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The Luna’s Choice by Kat Silver

Chapter 55
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Chapter 55: Theo

I was parked on the street a few houses down from the address Ozzy had given me. I had

been by twice already, and no one had been home. Both times I left with a feeling in my

gut that something was off. I was able to see through a couple of the windows. It appeared

someone was still occupying the residence. I just had to catch them when they were

home. I just needed to get a glimpse of him, catch his scent. Then I’d be able to know if he

was a pack member.

We hit a dead end with the investigations, but Briggs had spoken with the other Alphas,

and we all agreed that their fires were likely related to ours. We know that whoever set the

fire was the one who killed Mrs. Walport. The only thing we were struggling to figure out

was why. The only thing that gave us an idea was that two boxes of files were missing


having trouble figuring out what

arrow it down.

the archives. But re

was in them to help us

So I was waiting for som

to come back to the house. If this was connected to the other pack fires, then the culprit

wasn’t a Greytooth. I had already checked any known non- pack member in the territory at

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the time of the fire. This man may be our last possible lead.

My phone pinged from the center console. It was probably Briggs checking in. I picked it

up and opened the message. My heart stopped. He had sent me a string of pictures. They

were all of Ayla. They were at the banquet.

She was stunning.


Chapter 55: Theo

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Her smile was enchanting even through the phone screen. I could only imagine the impact

in person. Goddess, I wanted to be there.

But my mother insisted I stay behind. It took everything I had to give in to her request. I

told myself I needed to get answers about the fire. If I was going to get Ayla back, if I was

going to bring her home, I needed to make sure she was safe here. That meant finding the

murdering bastard that targeted my pack. And something told me he was still here.

I kept glancing at the pictures as I waited for the guy to come home. Ozzy said his name

was Randall. He was in the city for some kind of job, but Ozzy couldn’t remember what. I

was tempted to let myself in and search the house, but I knew I needed to speak with him


A car finally pulled up to the house an hour later. I waited for him to get inside and settled

before getting out of my car. I walked the short distance and knocked on the door. It took a

minute to hear movement, but he finally answered.

His scent hit me, and I instantly knew he wasn’t a Greytooth. It was also clear that he

didn’t know who I was, which was another sign he wasn’t a pack member. All pack

members can recognize their Alpha, even if they’ve never met them.

“What can I do for you, good sir?” he asked.

“Hello,” I replied. “I heard that we had a visitor to the city, and I thought would come by

and introduce myself. I’m Alpha Theo Arden.”

He shook my extended hand and stepped outside, closing the door behind him.


Chapter 55: Theo

“It’s nice to meet you, Alpha Theo,” he said. “I’m Randall Fallweather.”

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“It’s good to meet you, Randall. So, what brings you to the Greytooth pack?”

“Ah, I’ve got some work in the area. I’m a photographer and a bit of a historian,” he said.

“I’m working with Professor Armand at the university on a project.”

“That’s good to know,” I said. “So, what pack are you from?”

“I’m from the Redpaw pack,” he replied. “Although haven’t spent much time there the past

year or so. My work brings me all over the place. Speaking of, I’ve been up since five this

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morning. I don’t mean to be rude, but I’m a bit tired.”

“Of course,” I said. “Please, forgive my intrusion. I hope you have a nice evening.”

He nodded as I turned to leave. He waited until I was on the

street before he re–entered the house.

He was hiding something. I could feel it.

But I couldn’t tell if it was what we were looking for. I needed to get into the house and do

a search. But I couldn’t do it tonight. I would have to come back at a better time and with

supplies. I would have to hide my scent, or he would know.

But he was definitely hiding something.

I started the engine and pulled onto the street. In the

meantime, I could do a little digging into Randall Fallweather. The Redpaw pack was a few

territories away, but i had met

the Alpha before. Luckily, he would likely be at the Gathering


Chapter 55: Theo

this weekend, and I could have Briggs ask him

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Out our

visitor. I would also stop by the university tomorrow.

I knew of Professor Armand. I wanted to learn more about this project he was supposedly

working on.
