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My Beloved Has Risen from Death’s Embrace

Chapter 26
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Chapter 26 Ever since Xanthea dropped her handkerchief at that event, Orion cherished it like a priceless treasure. He took it everywhere, but somehow, he lost sight of it, and that young starlet snatched her opportunity! Olivia didn't even know what she did wrong to infuriate the mogul, who was fuming with rage. She just kept weeping and apologizing, but the situation only escalated. Cedric, worried Orion might do something reckless in his distraught state, quickly asked Oliver to help clear out the guests.

"Mr. Lockwood, you've had too much to drink. Lethelp you to your room to rest." In room 1010, hidden in the wardrobe, Xanthea was initially anxious and alert, waiting with her camera.

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Eventually, she dozed off, her head lolling until it hit the back of the closet, jolting her awake.

Rubbing her head, she glanced at the time-strangely, almost an hour had passed. Why hadn't the scandalous pair shown up yet? She was sure she got the room number and tright.

Just as she puzzled over this, the hotel room door banged open.

She perked up instantly. Here they come! The two stumbled in, noisy and reeking of strong red wine, which wafted into the wardrobe, making Xanthea cover her nose and mouth. Apparently, the couple had stepped out for a drink to set the mood, no wonder they were so late-and so plastered. Didn't they worry about not being able to perform later? From the bathroom cthe sound of running water. Xanthea strained her ears but couldn't make out anything else.

Cedric, using all his might, managed to help the nearly six-foot-three man into the bathroom. He was panting as he turned on the shower, adjusted the temperature, and got everything ready for a bath. He hesitated about whether to help Orion with his buttons, but just as he bent down, Orion snapped his eyes open and coldly barked, "Get out!" Startled, Cedric scrambled out of the bathroom, "I'll be going then, Mr. Lockwood. Please callif you need anything. Don't strain yourself!” Half an hour later, there was still no sound from the bedroom. Xanthea was getting impatient. Did the couple decide to just get it on in the bathroom? If so, her trip here would be a waste. She had to check.

Just as she was about to open the wardrobe door, a large, veiny hand beat her to it.

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At that moment, the bright chandelier light flooded the dark closet, the air momentarily thick with tension. Chapter 26 Xanthea's face froze as she looked up to see defined abs that made her rethink everything she knew about Matthew-had she really never noticed his physique before? She slowly lifted her gaze, following the trail of his sculpted chest up to his neck, then the water droplets tracing his defined jawline, and finally, to a strikingly handsface.

Orion? Her eyes widened in shock-it was him! A mix of surprise and relief filled her. Thank goodness it wasn't Matthew. If she had been caught red-handed, all her plans would've been ruined! Curled up in the closet like a frightened deer, her face lit up with a radiant smile, oblivious to the ominous change in the man's expression above her.

Seeing the girl suddenly appear before his eyes, Orion's m alcohol-blurred vision sharpened briefly, his stare piercing, then overwhelmed by a tidal wave of immense despair. Another hallucination.

How many times had it been now?

His longing for her was deep-seated, always manifesting as illusions that he could only watch from afar, m followed by a profound emptiness and loneliness. Maybe he was truly. drunk today, the hallucination lasting so long and so vividly animated that he wanted to unleash all the pent-up emotions he had been suppressing.

"Mr. Lockwood, what a coincidence to see you again." Xanthea timidly extended a hand, greeting him m politely yet awkwardly, "I know you must be wondering why I'm here, but don't rush, just helpout of this closet, and I promise I'll explain everything!"