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CEO’s Surrender: With You, I Can Never Win

Chapter 5
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Chapter 5

The maids who could not stop Finley from barging in cowered at the side as the young woman strutted

into the room like she owned the place.

The woman was dressed from head to toe in black like she was attending a funeral.

As if the weather headed her call, a huge wind swept in through the open doorway.

Everyone shivered.

It was like watching the grim reaper stride into your living room…

Rita was the first to react.

“You’re crazy! Finley, what do you think you’re trying to do?”

Tina snapped out of her trance. However, Finley did not miss the flash of guilt clouding the older

woman’s face.

“Why are you looking at me like that?” Finley asked Tina. Then she chuckled, “Are you feeling guilty? Are

you surprised to see that I’m still alive?”

Tina glanced at Dirk worriedly. After all, he did not know of her plans. He was unaware that she was the

mastermind behind Finley’s brush with death earlier that day. Dirk didn’t know that she had sold Finley to

those lecherous men at the bar.

“Why was she back?” Tina thought, “How is she still able to walk in like this? Did my plan fail?”

Finley fixed her cold gaze on Tina and the woman felt a shiver down her spine. Even through the veil,

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she could feel the young girl’s wrath.

Her mind spun, “This b*tch must be back to get even with me!”

Feigning calmness, Tina snapped, “What is the meaning of this? Finley, you cannot blame us for kicking

you out of the house after you’d done such a shameful thing. How dare you use such vulgar tactics to

scare us?”

Finley felt the urge to clap and say, “What a great actress! Your ability to ad-lib is astounding!”

“Scare you? No, I’m here to repay the favor I owe you.”

Dirk blew his top. “You insolent brat! Guards! Drag her out of here!”

Finley chuckled as nobody appeared to obey Dirk’s orders,

“Don’t bother, it’s just us here. Now, let’s talk about that favor. Tina Anderson, did you think that no one

would know about what you did? Tsk, such a bold move, digging up my mother’s grave. One would think

that you’re so poor you can’t even afford your own coffin. Were you thinking of sharing? Sorry, my

mother’s coffin is not for the likes of you.”

Tina’s face became white as a sheet while Dirk frowned at his wife.

“Shut up! You’re spouting nonsense!”

“Am I? In any case, I decided to be generous. Look, I got this just for you. Anytime you want a one- way

ticket to hell, I’ll be happy to oblige.”

After saying that, Finley gave the coffin a push.

The large box hurtled toward Tina and she screamed as she hurried to get out of the way.

Unfortunately, she was too slow and the coffin struck her side and she tumbled to the ground. Dirk was

so angry that his face turned red. “Finley Keith! How dare you utter such ridiculous nonsense!”

The angry man slapped the table hard but did nothing else. He felt humiliated that his useless. daughter

was openly rebelling. She was looking down on his position as head of the family!

Finley smirked at Dirk.

“Don’t worry your time would come.” She then pointed to the coffin and said casually, “It’s a little small for

the both of you but beggars can’t be choosers. You’ll just have to share. After all, your wedding vows

said in good times and bad, hm?”

Dirk grabbed a plate and threw it at Finley.

The young woman scoffed and neatly sidestepped the projectile.

“Get out of here, you evil creature!”

Tricia started yelling for the guards, “Throw this b*tch into her coffin and throw her out now!”

Finley tutted, “Careful, Sister. Your image is falling apart.”

Tricia’s sharp glare shot to Finley while Rita snorted in amusement despite herself.

Finley watched in amusement as the family unity they displayed earlier showed cracks.

The family was confused. When did the useless and timid Finley grow so strong? They did not realize

that the introvert had such a sharp tongue.

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“Sorry, Mom,” Finley thought, “I tried to listen. I really did. I put my head down and let them step all over

me. But enough is enough. I will get my revenge for both of us.”

Back then, Dirk Keith’s company was going through financial difficulties and needed an immediate

injection of funds. He set his sights on Finley’s beautiful and wealthy mother. The fact that he was

already married to Tina did not stop him. Without a second thought, he divorced Tina and sweet- talked

her mother into marriage.

It was only after she gave birth to Finley did the poor woman find out it was all a sham. The divorce was

never finalized and their marriage was invalid.

By that time, with her mother’s recipes, Keith Group had already become a force to be reckoned with in

the perfume industry.

Weak and sickly ever since she gave birth, Finley’s mother clung to life tenaciously for her baby’s sake.

Before she died, she cautioned her daughter to hide her brilliance so that no one would be able to use

her. Staying alive was most important!

For years, Finley obeyed her mother. She endured the ridicule and insults as well as the disappointed

gaze Dirk had when he looked at her.

But no matter what she did, she was regarded as an eyesore. A constant reminder that Dirk was an

unfaithful, greedy man.

But since they didn’t even treat her as a human being and forced her to death, Finley would no longer

lower her head If death was what they wanted, death is what they would get. From now on, she would no


hold back!