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Alpha Dimitri By LS Barbosa

Chapter 106
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Chapter 106 Aurora: “So, how is he?” One of the girls asked Natalia. Her eyes widened, and her cheeks reddened, and it didn’t takelong to understand that they were referring to Ivan in bed. “I mean, surely you've tried to at least...” “I doubt that my sex life should be of interest to the queen of sex, Matilda Del Gardi.” Natalia said, stopping her cousin. She looked down at her hand and pretended to be checking her nails.

“Yeah, father decided to want to chop off the next man’s cock if he finds him in my room. Well, let's just say that I've been taking it to his room or to a hotel, and that is not something that he can stopfrom doing.” Matilda said, and my eyes widened in surprise as | fought back a laugh despite the other girls seeming very much amused with this. Matilda seemed to be proud of what she was saying, and | looked at Natalia for a second, watching as she winked and | shook my head as a small smile crept on my lips.

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The momentary distraction was one that | needed as | knew that | was going to have to go back to the pack later, and dealing with Dimitri was not something that | wanted to do right now. If anything, I did wish that | would find a way not to deal with him, his fuss, or whatever explanation he intended to giveabout Charlotte.

And though | knew that | should trust him, | knew that as my husband, a man who was wanting to make things right between us, | should be willing to accept it; | couldn't do that. She was his past and | understood that, but that past was MY present and pain.

“What about you, Aurora?” Another one of the women asked, looking at me. Inna was her name, and | could see the excitement in her eyes. “She is choosing to keep her lips sealed as she is yet to be married and knows the consequences behind no marriage sex. But what about how? How is Dimitri in bed?” “I am sorry?” | asked, my eyes widening in surprise at the woman's bluntness. Natalia’s eyes widened, and | knew that she understood that they were crossing a privacy limit that they. shouldn't. She cleared her throat, and the woman raised an eyebrow at her.

“Oh, con, we are all girls here. And we are merely having fun...” 1/3 Need Precision Metal Stamping? Get 10% Off (Order Now) Emergency calls only G Chapter 106 1010 100% 11:47 FD “Minding our limits should be within the verge of having fun as well.” | said, looking at the woman, watching as her eyes widened as she understood her mistake. | wasn’t their friend. nor was | close associate, plus, this was the first tthat | have met any of them. “I am going to the bathroom.” | got up from the chair, knowing not to press on the topic. We just finished the final check. on the wedding dress, chocolates, and flowers. Everything was done and we were just taking a break in a café, Natalia wanting to spend as much as twith her cousins before we both called it a night and went home.

| could hear her steps as she approached the bathroom while | stood in front of the mirror, and when she walked inside, | saw her annoyance in her eyes. “The girls are just trying to have fun, Aurora, you didn’t need to take things as personally as you did.” | raised an eyebrow at the woman, and she took a deep breath, knowing that what she just said messed something up. She knew that this was something that | wouldn't accept, and the fact that she wantedto was something that amazed me.

“Then you can proceed with your fun, and I am going to sow myself to the car as | wait for you. Mind you, | have my limit, and you of all people should know that very well, especially when it comes to those that | don’t know.” | said, and she looked down at her feet, avoiding my eyes. “I don’t want to ruin your day for you as | know that you chere to have fun with your cousins, but | believe that what | cfor is done, and that | can show myself...

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“You play the strong Luna card onand my cousins, and when it comes to Dimitri, you turn into this small cat that is afraid of saying ONE word to him?” She asked, and | raised an amused eyebrow at her. “That really does show the type of women that you....” “I am going to allow this to slide...” “What are you going to do the next time? The sthing that you're doing with a man that shows you that he doesn’t love you?” She asked, stopping me. “I was trying to be nice, but it seems tothat nice is something that makes you think that you're something. Well, | am going to remind you that you are...

| walked past her before she could go on with what she was saying, knowing that | didn’t want to argue right now, and knowing for fact that | was tired of all of this. Leaving with my daughter was not an option for me, not when | didn’t know what waited for me, but | knew one thing, and that was the fact that | wasn’t the weakling that she thought that | was.

2/3 Need Precision Metal Stamping? Get 10% Off (Order Now) A Emergency calls only G Chapter 106 IDID 100% 11:47 5 “I am going to show you who | am, Natalia.” | said, nodding at the car driver to open the door for me. | would have to call the pack to have another one sent to her, but I didn’t plan. on waiting for her, nor did I plan on riding the scar with her.

“And Ms. Natalia?” The driver, Ernest asked, looking atthrough the rear mirror.

“Call Vincent to go and pick her up when she needs him.” | said, looking out the window to find her eyes wide in surprise and fear as she sawleaving. Two of her cousins followed. her out, and she shook her head as | heard her heart racing. “She is going to be staying with her cousins for a little while longer...” 3/3 SEND GIFT COMMENT