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Beyond the Divorce by Third Blossom

Chapter 558
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I saw Jared already by Trinity's side, touching her head gently.

Panicking, I quickly put on the suit and rushed in.

"Trinity, don't give up. You must hold on... listen, just endure a bit more. I'm telling you, if you leave like this, I won't care about the Huffman family. I've said it; I have no responsibility or obligation to take care of your family for you!" As I entered, I heard Jared roaring, but there was a hint of pleading in his voice.

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"Trinity..." I also rushed over, grabbing her other hand. "I really want to be friends with you. Can you be my friend? You can consideryour only friend. I like it that way. Givea chance. I'll make you experience what friendship is." At this point, Trinity was already emaciated and barely breathing. Her face displayed a bluish-black hue, which was quite terrifying. Clearly, the toxins had invaded every cell in her body.

"Trinity, I know you can hear me. If you want to stay by my side, get the hell up!" Jared shouted, pressing his hand on her forehead and trying to open her eyes with his thumb.

The equipment beeped again, and the medical staff quickly pulled us away to resresuscitation.

I knew the end was near. Both Jared and I stood numbly behind the doctors.

Suddenly, someone knocked on the intensive care unit window loudly.

Everyone turned their heads, and I saw Atlas's handsface holding a small bottle.

"Quick... the medicine... the antidote." I cried out.

A doctor ran toward the door, but the people inside were still in the midst of rescuing Trinity. When the nurse returned with the medicine, the doctor looked at Jared with a cautious tone, "Mr. Jared, this medicine... it hasn't undergone clinical trials. In principle, we..." "Quick... give it to her! Inject it into her!" Jared's eyes were already red, shouting loudly. "I believe him! Inject it... I will take responsibility for the consequences." I saw Atlas outside shouting something loudly. I could see his lips saying, "Inject it quickly." The doctor was frightened by Jared's roar and quickly handed the medicine to a professional nurse. The nurse prepared it rapidly and then injected it into Trinity's veins. After the operation, everyone remained silent, all staring at Trinity, who seemed to have lost her breath.

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Jared was the first to rush over, placing his hand on her forehead again. He gritted his teeth and said, "Wake up. You must wake up. Wake up, Trinity!" At that moment, the monitoring equipment made a sound again, and the machines restarted. The flatline heart monitor started pulsating again.

After a moment of silence, cheers erupted from the intensive care unit. I belatedly understood that she had cback to life- Trinity had revived.

I crouched on the ground, hugging myself, crying tears of joy. I had never been so excited for someone I had never believed in. Suddenly, I thought of Atlas still outside. He was truly a timely savior, not only saving Trinity but also rescuing me.

I no longer cared about the people inside. I quickly got up and ran out of the intensive care unit.

Regardless of how Jared treated Trinity in the future, even if he chose her, I wouldn't voice any objections. But I would never leave Atlas.

I ran out, staring at Atlas who was leaning against the window. He looked a bit disheveled, his usually crisp clothes now wrinkled, and he appeared exhausted. Yet, he was stil incredibly handsome. He looked atas I ran toward him, unexpectedly breaking into a smile.

The next moment, I pounced on him, opening my arms wide to hug him. I wanted him to share in my unbridled happiness. Unexpectedly, he emitted a muffled groan. His handsface turned pale, and he furrowed his brows. He instinctively protected his arm. Privacy