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The Kiss that Sparked it All

Chapter 59
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Chapter 59

Marissa was relieved to hear Ellinor was okay, but it also confirmed that she wasn’t pregnant. The old

lady couldn’t help but feel bummed out. Looks like Ellinor and her grandson have to keep pushing for it

next month!

Things didn’t go as Byran expected. He walked up to Theo and said. “Theo, before you got here. I saw

Ellinor hanging out with that guy in the lounge it was all sketchy You should totally dump her!”

Theo replied, “Aren’t you supposed to be at school? Why are you so nosy about my wife?”

Byran got awkward, I took a day off”

Theo asked again. “Just to spy on my wife?”

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Byran stammered I just happened to see her alone outside, so I followed her, and then I saw her

meeting with another guy…

Theo, poker faced, said, “Byran, let me remind you, she married me to be the lady of the Blanchet

family, not to be in prison. Where she wants to go, who she wants to meet is her own business. As her

husband, I trust her judgment and believe she wouldn’t do anything improper…

Byran, not convinced, raised his voice, “But she has done something improper! She was in a room with

another man, even lying in bed!”

Veronica also joined in, “Theo, Ellinor really…

Theo coldly looked at Veronica, “You’re making a fuss too! And you dragged grandma here? She’s old,

what if something happened to her because of this, how would you take responsibility?”

Veronica immediately lost her voice, “Theo, L…”

“Take grandma home now!‘ Theo ordered sternly.

Veronica didn’t dare to say anything else, obediently helped grandma out, and went home….

Haillie, watching all this, was surprised. She thought for a moment, then feigned kindness saying.

“Theo, Byran and Veronica are young. they don’t know better. But, they did all this because they care

about you…”

Theo coldly looked at Haillie, “And you?”

Haillie stiffened, “I of course, L

Theo’s eyes flashed with displeasure, “They’re young and naive, are you?”

Haillie frowned unwillingly. “Theo, we really did see Ellinor lying on that bed…”

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Theo said calmly and firmly. “She just came to see the art exhibition and was resting here because she

wasn’t feeling well. Is there a problem with that?”

Haillie’s eyes flickered, “Theo, do you really trust her that much? Even when all three of us saw it with

our own eyes, you still don’t believe it?”

Theo said, “I have no reason to doubt my own wife and listen to idle gossip.”

Haillie was dumbstruck, her shock was beyond words.

She had already seen Theo’s special care for Ellinor at dinner, and today she saw his unconditional

trust in her.

Gotta admit, Ellinor really has some tricks up her sleeve!

The matter wasn’t resolved, Veronica took Marissa home, and Haillie dragged Byran away.

In the lounge, only two men were left sitting face to face, and the atmosphere was super tense.

After a while, Bartlett gracefully shrugged, smiled and said, “Theo, it’s been ages.”