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The Divorced Heiress’s Revenge

Chapter 1563
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"What did Cameron do now?" Bella's tone was harsh, and her eyes turned somber.

Justin picked up that Cameron, Wyatt's only brother, was not the type to be on the straight and narrow.

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He had always thought that the Thompsons were the model family of togetherness, but they had their share of family problems too.

"Cameron secretly poured his money into accumulator investments to make more profit, but due to the recent turmoil in Meridan's stock market, he lost everything." Locking his brows, Asher shook his head. "He could've pulled his investments, but he took someone's advice to continue investing, thinking that Meridan's government would step in to stop the stocks from crashing. Since he ran out of funds, he started embezzling the corporate funds." "Cameron is an idiot! Seriously?" Outraged, Bella pounded the car window.

Justin held her hand tight, sharing her sentiment. "The risks are high in accumulator investments, and the investor should be ready to lose them all. Six months ago, a senior executive of Salvador Corporation owed a huge debt and ended his life by jumping off the building." Steven was livid to the point of dropping Cameron's honorifics. "Just days ago, Ruby noticed falsified numbers in two corporate accounts when reviewing the financial statement. She reported to Chairman Thompson and finally caught up to what Cameron had done. Ruby stopped what could have been the biggest mistake. Still, the company is in the hole for over $50 million." Ruby was the finance director, a trusted protégé of Asher.

KS Group dominated the commercial market and stood tall as the wealthiest family in Hatchbay because Wyatt and Asher had a keen eye for talent. They put the right people in vital positions in the company.

"Ha, Ash. You saved Cameron." Bella gnashed her teeth. "Otherwise, Cameron would be the next one jumping off a roof." Asher helplessly sighed. "I was going to sort things out on my own, but word still traveled back to Dad. Just imagine how angry he was upon finding out. Infuriatingly, Cameron snapped back at Dad with no remorse. He even made vile comments, which triggered Dad's stroke." Bella trembled with resentment.

"Did Uncle Wyatt have the stroke in front of Cameron?" Justin asked grimly.

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Asher narrowed his eyes dangerously. "Yes. Quentin was there too. Thank goodness for Quentin. He sprung into action and got Dad to the hospital for immediate medical attention." Justin fell silent, his expression steely.

Asher dropped quite a bombshell, but Justin was not in a position to give his opinion on the private family affair.

Bella's eyes turned bloodshot. If Justin did not hold her tight, she would have a hard tkeeping her head straight.

Rage had swallowed all her words. The only thing on her mind was to be there for her father.

Justin gripped her shoulder and asked, in contemplation, "What is Wyatt going to do about Cameron?" Bella was curious, too.

"I can tell you that it's frustrating." With his emotions getting the best of him, Steven hit the gas pedal. "Chairman Thompson covered the $50 million loss with his own money and silenced any leaks about the issue just to sweep the whole thing under the rug. In other words, he wants to put the matter behind them." Justin was taken aback, but he quickly reeled in from the shock. "Cameron probably holds a high position in the group, and he is family. The incident could damage the family business." S Bella was concerned. “That's not the only thing. Wyatt cares a lot about family. Uncle Cameron is his only brother, and they grew up together. He would never impose such a severe punishment on his brother." Justin answered understandingly, “That's true. Wyatt cares a lot about family. It's remarkable that your family remains remarkably united." "Uncle Cameron hasn't always been this way." Asher lamented, "Dad mentioned tothat he was quite a rebel during his younger days. Their father often abused him and locked him in his room, banning food and sleep."