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No Strings Attached

Chapter 114
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Chapter 114 lan, my brother's just spinning tall tales, don’t mind him. We’ve got plans for lunch, so we won't be joining you, Heidi said with a rush in her voice. The two of them quickly disappeared from sight.

lan watched their retreat, a gnawing suspicion growing within him.

Why was it thei Edwin was in the loop while he was left in the dark? When exactly had Edwin and Clara gotten to know each other? Suddenly, he recalled the day Clara had gone out of her way to pull Edwin aside when she was donating blood for Heidi. Whatever they had discussed remained a mystery to him.

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Fuming over these thoughts, lan scooped up a snowball and hurled it across the field. Just then, Dawson pulled up to give him a lift. One look at lan’s thunderous expression, and Dawson knew there was trouble in paradise with Clara.

“Mr. Hayes, sometimes you gotta sweet-talk the ladies. Sometimes, a meaningful gift does wonders. It beats getting on your knees with a peace offering. Last tmy girl was mad, | got her a necklace, and she was all smiles again in no time. | heard there's this rare treasure up for auction tonight, and they say. whoever gets their hands on it is set for a perfect life. If you win it for Attorney Clara, she’s bound to make up with you.” A slight easing of the storm on lan’s face was visible at Dawson's words. Images of past gifts he had given Clara danced in his head. She would always hug him excitedly, planting kisses on his lips, cooing, “lan, | love you so much.” Every tshe said those words, he couldn't help but feel aroused all night long. Even when she cried for mercy, he couldn't hold back.

Before, he thought Clara was just playing games, but knowing now that those words cfrom her heart, an unexplained ache surfaced in his chest.

“Reserve a seat at the auction,” he said coldly.

That evening, the auction hall was a beehive of elites and high society, all buzzing about the much-touted treasure.

When the dazzling gem appeared on the big screen, lan was stunned. His eyes fixed on the blood-red ruby necklace, a chill radiating from his gaze. The air around him seemed to drop a few degrees.

Dawson was equally shocked. He could never have imagined that the mysterious treasure, hyped by the media for days, was the ‘Tears of an Angel’ necklace that his boss had spent a fortune on for Clara during a trip abroad the previous year.

He remembered the event vividly. His boss had vied fiercely with a local tycoon for the necklace, finally securing it with a bid of a hundred million.

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Why was it now up for auction? Dawson tried to defuse the situation, “Mr. Hayes, this can’t be Attorney Clara's doing. Remember the website where she last sold stuff? The necklace wasn't listed there.” lan clenched his fists, veins bulging on the back of his hands. If Clara had indeed sold off the treasure he had worked so hard to obtain/he would never forgive her.

“Find out where it cfrom,” he ordered tersely.

“Yes, right away,” Dawson replied.

An hour later, lan reclaimed the necklace with a two-hundred million bid.

Dawson had also uncovered the truth. Leaning close, he whispered, “Mr. Hayes, the necklace was purchased by WinsPawn for ten million” Hearing the price, tan felt a vein in his forehead threaten to burst. A hundred million-dollar treasure sold for o mere ten million? How desperate was she to rid herself of his gifts? To cut ties with him? Suppressing the rage boiling within, he asked in a cold tone, “Did Clara sell it?”