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Chapter 524
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Elle watched her son's face light up with anticipation and couldn't bear to let him down. She leaned down to kiss Orin on his forehead, softly saying, "Tonight, Daddy and I will sleep with you." Hearing this, Orin's eyes widened in surprise. "Really? I get to sleep with both of you? Wow, I'm so happy!" After saying this, he kissed Elle on the cheek, then turned to Anders with a smile. "Daddy, aren't you happy Mommy agreed to sleep with us?" Anders pinched his son's chubby cheeks, smiling. "I'm happy." "If you're happy, why not show it? You're so inconsiderate. No wonder Mommy doesn't like you." Anders was chastised by his son and quickly caught on to his meaning. He leaned towards Elle and gently kissed her lips. He said softly, "Thank you." Elle stopped being awkward and pulled Orin into her arms, tucking him in with a small blanket. They listened to Anders tell a fairy tale. Just like that, the family of three slowly drifted off to sleep.

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The next morning, when Orin opened his eyes, his parents were still asleep. He sneaked out from between them, carefully placing his dad's hand around his mom's waist. After covering them with the blanket, he quietly left the room.

He returned to his room and immediately called Clara. The phone rang for a long tbefore it was answered. Clara's voice, still husky from sleep, was soft and sweet. "Orin, why are you up so early?" Hearing her voice, Orin excitedly bounced on his bed. "Aunt Clara, I have great news to share with you, but you can't tell anyone." Clara chuckled with her eyes closed. "Alright, tell me. What's the great news?" "Mommy and Daddy slept together! All three of us slept together! Right now, Daddy is still holding Mommy as they sleep. I helped Daddy win this." Clara laughed. "Orin, you're awesome! Next tyou cto my house, I'll give you a big reward." Orin was thrilled and chatted with Clara for a while longer before hanging up.

With her eyes still closed, Clara remembered Orin's adorable antics, her lips curving into a smile.

Just then, lan walked in, and saw her beautiful smile. He approached, propping his hands on the edge of the bed, his gaze tender as he looked at her. He said in a deepvoice, "Look at you waking up this happy. Did I kiss you too well last night?" Search the Findwebsite on Gøøgle to access chapters of early and in the highest quality.

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Hearing his words, Clara's cheeks immediately flushed. Her mind replayed the scene of lan kissing her last night.

Gentle, lingering, entwined, and slightly erotic. It stirred excitement within her, even as she's seven months pregnant.

Clara playfully hit lan in the chest, "Aren't you afraid your son will hear you tease his mom?" lan kissed her forehead. "What's there to be afraid of? If I didn't tease you, would he have existed? When he's born, I'll spank him for makingtake a cold shower for half an hour last night."

Clara laughed and kissed his chin. "Last night could have been oRay, as long as you were gentle." lan caressed her belly, softly saying,

"Our baby cat the expense of your life multiple times wouldn't dare take the risk. I can endure little." BUMS a

He lifted Clara from the bed, helping her dress. "I have to go to work soon. Stay at hand take care. CallStay at if you need anything, okay?" X