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Beyond the Divorce by Third Blossom

Chapter 27
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Chapter 27 The Bruises on the Child’s Body

I chuckled as I wondered what the good news could be. Ivanna didn’t specify the news due

to time constraints, and I didn’t pry. Instead, we agreed to meet tomorrow.

Meanwhile, everyone waited at my in–laws‘ place for me to return for dinner. Surprisingly,

Melanie was there.

When Grace saw me, she quickly laid out the dishes, saying, “Dinner’s ready! Chlo, it’s

been a while since you last joined us for a meal.”

I smiled while washing my hands and helped with the dishes. The atmosphere was

heartwarming with the whole family together. Henry asked Matthew about the project in

Operose during the meal, but Matthew brushed it off.

Without much thought, Grace asked Melanie, “What were you doing with your brother?”

Immediately after, I noticed Melanie pausing and glancing at Matthew. He questioned,

“You went to Operose too?”

Melanie froze, seemingly off guard, as she hesitated before saying. “Uh…I went there with

my friends!”

However, Grace persisted, “Then why did you tell me you were with your brother?”

Melanie became irritated and retorted, “If I told you I was going there with my friends,

would you have let

me go? You’re always scrutinizing me.”

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I felt a bizarre sensation when I heard their exchange, but I couldn’t pinpoint it. Suddenly, I


Melanie might be more important than me to Matthew. After all, I was the outsider in this


Whenever I had a meal with my in–laws, they always focused on urging Melanie to get a

boyfriend. I typically cared for Ava on the sidelines and did not interfere with their


After dinner, Melanie tidied up and prepared to leave when Matthew asked, “Where are

you going this


“Why do you care? You’re allowed to have your wife and child, but I can’t go out for some

fresh air? I’m off to find a boyfriend, all right?” She grumpily replied, putting on her shoes

and heading out.

As she left, Matthew called out after her, “Come home early!”

I glanced at Matthew, inwardly criticizing him. As Melanie’s brother, he made too much of

a fuss.

When we went home that night, I noticed two bruises on Ava’s thigh as I bathed her. Since

her skin was


these bruises, I asked, “How’d you get these bruises, Ava?”

Ava shrank back, avoiding my touch. Her big, teary eyes stared at me, but she didn’t


“Can you tell Mommy?” I prompted, and she burst into tears.

“Aunt Melanie said you got lost and wouldn’t come back. I called her a bad woman, but

she pinched me!

Daddy told me not to tell you, Mommy!”

I was outraged and yelled, “Mathew Murphy!”

Matthew rushed into the bathroom, and I picked up my sobbing daughter to show him her

bruises. “Don’t

tell me you don’t know about these! Does your sister even have a heart?! Forget your lies.

How can you

teach your child to lie as well?!”

Matthew glanced at Ava’s bruises guiltily. He took Ava from me and said, “I’ve already

scolded Mel. Don’t

be angry. I didn’t want to tell you because I knew it’d upset you.”

I roared, is it something I shouldn’t be upset about?! Is your sister more important than

your daughter?

Why do you care so much about Melanie? Have I wronged your sister in any way? How

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could she treat

Ava like that?!”

I wanted to tear Melanie apart for stepping out of line.

“All right, you’re scaring Ava. I talked to Melanie about it, but you can’t expect me to pinch

her back,

right?” Matthew looked displeased.

His words choked me, and I couldn’t continue for a long time. After a stiff silence, I finally

said a few

words. “Matthew, you disappoint me.”

With that, I wrapped Ava in a towel and carried her out. I no longer wanted to argue with

him and had

nothing to say. It was apparent his heart wasn’t with us.

After punching in at the company the following day, I left to find Ivanna, but she was with

someone else.

That person was the good news she referred to the other day. He was a professional and

reliable private

Investigator who could gather evidence faster and more efficiently.

However, I knew I would potentially lose my family the closer I got to the truth. Still, was

there even a way

back for me?