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After the Divorce: Crushed on My Lawyer Ex-wife

Chapter 24
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#24 “Are You Trying to Irritate Me?”

“Since I am here now, I would love to invite Ms. Johnson back to the stage for a brief duet with me. If

she will give me the honor,” Oliver asks, motioning for Sophia to join him.

With a radiant smile, Sophia gladly rejoins her friend on the stage. After a few playful exchanges, they

settle into a rousing version of Sergei Prokofiev’s Sonata for 2 Violins. Their synchronized performance


breathtaking, captivating the crowd. As the final note resounds through the hall, the audience erupts

into another round of enthusiastic applause, their admiration for both musicians evident.

After the applause for the spontaneous duet settles, the auctioneer for the auction takes the stage, his

face shining with excitement. “Well, let’s keep that energy going for our charity auction!”

As the auction commences, valuable items are enthusiastically bid on, and a substantial amount of

money is raised for charity. Benjamin successfully bids for a Jaeger-LeCoultre watch, while Sophia

wins a Pablo Picasso sculpture. However, the most sought-after auction item of the evening is Sophia’s

Stradivari’s violin.

When the auctioneer brings Sophia’s prized possession to the stage, the audience buzzes with

excitement. “I can see we are all ready to bid on the Stradivari’s violin that Ms. Johnson so expertly

played on for us today. We shall start the bidding at 10,000 dollars.

Immediately, a flurry of paddles rises into the air, including Benjamin’s and Alexander’s. Turning to her

friend, Sophia jokes, “I don’t think you will have to help drive the bid higher.”

“Are you kidding me?” Benjamin responds with a smirk. “I want that! What you did tonight was

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The auctioneer skillfully continues the bidding, quickly reaching 10,000, then 50,000, and even 100,000

dollars. Sophia feels a sense of pride and satisfaction knowing that her violin is generating such

generous charitable contributions.

As the bidding climbs to 200,000 dollars, Benjamin, with a hint of disappointment, admits, “Sorry, dear,

too rich for my blood.”

Surveying the room, Sophia notices that several determined bidders, including Alexander, are still

raising their paddles.

“As long as Alexander doesn’t win, I don’t think I’ll care,” Sophia remarks quietly to Benjamin. The

auction proceeds, reaching a staggering 850,000 dollars with two determined bidders remaining.

“I can’t believe he is still bidding,” Sophia whispers as Alexander raises his paddle to bid 900,000


“Do I have 950,000 from the woman in the corner?” the auctioneer asks. She smiles and nods. Turning

to Alexander, he inquires, “Do we make it an even million?”

Alexander raises his paddle without hesitation, and the room releases a small gasp in awe at the

monumental price. The other bidder politely declines to raise the bid any further. “With that, the

Stradivari’s violin is awarded to the gentleman at table 8 for an even one million dollars.”

The audience explodes with applause, and Alexander grins, satisfied with his successful bid. Sophia

whispers to Benjamin, “I really wanted it to go to someone I didn’t dislike as much as I dislike him.”

“Honey, he paid one million dollars for charity,” Benjamin consoles.

“Yes, true, for charity. And he was most certainly very generous with his donation. I am very grateful for

that.” Sophia concedes, clinking her champagne glass with his. But she is still somewhat disheartened

that her violin now belongs to Alexander Stone.

Impressed with Alexander’s bidding prowess, Emily turns to him with an enormous smile. “I cannot

believe you bid that much for the violin!” she exclaims.

Alexander turns his flamboyant green eyes to meet Emily’s gaze. “Well, it is an incredibly crafted

instrument, and I know it will make the perfect present,” he says confidently. Emily’s heart skips a beat,

“Alexander was bidding on the violin as a gift for me!”

His acknowledgment made her smile from ear to ear. Feeling a rush of excitement, she moves her

hands to rest on Alexander’s arm, trying flirtingly to communicate her happiness.

“Yes, it is the perfect gift,” Emily replies, attempting to keep a seductive tone as she leans closer to him.

Alexander’s response is quick, shifting slightly, avoiding Emily’s hands. “My mother has an affinity for

stringed instruments, and with her birthday coming up soon, I am sure she will love it.”

A wave of realization crashes over Emily, and her excitement deflates like a popped balloon. She

quickly tries to recover from her assumption. “Oh, yes. It is perfect for her. You are a wonderful son,”

Emily forces a smile, though her eyes show her disappointment.

Alexander, oblivious to Emily’s feelings, nods in agreement. “Thank you. She has always supported my

pursuits, so I want to give her something special.”

Emily nods, trying to hide her feelings as she turns her attention back to the ongoing auction. As the

auction nears its end, Oliver gracefully makes his way to table eight, where Sophia, Benjamin,

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Alexander, and Emily are still seated.

“Sophia, I wanted to thank you again for the incredible duet and, of course, for covering for me earlier,”

Oliver comments. “Of course,” Sophia replies with a warm smile. “Anything for a friend.”

Oliver then addresses the rest of the table. “Well, I am going to retire for the night. Mr. Stone, it is a

pleasure to put a name to the face finally,” he says, extending his hand.

Alexander rises and shakes Oliver’s hand cordially, replying, “Yes, my family is beyond honored to be

the organizers for your upcoming concert.

“I truly appreciate it. It should be a fantastic evening,” Oliver responds appreciatively. As Alexander

gazes at Sophia, his eyes softening, “Ms. Johnson, you should attend too. Maybe we will get lucky, and

you will grace us with another surprise performance.”

“Thank you, Mr. Stone, but I am going to have to decline the invitation,” she says politely but firmly.

“Oliver, it was a pleasure to see you again. Let me walk you to the door.”

Alexander is irritated by Sophia’s constant rejection, “How many times do you need me to be rejected

before you’re satisfied? Are you intentionally trying to irritate me?” He grabs her arm and asks.

Sophia pulls away from Alexander’s grasp and responds, “Mr. Stone, I am not trying to irritate you or

stir up any emotions. I do appreciate you vouching for me with Barbara, but truth be told, we just don’t

get along with each other. So, I see no reason to go to your concert or spend any more time with you

than absolutely necessary.”

With that, she embraces Oliver and leads him towards the exit. Sophia’s words completely ignite

Alexander’s anger. He silently makes his way toward the informant remembering his prearranged


Spotting the informant sitting at the bar, Alexander makes his way through the crowded ballroom

towards him, his face set in a stony expression.