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Wife by Day, Boss by Night by Thalia Quillspeak

Chapter 254
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Chapter 254 Natalle glanced back to see the figure leaning casually against the doorway, a grin spreading across his face. “Hope I'm not breaking anything up?” It was Bradley.

“Just cto see you guys off on behalf of the faculty,” Bradley explained, catching the look of surprise on Natalie's face. He had just been passing by when he saw Natalie sitting inside.

As if on cue, Natalie’s phone rang. She picked it up and noticed an unfamiliar number on the display, whispering to Bradley, “Excuse me, | need to take this call.” With that, she stepped aside to talk in hushed tones.

Bradley's gaze drifted to Rosie, who shook her head and replied, “No worries, Mr. Gonzalez. You didn't interrupt us.” “Oh, the kiddo seems a bit down?” Bradley eyed Rosie, asking lightheartedly.

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“You're joking, Mr. Gonzalez,” Rosie paused before standing up, then added sternly, “And I'm twenty—five years old, by no means a kiddo.” “If you're only a few years older than Natalie, what does that make you?” Bradley chuckled. “Besides, do you even know what | teach?” His abrupt question caught Rosie off guard.

“Aren't you in finance?” she guessed.

“Spot on. You've done your homework on your professor,” Bradley said with a broad smile, revealing a set of pearly whites. “Got a little crush on me, maybe?” Rosie couldn't help but suspect Bradley's skin was as thick as they came. He seemed like a flirt, always without a straight face.

“Just the other day at the diner, didn’t you tellyou were Brian's roommate?” Rosie explained earnestly, “Brian is in finance, so | assumed you were, too.” “Sharp as a tack,” Bradley watched her closely, waiting until she finished before continuing with a slight smile. “But... | have another role, too.” There was a hint of mystery in his voice.

“Selling ice cream?” Rosie yentured, half—joking.

They locked eyes momentarily before Bradley playfully ruffled Rosie’s hair. “Such a cheeky kid, adorable. | primarily teach finance with a side of psychology. If you ever need someone to talk to, I'm your guy. I'm a certified counselor, you know!” Rosie pursed her lips, dodging Bradley's hand, and gave him no further attention.

After a brief exchange of banter with Rosie, Bradley turned his attention back to Natalie having overheard her conversation with a woman on the phone, so he deliberately eavesdropped from the doorway, “Sure, see you tonight,” Natalie said in a neutral tone before ending the call.

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As she turned back, Bradley was still there. She smiled at him and asked Mr.Gonzalez are you treating us to ice’ cream again today?” Bradley locked eyes with Natalie, his gaze meaningful. “The ice cream would melt when i got it here.”

A colleague from afar called out to Bradley, and he responded before | better head off now.” He had barely stepped out when he glanced back at Rosie, “Remember what | told you, kiddo.”

Rosie couldn't help but roll her eyes.

She had never met anyone so shameless and quick witted. No onder Bradley was a professor, “Natalie, who were you on the phone with?" Rosie turned back to her friend, “Gracia,” Natalie responded.