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Billionaire’s Unseen Love (Bella and Alex)

Chapter 33
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33 Rising Ambitions

33 Rising Ambitions

In the bustling conference room, the air was tense, not from the usual bickering but because of an unexpected

announcement. Mr. Carson, the head of the firm, had gathered his team not for petty squabbles but to declare a

significant shift. “Enough with the small talk,” he declared, his gaze fixed. on the group. “I have news. Emma has

been outstanding lately, and | believe it's tshe takes the lead on a project. Any objections to her promotion?”

Emma’s heart raced with anticipation. Mr. Carson had been considering her for a higher role, and it seemed her

hard work on the recent venture had paid off. In any ordinary company, such promotions were straightforward.

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But here, in Carson Enterprises, it was different. Emma was not just an

employee; she was being groomed for leadership. Mr. Carson needed the approval of key figures, even if it was

just for show.

Inga, always the skeptic, scoffed at the idea. “This is absurd! She's barely more than an intern. If we start

handing out major projects to every junior staff, what's the point of hierarchy?”

The room filled with murmurs, srolling their eyes discreetly. They all knew Emma’s special place in Mr.

Carson's plans, but Inga seemed oblivious to the obvious. In the world of business, results trumped titles, and

they trusted Mr. Carson’s judgment.

A supportive voice chimed in, “I stand by Mr. Carson's decision.”

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Another colleague, always keen on details, inquired, “So, which project of for Emma, Mr. Carson?”

Mr. Carson outlined his plans, assigning Emma a high-stakes project in Easton District, a chance to prove herself

for a permanent executive role. The announcement left the room in a stunned silence. Easton District was a

significant challenge, requiring top-tier leadership and expertise garnered through years of hard work and

relevance in the industry.

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Inga’s face contorted with envy. “You think she can handle such a complex task?”

Mr. Carson's icy stare was answer enough. He didn’t need to justify his decisions to anyone, least of all Inga.

The meeting concluded with Inga storming out and the others indifferent, more concerned with profits than office


Afterward, Emma and her friend Jada excitedly set out to decorate her new executive office. The room felt like

their own, a place of freedom and power. But their joy was short-lived as Inga blocked their path, sneering at

Emma's qualifications. Emma, unfazed, introduced Jada as her assistant-a fitting role for an executive. Ingra,

frustrated at not finding any fault, left in a huff, and the two friends shared a laugh, knowing Inga’s next target

would likely be Mr. Carson.

34 Bod Moves