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A Saint Who Was Adopted by the Grand Duke

Chapter ex15: Extra 15: Honeymoon (III)
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Noah stopped by the bedroom during the day and found Esther asleep in a chair.

“You’ve been taking a lot of naps lately.”

As he thought it was cute and approached to move her to the bed, he found Shur on her lap.

“You’re here too. Could you move away for a second?”

He whispered softly so as not to wake Esther, moving his hand nearer, but suddenly, Shur bared his teeth at Noah.


Noah was shocked by Shur’s sudden action and lowered his hand to calm him down.

“I’m going to move her so that she can sleep comfortably.”

After taking stto calm Shur, he was able to lift Esther.

As soon as he carefully lay her down on the bed, Shur again clung to Esther and guarded against Noah.

“You are sensitive today.”

Perhaps it was because Shur hadn’t seen Noah for a long time. Soon, the snake coiled up and lay down next to Esther’s belly.

Noah finally relaxed and rested his chin on the edge of the bed, looking at Esther.

“You look cute when you sleep.”

Throughout the break, he happily stared at Esther, then quietly left the room when an aide cto pick him up.

After a while…

Waking up from her deep sleep, Esther was startled to find herself lying in bed.


The moment she looked at the window and realized that it was dark outside, she jumped up.

“What happened? Did I fall asleep?”


Shur, who woke up together, acted cute near her stomach.

“What happened?”

Since becoming independent, they had never slept together like this. Esther petted Shur, observing its cuteness up close.

Then, her stomach rumbled.

“Ah, Noah will be waiting for you.”

Esther had promised to have dinner with Noah tonight.

Before going out into the hallway, she looked in the mirror and quickly tidied up her hair and makeup.

“Dorothy, why didn’t you wake me?”

“His Highness instructedto let you sleep well.”

“Where is he now?”

“He is in the study. He wants to do smore work while he waits for you to wake up.”

Hearing that, Esther hurried to the study.

“Your Highness! Don’t run!”

Dorothy ran and stopped Esther, forcing her to walk.


“What? Oh, just… a feeling.”

Not understanding Dorothy’s words, Esther grabbed the hem of her dress again and brisk walked.

With a slight stomp in her steps, Dorothy asked.

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“Do you have anything you want to eat?”


“Something you missed, or something sour that you suddenly want to eat.”

“Not at all.”

“Hmm. All right. Enjoy your meal.”

Watching Esther enter the study, Dorothy tilted her head, wondering if her expectations were wrong.


A few days later, it was the day of Esther’s visit to the grand ducal family.

Although normally, Deheen, Judy, and Dennis took turns going in and out until the gates of the palace were worn out.

It was her first visit home. She had been busy adjusting and dealing with things after getting married.

“It seems like a very long tago.”

Excited at the thought of going home, Esther was prepared all morning.

She checked all the rare items she had received and collected while in the palace, and loaded them onto the carriage. Wiping her hands on her dress, she wondered out loud.

“Are there too many?”

There were seven carriages filled with presents.

“How could it be? It’s a token of your love.”

Smiling, Esther clapped her hands in agreement and she climbed into the carriage.

“That’s right, Shur!”

“Will you take him?”

“Yes, these days, he doesn’t seem to want to be apart from me.”

As if he knew she was going to leave today, Shur went into his basket first thing in the morning and waited with his face sticking out.

Esther went to her room and took the basket containing Shur.

Now, she thought she was really ready. But a frown crept up her face as she was about to go outside.

“Dorothy, wait.”

“What’s wrong?”

“I’m going to go to the bathroom.”


Dorothy’s expression becsignificant when she realized Esther was looking for the bathroom again not long after she had gone.

“Are you feeling unwell?”

After an awkward trip to the bathroom, Esther found Noah.

“I’m sorry I couldn’t cwith you this time. I really wanted to go with you on your first visit.”

“It’s okay. I will be visiting more often in the future. Don’t get too hung up on work while I’m gone.”

“Okay. Go and get srest. Love you.”

Noah gave Esther a light hug and gently kissed her on the forehead.

As Esther tried to turn around, Noah felt sorry for her and grabbed her arm.

“What should I do? I will miss you, I can’t see you for several days. Since we got married, it’s the first twe’ve been separated for so long.”

“Anyway, it’s just a few days.”

“Look at you… I clearly love you more.”

“You’re measuring the size of love with something like this?”

Esther hugged Noah, pressing her face against his chest and whispered,

“Love you. I will be back.”


Noah was still sad to let Esther go, but he had no choice but to escort her up the carriage and see her off.

