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Alpha Dimitri By LS Barbosa

Chapter 91
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Chapter 91 Aurora: | wrapped my arms around my daughter, pulling her to my chest as she slept after | fed and burped her.

The fact that | knew that she was the one being affected with everything that was happening was something that didn’t even want to consider. And therefore, regardless of the pain that | was in, | forced myself to stay healthy and to eat well. for the sake of feeding her properly, especially considering the fact that | breastfed her.

The fact that Dimitri didn’t even bother trying to understand what | was feeling toreinside. The man didn’t even care or consider that he did anything wrong; hell, he wasn’t even guilty for what he did, and that alone was enough to angermore than | already was with him.

Follow on NovᴇlEnglish.nᴇt

| looked down at my little one, and | couldn't help but find myself being in pain for her. She didn’t deserve living through something like this. She deserved. parents that were happy together, and | hated the fact that | knew that | couldn’t even do anything about it. No one was going to be supportingif | tried, and | knew better than to try asking my mother for any help. The woman was going to find pleasure in breakinginside anyway, and that was something that | was going to be sure not to let my daughter live through.

“I am going to be sure that you don’t live through what | am going through, little angel.” | whispered to her. She looked up atas my eyes welled up with tears as | knew that | was going to have to take a deep breath to calm myself, | wasn’t going to show my pain to anyone, and with Natalia's wedding around the corner, | wasn't going to do anything that was going to bother her with something like this. She yawned, and | smiled, taking her to her crib before walking toward the door. Her maids were going to cinside to make sure to tend to her, and wiping the tears that managed t sI*p from my eyes, | walked out of the room and watched as the maids cinside before heading to my and Dimitri’s room.

I had to admit, | did expect him to askto leave the room, to givemy room. back, but the man didn’t do so. And though | barely saw him in the house, | would wake up and find him either asleep besideor getting ready for his day the next morning. | didn’t bother speaking to him and neither did he.

| took a deep breath before opening the door, knowing that he was inside getting ready for work. | walked to the closet to get myself a dress for the day, | had a few things to tend to, and | knew that Claudia, one of the allying pack’s Lunas, was coming to see me. Her mate was an Alpha, a close one, to Dimitri, and | knew that ONE wrong word or behavior was going to be having fatal consequences.

“Is Angelina asleep?” Dimitri asked, takingoff guard. It tooka second to process the fact that he was talking to me, especially since the man and | haven't been talking for the past few days, and | nodded.

“She just dozed off, the maids are inside tending to her.” | said, and he nodded. “Are you going out?” “Luna Claudia is coming over,” | said, and he raised an eyebrow. “She wants to cover for tea. With the preparations to Natalia and Ivan’s wedding and all, it is only natural for neighboring pack Lunas to be coming over.” “I see,” he said, and I looked down at the dress.

“May | go and shower or is there anything else that you are going to ask?” | asked, and he raised an eyebrow.

“Have | ever told you not to shower when you wanted to?” He asked, and | shook my head.

Follow on Novᴇl-Onlinᴇ.cᴏm

“But then again, | never realized how second of a choice | was until...” “You are refusing to listen to anything but the sound that is in your head, and | told you, | am not going to try and convince you otherwise, Aurora.” He said, stopping me. “You can choose to think what you want, and believe me, the last thing that | have energy or tfor is a jealous...” “I am not jealous of a woman that has been in your life for as long as you can bloody damn remember,” | said, stopping him. “But the fact that the woman was supposed to be my friend and that YOU were supposedly single was something that | am annoyed with. Had you toldthat our mating was going to be a deal, had you not acted...” “I never did act, Aurora.” He said, stopping me. “Not once did | call you to tell you that the two of us would be preparing things together as mates who were going to have a mating ceremony. | think that you can see Ivan and Natalia and you can see that they are IN LOVE, getting ready, and are preparing things TOGETHER. The two of us never had that and you just went on ahead, assuming that | was. going to want anything to do with you because we are ‘fated’ mates.” “Then why the hell did you not say no?” | asked, shaking my head in question. “If you didn’t want anything to do with me, why did you not say no?” | knew that this wasn’t the first tthe two of us had this argument, but it was times like this when | wondered why he didn’t just choose to give the two of us the peace of mind that he could have offered had he JUST been honest. | knew that I had no other choice, whether or not I liked it, | was my family’s bastard and | owed them that much for the tand years that they took care of me. But | knew that HE could have had a choice.

“And risk the chance of losing an offer like that one?” He asked, takingoff guard. “Had you been a goblin, | would have fucked you that night...” | slapped him, taking him off guard as I stopped him from completing his sentence.

He looked away from me, taking a deep breath as he put his hand on his cheek, and | couldn’t help the tears that fell from my eyes as | glared at him.

“You are a damn jerk, do you know that?” | asked, throwing the dress on the bed. as | walked toward the door.

“Where the fuck are you going?” He asked, wrapping his hand around my wrist, stopping me. | pulled my hand from him, and he growled as he sawresenting him. I turned to face him, my tears falling freely from my eyes as | did before. returning the growl.

“I am going to hell,” | said, and he took a deep breath. “At least there, | might not be treated as nothing more than a pleasure whore...”