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His Sweet Little Mate by Obticeo Decatect

Chapter 12
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Chapter 12

Hanna was completely focused on Abby, thinking about ways to make her sister tell her if she

complained about them to the King. However, her intuition told her that there was something wrong

with the King when she heard a low rumble reverberate in his chest.

“This is where you sleep?” After a long moment of silence, that was what Micah could voice, but he

couldn’t get any response from his own mate.

Seeing this. Micah turned to pin Hanna with a harsh glare. The werewolf king seemed livid. Hanna felt

shivers run down her spine when she realized that the King was angry after seeing Abby’s bedroom.

Her mind raced, trying to come up with believable excuses to make this arrangement look justifiable,

only she couldn’t think of any ways to justify their own actions.

Damn it! This monster landed me in big trouble. Hanna cursed under her breath.

“This. My King-

“My King. I have something to talk to you about.

Just when Hanna thought the King would rip her head off her shoulders, Beta Ryan came to her rescue

and diverted Micah’s attention. The woman immediately took a deep breath. King Micah could be so


On the other hand. Micah also welcomed the diversion as he didn’t want to lose his cool before he

achieved his goal. He closed his eyes for a second before turning around to face Beta Ryan, who

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seemed to have composed himself a bit. “What do you wish to say to me?”

Hearing Micah’s question, Beta Ryan didn’t hesitate to set his plan in motion. He had to talk to the King

and salvage their situation as much as he could. Thinking to this point. Ryan upped his game. “It is

about my second daughter, Abby.

Mentioning Abby’s name worked in his favor as he had successfully gained all of Micah’s attention.

“What about her?” Micah immediately asked him.

“Can we talk in private?” Ryan pushed his luck, knowing fully well that the King wouldn’t directly turn

him down.

Meanwhile, Micah was a little bit hesitant. He turned to look at Abby who had her head lowered. She

looked a bit tense again.

Abby didn’t make a single peep since she entered this house with him earlier. Yes, he could conclude

that she didn’t talk much usually. But she fell completely silent after Micah said he wanted to meet her

father. Her reaction to that statement alone was enough to make Micah want to dig more into what

happened to her.

“It’s about what happened ten years ago,” Ryan said to the King at last.

What happened ten years ago….. how Abby got her scars… Did Ryan mean that incident?

This efficiently picked his interest. Micah understood he had to have this conversation with him. though

he felt reluctant to part with his mate even for a few minutes.

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Chapter 12

He turned to Abby and said, “Can you finish packing your things while I talk to your father?”

Even then, Abby didn’t say anything. But it was Hanna who answered the King again, reassuring him

that they would be finished in no time and told him to take his time talking with their father. Not even

once did Micah look in her direction, completely focusing on his own mate who wouldn’t open her

mouth to say something to himself.

Instead, the fragile woman started to fuss with her things. She silently started packing her things, taking

Micah’s request as an indirect order. It seemed Abby didn’t want to give any reason for the King to

change his mind and leave her behind.

Taking this as his chance, Ryan urged Micah to leave with him while subtly hinting at his daughter to

make Abby talk about what she said to the King. The Beta swiftly showed him the way to his own study

in the house, which was on the second floor.

[Keep an eye on her.] Micah mind linked one of his trusted warriors before following the Beta out.

As soon as Micah was out of her sight and it was just the two of them there, Hanna’s whole demeanor

changed as her eyes filled with malice. Her hatred which she hid from the King thus far burst from her

heart as she grabbed Abby, who was completely oblivious to her thoughts, by hair and yanked hard

until she tore a few strands.

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“You monster, what did you tell the King? Did you make up stories and complain to him about us?”

Hanna didn’t hold back at all while Abby didn’t even dare to scream even though she felt like her scalp

was on fire. Abby whimpered as tears streamed down her cheeks. It hurt so much Abby had a hard

time denying her claims. “I- I di- didn’t say any… anything.”

Hanna wasn’t ready to believe her as she tightened her hold on her hair and made Abby cry even

more. However, before Abby could break into high pitched sobs, the vile woman dropped a bomb on

her which shut her up immediately.

“If you don’t tell me everything right at this instant, I will make sure you will never see your beloved pet

again,” Hanna said in a voice só eerie it made gooseflesh erupt on Abby’s skin. Abby felt her throat

clogging in when she heard her heartless threat, as she had a hard time breathing.

This was not the first time for Hanna to get handsy with Abby. She would always find ways to hurt her,

both physically and mentally. But she was wise enough to never leave a mark. She would never slap or

pinch her hard enough.

This time though, her envy got the best of her and she couldn’t control her strength. Her jealousy and

hatred ruled her heart as she kept spouting threat after threat about how she would kill the poor animal.

Her pet was a small kitten she found a month ago. Abby rescued the poor animal in the forest. behind

the warehouses. It was injured badly and Abby nursed it back to health slowly.

Would Hanna really kill her kitten?

The will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!