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The Divorced Heiress’s Revenge

Chapter 1498
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"So what?!" Carrie looked at Ryan in total shock. Her eyes were wide and growing even redder, like they were about to burst.

Ryan was at a loss for words, and his hands froze helplessly in mid-air. He panicked and stammered. "Carrie... I made a mistake. That's not what I meant... I..." He forgot that no matter how awful Shannon's actions were, she was still Carrie's mother.

Ryan had always been cold and ruthless. Even Yasmin, who had been through so much with him, was sometimes scared of how cold he could be. He believed he could unapologetically give up things that others held dear. If he could do it, surely others could do it too, even if it meant enduring great pain.

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Suddenly, Carrie screamed as if she didn't recognize him anymore. Taking advantage of his distraction, she violently pushed him away and ran toward the door without looking back.

"Carrie!" Ryan was completely shocked, feeling his blood run cold in response.

"Carrie!" Thankfully, Bella and Justin showed up just in tto stop Carrie, who had becuncontrollable.

"Carrie, it's me, your brother! Can you please calm down?" Justin said as he held his sister close, feeling an intense pain in his heart.

Seeing Carrie's pale face and faint signs of convulsions, Bella made a quick decision and spoke in a firm tone, "Is there any sedative at home? Quick, bring it out. I'll give her an injection!" Following Bella's command, Yasmin was about to get it, but Ryan urgently intervened. "No! We can't give Carrie that medicine again!" He adored her so much. How could he bring himself to inject her with needles? After the first tit was used, Ryan never let them do it to her again.

The lively and beautiful girl turned into a motionless and frail figure in his arms after that shot.

He didn't want Carrie to go through that pain again.

"Don't give her the injection! I can calm her down!" Ryan's eyes were teary, but he stood his ground.

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"If you really could, Carrie wouldn't be in this state right now!" Bella, who had also been part of the Salvador family for three years and was a doctor herself, knew exactly how to deal with this situation. Her tone grew firmer as she said, "Are you the one with a medical degree, or am I? Carrie may be someone you care about, but she's also my sister! Trust me, Yasmin! Go get the sedative!" "Yes, Ms. Thompson!" Yasmin still had faith in Bella, so she quickly obliged.

With the sedative in hand, Justin embraced Carrie, while Yasmin held her arms to prevent her from moving it seemed as if two medical personnel were holding down a mentally ill patient who was out of control. one Bella furrowed her brows as she skillfully inserted the needle into Carrie's fair and delicate skin, slowly injecting the medication into the vein. Justin's brow furrowed in response.

Ryan, the one who loved Carrie the most, now seemed like a helpless bystander, watching from the sidelines, unable to do anything.

As the sedative took effect, Carrie's eyes gradually becunfocused, and she slowly lost strength in Justin's arms, closing her eyes heavily.

"Carrie..." Unable to bear it any longer, Ryan rushed forward and snatched Carrie back from Justin's embrace. His eyes seemed to gleam with a hint of madness as he held Carrie tightly, refusing to let go.

"What's going on, Ryan?" Justin's tone was stern and filled with anger. "You let her watch the trial? Are you out of your mind?!" Bella was also furious and teamed up with Justin to scold Ryan. "Even if Shannon deserves all the criticism, she's still Carrie's biological mother And it's not like you don't know about Carrie's condition. Are you purposely trying to push her, buttons? It's a tough reality that even ordinary people find hard to accept. You're bombarding her with it head-on. It's no wonder she's losing it!"