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The Kiss that Sparked it All

Chapter 78
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Chapter 78

Veronica drove herself, following sneakily to the police station

The police station

The officer handed the lost items to Ellinor, saying, “Please confirm whether these are your lost phone

and wallet, and check if anything else is missing”

Ellinor was very cooperative, opened the wallet to check, then looked at the usage records on the

phone, and confirmed, ‘They’re mine, nothing’s missing”

The officer nodded solemnly. “Sign here and you can take them away. Remember, be careful in the

future. If you lose something again, it might not be so easy to recover like

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Ellinor took the advice, smiling politely, “Yes, I’ll be more careful in the future, thank you, officer

At this time, Manssa stood next to her, like a cultured and kind elder, thanking the officers with Ellinor,

and praising their dedication to their job.

Theo, with his tall figure, stood not far away. He just hung up the phone, put away his mobile, and

squinted at the harmonious scene of Ellinor and her grandmother.

Things went smoothly, and Ellinor got her lost items back. She held Marissa and discussed what they

should have for dinner while walking out.

“Grandma, what do you want to eat? Ellinor asked.

“I can eat anything, Ellinor, whatever you want to eat, I’ll accompany you Marissa answered.

Ellinor turned to ask Theo, “What would you like to eat? It’s on me!”

Theo raised his eyebrows, smiling, “Really? Can I choose something 1 like?”

Ellinor nodded generously. “Go ahead“”

Theo smirked, deciding to tease her, said “Let’s go to Noble Tastes then, their Wagyu beef is pretty


Noble Tastes is a well–known restaurant in Greenhaven with exorbitant prices!

Clearly, he wanted her to pay the bill. Dream on!

Ellinor immediately dropped her smile, ignoring Theo, and turned to Marissa, “Grandma, can you eat

spicy food? I know a Mexican restaurant, they make good spicy dishes Shall we go there?”

Marissa readily agreed. “Sounds good, I also like Mexican food, let’s give it a try!”

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Ellinor laughed, “Then let’s head there now!”

Theo was speechless.

Was his suggestion just ignored?

Just as they got to the entrance of the police station, Veronica suddenly rushed in.

Seeing her granddaughter appear, Marissa was taken aback, “Veronica?”

Theo’s face turned stern, his eyebrows furrowing, “Didn’t I tell you to stay home and reflect on your

mistakes? Why are you here again?“.

Veronica was naturally not afraid of her doting grandma, but she instinctively felt scared of her brother
