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My Evil System

Chapter 41 Upgrade Stats!
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I checked everyone's stat and compared it to my own.

‖ O L D H A G ‖

Location: Shadow Forest


❶ The tyrant of Shadow Forest.

❷ Can change appearance to lure in unsuspecting travellers.

‖ A T T R I B U T E ‖

HP: 5 000

MP: 1000

STRG: 10

DEF: 15

MDF: 100 + 10

INT: 170 + 10

AGL: 5

LCK: 4

‖ S K I L L ‖

Passive Skill:

❶ Domain Boost

–– [MDF +10, INT +10]

❷ Cauldron's Might

–– all potions brewed in the Cauldron had double effects

Active Skills:

❶ Call of the Ravens MAX

–– can summon flocks of blackbirds to aid in battle

–– No. of summons = 50

–– cost – 100MP

–– 10-minute cooldown

❷ Call of Trolls MAX

–– can summon Trolls to aid in battle

–– No. of summons = 5

–– cost – 200MP

–– 20-minute cooldown

❸ Flame MAX

–– conjure flame and deal AoE damage based on INT

–– cost – 50MP

–– 2 seconds cooldown

❹ Camouflage MAX

–– can change appearance to anything

–– cost – 100 MP

–– duration of one day

‖ D A M A G E

Follow on NovᴇlEnglish.nᴇt

I M M U N I T I E S ‖

❶ Magic Damage

‖ C O N D I T I O N

I M M U N I T I E S ‖

❶ All Status Effects

❷ Magical Attacks

‖ W E A K N E S S ‖

❶ Bludgeoning

❷ Piercing

❸ Slashing

‖ E N D ‖

‖ T R O L L 1, 2, & 3 ‖

Location: Shadow Forest


❶ Adopted sons of the Old Hag that lived in the Shadow Forest with her

❷ They have been following their mother's commands ever since they were born. Kidnaping and eating travellers were their favourite past times.

‖ A T T R I B U T E ‖

HP: 1200

MP: 20

STRG: 35 + 5

DEF: 30 + 5

MDF: 10

INT: 5

AGL: 10

LCK: 4

‖ S K I L L ‖

Passive Skill:

❶ Domain Boost

–– [STR +5, DEF +5]

Active Skill:

❷ Slash MAX

–– A powerful strike that guarantees a Critical Hit if STR is higher than the DEF of the enemy.

–– single enemy target

–– cost –5 MP

–– 2 seconds cooldown

❸ Trio Strike LV.5

–– As long as all three sons of the Old Hag are alive, they can perform a combination attack that deals 3x times the damage to a single target

–– cost – 10 MP

–– 5 seconds cooldown

‖ W E A K N E S S ‖

❶ Magical Attacks

‖ E N D ‖

‖ L I S A ‖

Location: Shadow Forest


❶ A player who was brought into this world a year ago.

❷ A thief that stole and murdered for the sake of surviving until she stumbled upon the Old Hag and his three sons.

She had been working with them ever since.

❸ Number of Tokens: 1 A-grade, 1 B-grade

‖ A T T R I B U T E ‖

HP: 700

MP: 240

STRG: 75

DEF: 50

MDF: 40

INT: 10

AGL: 70

LCK: 14

‖ S K I L L ‖

Passive Skill:

❶ Pickpocket LV.5

–– Can steal anything from enemies' inventory

–– 100% success rate if LCK is higher than the enemy

–– can be performed 1x on a single target

Active Skill:

❶ Stealth LV.5

–– can hide presence from others for 5 seconds

–– cost – 20 MP

–– 10 seconds cooldown

❷ Blink LV. 6

–– can disappear and reappear within an area of a 60m radius

–– cost – 50 MP

–– 1-minute cooldown

❸ Cutthroat LV.6

–– can deal critical damage if the attack lands on the enemy's back

–– cost – 70 MP

–– 6 seconds cooldown

‖ E N D ‖

Hmm . . . She's already a year in here, but her ATP was only that much?

My ATP is way higher than her, and I didn't even stay here for a week.

<It's because Host had the system>

<Rather, that girl's ATP is already considered high since regular quests only give that mush EXP>

Is that so . . . ?

Judging from their ATP looks like the one I should be wary about was the Old Hag.

Follow on Novᴇl-Onlinᴇ.cᴏm

I racked 51 000 EXP from my previous conquest of destroying a village and completing the [System Quest]. So I guess it's time to allocate them to my stats just to be on the safer side.

‖ C R O S S ‖

HP: 500

MP: 210

STRG: 150

DEF: 100

MDF: 140

INT: 100

AGL: 100

LCK: 100

ǁ S K I L L & S P E L L S ǁ

❶ Evil Wisdom LV.1

–– 10% chance of copying any spells/skills

–– can be performed 2x / day

–– cost –100 MP

❷ Evil Heart LV.1

–– can negate useless emotions and only think logically

–– duration: 1 day

–– can reactivate after the duration of effect

–– cost –100 MP


–– cannot deactivate once activated!

❸ Evil Eyes [Passive]

–– can scan anything for information

–– range: 1km radius

❹ Evil Body LV.1

–– Immune to a single Physical Attack

–– Can be activated x1/day

–– cost –50 MP

❺ Evil Strength LV. 1

–– Can reduce the enemy's HP to 1

–– 100% successful if STR is higher than enemies DEF

–– Single target

–– Can be activated x1/day

–– cost –50 MP

❻ Evil Speed LV. 1

–– can teleport within a hundred-meter radius

–– 2x / day

–– cost –50 MP

❼ Evil Minions LV.1

–– 10% chance of converting beasts/monsters to be your pet

–– Can be performed 3x a day

–– cost –50 MP

ǁ E N D ǁ