because of the rejection.” My eyes widen. “You... what did he say?” | don’t know why, but | want to know.

“Well, he looked more upset than | thought he would.” “D-did he believe it?” | ask, placing a hand on my belly protectively. | am five and a half months into my pregnancy and because | am carrying twins, my belly is rather big already.

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“I think so, but Jai didn’t.” | close my eyes, feeling sick as she continues. “But don’t worry, I've talked to him and he understands.” “A-alright,” | say, hearing footsteps | tense. “Well, | have to go, but please callagain when you have more time.” “I will. Sebastian's parents have just returned. This will be interesting.” “Thank you Val, for everything.” | say, truly grateful for having such an amazing friend.

“Never thank me. What are friends for?” She says before she hangs up and | frown.

Mother-in-law is back? | knew from Valerie that although Annalise had moved into the mansion, that she is still not Luna and that Sebastian is keeping the divorce a secret.

+15 BONUS | wonder how his parents would take it.

| turn as none other than the Alpha of the pack comes into view. A smile on his handsface, his dark grey eyes are glittering with warmth and his light brown hair flops over his forehead. He's tall, over six feet for sure, perhaps almost as tall as Sebastian.

He fills out his shirt well, the fabric straining against his muscles.

Alpha Atticus Payne is 26 years old, single and an Alpha that his entire pack loves.

He is nothing like how Sebastian or his father portrayed him.

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