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His Lordship Alexander Kane by Useless Caesar

Chapter 18
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Chapter 0018

The young soldier snorted and replied, “Don’t ask what you shouldn’t. Just focus on treating Her

Ladyship’s throat, and you’ll be handsomely rewarded.”

Zachary nodded repeatedly, not daring to utter another word. His back was already drenched in cold

sweat. This morning, these soldiers had imposed a strict lockdown on the hospital without any room for

negotiation. Then, he made an immediate call to the Ol‘ Mare Military for clarification.

To Zachary’s shock, the commander–in–chief Steve Gonzales, a battle–hardened general with three

golden stars on his shoulder, was tight–lipped. Steve even cautioned Zachary to handle the situation

with the utmost care and not to delay the treatment at any cost.

Not only that, but Steve also ordered the best doctors available to be called in. Moreover, the best

medical practices were to be applied to ensure the young lady’s throat would be healed.

Suddenly, an anxious and angry shout disrupted Zachary’s thoughts.

“Where’s Doctor Cavill? Where is he?” A middle–aged man in an expensive suit stood at the entrance

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of the pediatrics department, accompanied by three imposing bodyguards.

Ignoring the soldiers blocking the way, the man repeatedly shouted at the elderly doctor who had been

with Zachary earlier. “Doctor Cavill, what’s going on? Weren’t you supposed to treat my son? I won’t

see any other doctor; it must be you! Do you think you’re above the Chesire family? If you delay my

son’s treatment, I’ll make sure you pay with your life!”

Zachary’s face instantly ashen, and he was about to respond when two soldiers promptly appeared

before the man, crossing their arms in front of him intimidatingly.

“Those who dare to disturb the treatment of our Lady will face no mercy!”

Seeing these two burly soldiers, the man from the Chesire family was immediately filled with rage.

Who were these soldiers, and how dare they block his way?

“Do you know who I am? Do you know who my close friend is? General Gonzales, the commander–in–

chief of the Ol‘ Mare Military, is a dear friend of the Chesire family! You’ll regret disrespecting me! With

just a phone call, you’ll be homeless! Get out of my way now!”


The man shouted rudely, shoving the two soldiers aggressively.

At the same time, the screeching sound of brakes echoed through the air.

A Rolls–Royce sporting a custom ‘ALEX‘ license plate smoothly pulled into the hospital’s entrance and

came to a steady halt before Zachary and the others.

This was the Lord of War’s private car.

Alexander stepped out and called out, “Amber, Olivia, come with me.”

Zachary, the two assistant hospital directors, and several senior doctors hurried forward to greet them


“Are you Mister Kane? Is this Miss Chesire?” Zachary asked, “I’m Zachary Kramer, and these are some

of the finest experts in our ENT department. We’ll do our best to treat Miss Chesire’s throat.”

Alexander nodded slowly, replying, “Good! As long as you-”

He was cut off by a voice in the distance.

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It was the man from the Chesire family, who observed the situation. “Tch! I was just wondering who it

was, but it was you! Alexander, Amber, open your eyes and take a good look at who I am!”

Alexander turned to look, his gaze growing icy. It was none other than Neil Chesire, Patrick’s eldest

brother and Amber’s uncle.

“You worthless piece of shit!” Neil yelled, forcefully pushing aside the two soldiers in his path and

rushing forward with three Chesire family bodyguards. He berated Alexander angrily, “Just because

you’re connected to the military, you think you can pretend to be someone so important?!

“My son has hand, foot, and mouth disease, with blisters around his mouth and ulcers in his throat.

He’s here for treatment! No wonder Doctor Cavill refused to treat him. He was waiting here for you all

along! If my son’s condition worsens because of this delay, you’ll have to take responsibility for it!”

Alexander realized he had not seen Neil at Donovan’s birthday celebration. It seemed Neil was here to

get his son treated at the hospital. He seemed to have inherited Donovan’s charming traits; both were

foul–mouthed and egotistical.

The father and son truly resembled each other, recklessly ignorant of their own limits.

Holding Olivia, Amber glanced at Alexander and Neil helplessly in the face of this unexpected reunion.

They had come to the hospital with high hopes for