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My Beloved Has Risen from Death’s Embrace

Chapter 23
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Chapter 23 The surprise e was palpable in the air as Matthew watched her on stage, a revelation in every sense of the word. Never had he known she could sing, and so beautifully at that. Dressed in a stunning evening gown under the dazzling spotlight, she resembled a radiant superstar, eliciting uncontrollable screams from the audience. The shy girl who usually hovered in his shadow seemed to have transformed completely. It was mesmerizing.

Xanthea? Miranda reeled back in disbelief when the mask was lifted, her face draining of color as she staggered, nearly falling over. Jealousy and hatred swelled within her, uncontrollable and fierce.

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How could it be Xanthea? How could she appear on "The Masked Singer"? Before the contest, hadn't Xanthea helped her write songs and wished her victory? And when it mattered most, Xanthea had snatched the championship right from her hands. It must have been deliberate, a ploy to crush her and bask in her superior vanity. That wretch! Why would Xanthea do this? Wasn't everything she already had enough-wealth, family, friends, classmates, and Matt's attention? Did Xanthea know how much she had sacrificed for this day? She despised Xanthea! 1 "Ms. Nightshade?" Cedric's jaw dropped upon seeing Xanthea, almost tumbling from his seat. More than shock, his heart was filled with sorrow.

He had hoped that a new goddess would divert Orion's attention, allowing him to move past his unrequited love for Ms. Nightshade. But fate had cruelly looped back to her. It seemed Orion was destined to fall for her.

Oliver grabbed the microphone, “Xan is my niece, and her participation in 'The Masked Singer' caughtoff guard but delighted me. I'm amazed by her courage to step up a wild card contestant and by her talent in clinching this stage. Congratulations, Xan!" "Thank you, Uncle," Xanthea's eyes twinkled with joy.

The host then announced, "Now, please welcthe major sponsor of this season, M Orion Lockwood, CEO of the TOYUM Group, to present our champion, Ms. Xanthea, wit the honorary crown!" A spotlight suddenly illuminated the VVIP seat, casting light on Orion's noble and composed figure, provoking waves of gasps and cheers from the female audience. "Oh my gosh, he's so handsome!" "Is he really a CEO and not an actor?" "Is this really 'The Masked Singer' or just a feast for the eyes?" As everyone's eyes turned to the sponsor's seat, Xanthea's gaze inadvertently met Orion's She couldn't shake off the feeling that he had recognized her long before, watching from the shadows.

1/2 14-57 Their paths seemed intertwined, destined to meet here of all places.

The crown for "The Masked Singer" finale was a masterpiece, intertwined with vines and adorned with thousands of pearls, perfectly matching her gown's theme.

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Orion stepped forward, his tall, impressive figure overshadowing her on the stage.

Xanthea looked up and smiled brightly, "Mr. Lockwood, we meet again." "Indeed, Ms. Nightshade." As if dazzled by her smile, Orion's gaze briefly flinched, then focused on the radiant crown. He carefully lifted the crown, gently placing it on her elegantly styled hair, as if fearing the sharp jewels might snag a strand.

Hearing him call her 'Ms. Nightshade, Xanthea couldn't help but chuckle lightly. The stark, contrast to the more intimate Xan' he once used made her curious and playful, eager to explore the man behind the facade. She tiptoed, teasing, "Did you use the ointment I gave you last time?"

Orion momentarily lost himself in her stunning presence, his hand slipping from tolher the crown to her neck, appearing almost as if he were about to pull her into a kiss.

Oliver, observing from the side, overheard their familiar and om somewhat intimate exchange, surprised, "Xan, you know Mr.

Lockwood?" Xanthea nodded, "Yes, we've known each other for stime." "Really? You never mentioned that before." 2/2