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30 Days till I Divorce My Husband (Estrella and Jason)

Chapter 32
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Chapter 32

Startled, Estrella inquired, “Why did you chere?”

With a nonchalant air, Jason replied, “Can’t | cover for a meal?”

Estrella propped herself up on her elbows and chuckled, “It’s just that you haven't cby in the past couple of

years, so forgivefor being a bit flustered.”

Jason gazed at Estrella intently. Though she was smiling, something seemed off to him.

Getting out of bed, Estrella neatly folded her sheets. With Jason engrossed in a book on the couch, she poured

herself a glass of water and settled down at her desk to catch up on work.

From the couch, Jason glanced at Estrella, sensing that something was amiss. They were both absorbed in their

tasks until Autumn knocked and called them down for dinner.

“Jason, it’s so rare for you to visit. Please, help yourself to more,” Autumn offered warmly, making Jason feel

somewhat uncomfortable.

Since marrying Estrella, he hadn't visited the Dorvold family often.

As they dined, Cole and Jason struck up a conversation about work. Estrella usually chimed in, but to

she was engrossed in her phone, barely participating in the


Noticing this, Autumn tapped Estrella’s plate with her fork. “Estrella, what are you looking at on your phone

during dinner?”

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“Just reviewing a case file,” Estrella responded

“Eat first. You can look at that later. And it’s the holidays. Tto relax.” Autumn scolded gently.

“Okay,” Estrella complied, turning off her phone and focusing on her meal.

Autumn continued to chide, “You and your work, always work...”

After Autumn finished, Jason shot Estrella a sidelong glance, but she seemed oblivious to him. In the past,

Estrella would be visibly excited by his visits, often playfully teasing him, but today, she hardly seemed to notice.

Later, sensing Estrella’s unusual silence, Autumn asked, “Estrella, are you having trouble at work? If you're

unhappy, go back to the company and help your dad. At least you won't have to deal with unpleasant attitudes.”

Estrella laughed it off, “Mom, stop worrying. Work’s never gotten the better of me.” Although she was a

newcomer to the legal field, Estrella had an unbeaten record in her


Chapter 32

Catching Jason’s eye, she encouraged him with a smile, “Don’t be shy. Eat up.”

After dinner, around eight, the young couple spent a little twith Cole and Autumn. before heading upstairs.

Estrella retrieved sclothes from the wardrobe and asked Jason, “You're not going back tonight?”

In their t

two years of marriage, Jason had never stayed the night at her place.

Jason, emotionless as ever, retorted, “Am | not welcto stay?”

Estrella laughed, “Of course you are.”

Her words were welcoming, but her demeanor was different. She no longer teased Jason. Normally, she would

have made suggestive comments by now, leaving Jason flushed with embarrassment.

She then offered, “You can use the bathroom here. I'll go to the guest room.”

Normally, she would have suggested they shower together.

As he watched Estrella leave the bedroom, Jason's expression grew pensive. This was not the usual Estrella; she

was hiding something. Despite her smiles and warmth, something was off.

When Estrella returned from the guest room, Jason was already in bed, having finished washing up.

Estrella pulled up a chair at the desk and said, “I've got case files to go through. You get srest.”

Jason set down his book and looked at her. “Not insisting on bearing my kid today?” For the six hours he had

been in her presence that day, Estrella hadn't teased him once, nor mentioned having sex. Usually, she would

have taken advantage of the romantic evening, but now she was focused on work.

Jason's question prompted Estrella to reply, “You can’t be obsessed with that every day. There's work to do.” She

then continued to peruse her case files.

Jason got up and approached her, cupping her face to make her look at him. “Estrella, something's on your


He had known her for 23 years, ever since she was born. He could usually read her emotions.

Estrella caught Jason's wrist, amused. “So you're not used tonot harassing you?”

She was about to mention the natural mood swings women would experience when Jason pulled her to her feet.

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Estrella steadied herself and teased, “Feeling frisky? Planning to force me?”

Chapter 32

Estrella laughed; she had barely said anything today. How could she be accused of sarcasm?

Their eyes met and seeing Jason's determined look, Estrella chuckled, “Do | really have to beg you to have sex?”

Jason's expression darkened, and he gripped Her face tighter. Estrella winced and pushed his hand away. “I saw

you this morning with someone else.” She didn’t elaborate further.

Realizing she meant his encounter with Serene and Vincent, Jason relaxed his aggressive stance and explained,

“I told you. | owed her a favor.”

Estrella shot back, “That's your business, Jason, but | have the right to be unhappy. | don’t have to grovel for

your affection.”

Jason didn’t like that response. “Estrella, you're being unreasonable.”

Estrella couldn't help but let out a laugh tinged with disbelief. “Jason, why do you think! should be groveling for

your attention when | see you spending twith another girl on a

bills?” holiday? Did | ever take a dfrom you, or have you been footing my

The last thing she wanted was to get into a spat with him, let alone bring up

the top

topic. All she wanted was to give him the cold shoulder, but he wouldn't stop hounding her. Since when had it

beca crfor her not to please him, not to tease him?

Jason's voice cut through the air, icy and sharp. “Estrella, have you been just toying withall this time?”