The carriage started.

Esther closed her eyes, knowing it would take quite a while to get to Tersia.

She dozed off, and in a while, she woke up to a smell that tickled her nose.

“What is this smell?”

“What does it smell like?”

Dorothy, who was sewing beside her, sniffed and looked around.

But Dorothy couldn’t smell anything.

“Stop the carriage for a moment.”

In the end, Esther even stopped the carriage, getting out of the carriage herself to find the source of the smell.

“This is it!”

“What? But it’s a snack coated with cinnamon powder. Your Highness never eats anything that smells like cinnamon.”

“Really? Perhaps my tastes have changed. I really want to eat right now.”

They bought a bunch of snacks from the stall and got back on the carriage.

“Do you like it?”

“Yes. It’s shocking I lived without knowing this taste. You should eat stoo.”

“I’m fine. Your Highness can have it all.”

Dorothy gazed lovingly at Esther, who was eating very happily, with crumbs smeared on her face as she did when she was a child.


Back in Tersia, Esther couldn’t believe what she was seeing as she got off the carriage.

Deheen, the twins, and all the staff of the grand ducal residence stood in front of the mansion, holding pieces of paper with her non it.

“…Should I go back right away?”

When Esther, whose expression hardened, tried to get back into the carriage, Deheen hurriedly lowered the paper.

“Everyone, put it down.”

“I guess it’s no good.”

“Huh. It’s a failure. Then let’s go to the second plan.”

Judy and Dennis whispered and pulled back.

Then, they held out a very large bouquet, waiting for Esther to approach.


Esther grinned as she received the bouquet from her brothers.

“Thank you. I like this.”

“I knew it. I chose this one.”

Dennis boasted, smirking at Judy.

“Was your journey hard? I wanted to pick you up.”

“She was afraid there would be an argument. Con in.”

It was Esther who had warned them several times not to go pick her, thinking of how they would quarrel over who would see her first.

“Mmm, it smells good.”

“The chefs worked hard because you’re coming.”

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As soon as she entered the mansion, all kinds of delicious smells stimulated her nose.

Even though Esther had filled her stomach with the cinnamon snacks she bought on the way, the smell made her hungry again.

‘Did my appetite increase?’

Esther, who liked delicious food but had a small stomach, touched her belly, marveling at her change.

“It’s dinnertsoon. If you don’t mind, just unpack and cstraight to the dining room.”

“Yes, Dad.”

After giving Deheen a big hug, Esther went to her room.

It had been a long tsince she had stepped into her room, but it was the sas before she left. Not a single thing had changed.

“The floor is smooth.”

Even the glass was shiny, showing just how well the maids cleaned it.

Esther put the basket containing Shur on the bed and sat down next to it.

“This is my house, and it will never change.”

Just like when she first chere, it had always given her peace and warmth.

She was looking around the room in nostalgia when Judy opened the door and entered.

“Oh? Shur is here too.”

“Lately, his cute acts have increased. He also tries not to part from me.”

“Really? Letpet him… Ahh!”

Judy, although still afraid of snakes, reached a hand out towards Shur. But he was almost bitten and he rapidly backtracked.

“Hahahahaha. Are you scared of this little one?”

“No matter how small, he is BamBam’s child. He also has the blood of a Giant Big.”

Judy blinked pitifully at Esther as she sighed.

“Let’s go. Dinner is ready.”

Esther’s eyes widened as she arrived at the dining hall with Judy’s escort.

“Is there a party today?”

“It’s a party because you are here.”

Deheen responded as he pulled out a chair for Esther to sit on.

The current Deheen didn’t hesitate to say unfamiliar and affectionate things. The twins didn’t react much since they were used to it.

“Your vacancy is too big. The tto sit down and eat together like this is precious.”

“Dad, you often go to the imperial palace for dinner. My brothers too.”

“That is different. It isn’t this dining hall.”

“That’s right. Esther, this place is full of our memories.”

The words of Deheen and Dennis moved Esther’s heart.

As they said, this dining hall contained all the memories from the day she first set foot in it until now.

“I will coften.”

Only then did Deheen smile and raise his fork.

“Eat a lot.”

“Thank you for this food.”

There were too many kinds of dishes on the table for the four to eat, but they tasted them all as they were made with love.

“This is a stew made with lamb meat. It was simmered for two days.”

As the chef introduced the main dish, he scooped out a specially selected cut and set it down in front of Esther.

But as soon as Esther smelled the rich stew, her face changed.

Ame: Someone save the chef!!!!!!!!!