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All Her Secrets By Chestnut

Chapter 37
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All Her Secrets By Chestnut Chapter 37

Chapter 37 Breaking the Taboo

It wasn’t that nobody wanted to sit next to Bryan. It was that nobody dared to sit next to him. If Liana

was the prettiest girl in Loyalty Academy, Bryan was the school bully.

Nobody dared to cross Bryan. Besides, the youngest son of the Duncans was known to have a taboo,

which was that he didn’t like girls.

Therefore, Bryan’s seat was surrounded by male students. In the past, a girl that didn’t know better

forced her way into sitting near Bryan.

She was kicked out of the classroom that day and was asked to quit school the next day. Since then,

no girl dared to even think about sitting near Bryan.

Now, the homeroom teacher asked the new student to sit beside Bryan directly. Everyone was worried

about the new student. Some students couldn’t help but wonder if the teacher hated the new student

for making such an arrangement.

Since Catherine stepped into the classroom, she had attracted the eyes of many. Now, it could be said

that she was the center of attention.

However, Catherine couldn’t care less about it at all. After all, she wasn’t only getting stared at today. If

she cared so much about the attention of others, she would have gone mad long ago.

With her school bag in her hand, Catherine walked slowly toward the seat the homeroom teacher had

pointed at, right next to Bryan.

Everyone’s eyes followed Catherine’s every step.

Seeing her stop next to Bryan, everyone gasped in horror and held their breaths. They were all eager

to see what would happen next.

Apart from glancing at Catherine initially, Bryan did not pay attention to Catherine again. However,

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Bryan knew when Catherine was walking toward him.

He put a foot on the chair next to him. There was a mocking smile on his well-defined and handsome


Catherine did not care about her new deskmate at all. Her cold eyes looked emotionless. It was as if he

was not even there.

Catherine reached out to pull the chair out but found that the chair didn’t move at all.

With a brow raised, Catherine saw that the boy sitting next to her had a foot on the bar at the bottom of

the chair. That was why she couldn’t pull it out.

Catherine sneered silently but showed little change in emotion on her face. Without even putting her

bag down, Catherine kicked the back of the chair with her knee easily.

However, Bryan jerked his leg away at her kick as though he had been electrified. Catherine pulled the

chair out and sat down slowly and gracefully.

Everyone nearby was stunned. Some of the students couldn’t even believe their eyes. It was amazing

Bryan would let anybody sit next to him so easily.

They looked at Catherine again. Oh god. Only one word could describe her, which was “cold”!

If one had to use two words to describe her, it would be “extremely cold”!

They had only felt this way when Bryan was mad. However, the new student had such a cold

temperament herself. She was indeed a stone-cold fox.

Just as everyone was curious to know why Bryan would let the girl sit down so easily, Bryan rubbed his

ankle secretly.

His foot was still trembling even until now. He had no idea what had happened just now. Before he

could react, his foot had already left the bar of the chair.

One had to know that Bryan was an excellent fighter. His legs were strong and powerful. Few people

could move his leg in a breeze.

Bryan turned to size Catherine up in curiosity.

However, he found she was already leaning against the table, sleeping. She even covered her face

with a book. He could only see part of her stunningly beautiful face from a crack.

After staring for a few seconds, Bryan felt his heart beating faster. He didn’t understand what was going

on himself.

David was just about to report things to Bryan. He didn’t expect to see such an astonishing scene when

he turned around.

His boss was staring at the new student while she was leaning against the table, sleeping.

What was most astonishing was that David felt that Bryan seemed to be looking at her somewhat


Could it be…

David didn’t dare to think further. He couldn’t understand what was going on anymore.

As the bell rang, indicating the end of the first lesson, Catherine remained sound asleep. Even though

she was new here, her temperament and presence made it impossible for others to ignore her.

The noisy class became extremely quiet because Catherine was fast asleep.

The teacher, who did not leave immediately, was slightly stunned. Usually, the students would start

talking and running around as soon as the lesson ended. Why were they so quiet today? Was the

teacher imagining things?

Moreover, with Catherine’s arrival, discussions that were once about idols, fashion, and food had

become all about her.

“Don’t you think that Catherine is so pretty? I feel like she can become a top idol just with her good


A girl said, echoed by another girl immediately, “I think so too!”

“Compared to Liana, who do you think is more good-looking? Liana beat the originally prettiest girl in

the school in the first term she came here and remains to be the prettiest girl in Loyalty Academy until


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“So what? In my eyes, she has met her match now. The new student is so much prettier than Liana.

Anyone could see that. Didn’t you see that even Bryan is treating her differently?”

“You’re right!”

Liana was just passing by and heard every word of this conversation.

She was once the top and prettiest girl at school, whom everyone was envious of. Now that Catherine

was here, she had ruined everything.

How could it be?

How could she do that?

Liana looked in Catherine’s direction and said through gritted teeth, “Catherine, you jinx, I’ll make you


There were four lessons in the morning, and Catherine slept through all of them. Most surprisingly, no

teacher told Catherine off.

If it was any other student, the teachers would have scolded them and kicked the student out of the


David only got news about the reason why near the end of school and told Bryan about it in a low


“Bryan, I heard that the new student was never in school before. The Swanns paid for her to be

enrolled here. The principal made sure to tell the teachers that as long as she doesn’t cause trouble

and remains quiet in class, they don’t have to tell her off for her special conditions.”

The truth came out. So the girl was nothing. She didn’t even go to school and was probably even


With that, Bryan turned to glance at Catherine again, who was still fast asleep. His eyes looked


However, as soon as the bell signaling the end of school rang, Catherine, who was just sound. asleep,

woke up as though the bell was her alarm.

She woke up so suddenly!