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Mated To My Sister’s Alpha Fiance

Chapter 138
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Chapter 138


Later during the sevening, after dancing and talking with a bunch of people, it's tfor cake. I'm the one

meant to cut it since this whole party is for me, but I'm nervous since the mean girls from earlier are leering at


“Should we make her trip?”

“That would be fun!”

“Oh my god, yes! We should totally do it!”

| gulp and glance at Lucas. But he just givesthis smile that tellsI'm on my own, and | don’t blhim for

doing that. As the Luna and the second in command, | have to grow sballs...or whatever you say when

you're a woman.

| step forward, my heart hammering in my chest. As | walk toward the cake, a massive confection with cream

and strawberries, the whispers becmore hushed until there's almost complete silence. The cool air prickles

against my skin, and | feel a sudden surge of resolve.

| glance back at Lucas for the last time. His warm eyes, full of trust in me, are my anchor in this sea of

uncertainty. | square my shoulders, hold my head high, and continue walking.

As | near the cake, one of the girls giggles, and | see a foot sneaking out to trip me. But instead of panicking, I let

out a soft growl, which sends shivers through the crowd. It’s not loud, but it carries a note of warning that makes

everyone pause.

“I wouldn't do that if | were you,” | warn them without missing a beat, my gaze fixed on the girl whose foot is still

mid-air. Her eyes widen as she quickly withdraws her foot, her face becoming pale.

“I'm sorry, Luna,” she whispers.

| don’t respond and grab the knife, my chin held high as I cut into the beautiful cake.

The crowd erupts into applause, and my cheeks burn since | hate being in the center of attention.

‘Better get used to it, Jinx snickers.

| know she is right since the Luna will always have everyone's eyes on them, which isn’t that bad. Most of the

pack respect me... except for the mean girl group, but I will fix that.

Follow on NovᴇlEnglish.nᴇt

| cut another piece, handing it over to Lucas, who grins at me. “See?” he says softly so only | can hear him, “You

don’t needby

! your side all the time. You are strong all on your own, Sky.”

Feeling my cheeks flush, | dig into my own piece of cake and move aside to let the guests cut their own.

Daisy, who is first in line, offersa huge smile and a tap on my shoulder, “You did well,” she says before

attacking the cake.

Her mate, who realizes her piece is larger than what is usual, rolls his eyes. “Such a sweet tooth...”

“Shut up,” she mutters. “When there's cake, you eat.”

Xavier rolls his eyes, and | smile. Will Lucas and | have the stype of relationship in the future?


Chapter 138

I look up at my mate, who is busy listening to srandom girl talk about how much she admires him as the

Alpha. But I'm not

worried. He belongs toand only me.

The festivities continue well into the night, with music and dancing filling the garden until well past midnight.

And through it all, Lucas stays by my side, his hand warm and reassuring on the small of my back.

When we finally retire for the night, settling into our room in the mansion, I'm very satisfied. Today had been a

good day. A successful day.

Collapsing onto our bed with a sigh of relief, Lucas turns to face me, his eyes twinkling. “I knew you could do it,”

he whispers.

“I almost died,” | say in a joking tone. “As a total introvert, | hate having people's eyes on me.”

“You want my help to heal your social batteries?”

“What do you have in mind?”

Before | know it, Lucas has turned into his wolf form, half white and half black, with two tails wagging behind

him. His eyes meet

mine, and then he rolls onto his back.

| snort. “Okay, just who is the one supposed to relax, huh? Shouldn't | be the one to receive belly rubs?”

He sticks out his tongue atin the most adorable way, and I'm the weakest mate ever because | immediately

start scratching him. I'm so whipped...

His fur is soft and warm under my fingertips, and every now and then, his body shudders in delight. With a

chuckle, | move my hand deeper into his fur, scratching softly. I'm into it...until | hear the sound of screeching

demons outside.

| sigh. “How the heck are we supposed to get rid of the demons, the eternal night, and Alpha Max? Oh, and don’t

getstarted on your grandpa, Lucian.”

‘We could take Alpha Max, Lucas tellsthrough the mind-link. ‘Lucian... I'm not sure. | do have a sick idea,


“And what is that?”

‘We time-travel to when my Dad

faced Lucian the first time. He wes

weaker bagk then! ahd hn confident |

cbuld erase him from existence in the

past.’ The content is on! Read the latest

chapter there!

“...but can’t that fuck up the future?”

‘It could, but right now, we don't have

a light wolf to get rig af heceterhal

Follow on Novᴇl-Onlinᴇ.cᴏm

night MY KBoth'S powers are gone.’

“That's true,” | take a deep breath. “What if | don’t manage to send us into the future?”

‘I believe in you,” he givesa wolfish smile. ‘If not, | will happily try living wherever you send us.”

| snort. “Better hope | get it right.”

‘Oh, I have no doubt that you will...but

eh, don't tell my pa fsyabeudriy!

Om stop us with

fear of the future The content is on! Read the latest

chapter there!

changing or something.’

“I will keep it a secret, don’t worry... So, when are we time-traveling?”


Chapter 138


“That soon?!”

‘Better get it over with, right?’

“od euEEE”

| just wonder how I'm going to be able to sleep, knowing we might mess up everything tomorrow.