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Your Guise Is Slipping, Miss Pearl

Chapter 952
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Pearl felt that the DNA test would be unnecessary. She could immediately tell if the woman was her mother or not.

"Oh..." Pearl's agitation left her speechless.

There was a striking resemblance between Pearl and Beah when they met. Pearl couldn't shake the feeling that Beah was her

mother. They looked alike, and the connection felt undeniable. So, she didn't doubt anything.

But now, facing this woman who looked exactly like her, Pearl couldn't help but wonder.

"Madam, what's your name?"

The woman couldn't hold back her emotions. Tears welled up in her eyes. "Saule Jordan."

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That nstruck Pearl like a bolt of lightning.

Saule Jordan? That was Pearl's aunt who had tragically jumped off a building and taken her own life decades ago.

"Are you sure? Didn't you jump off a building and kill yourself years ago?" Pearl asked urgently.

"I did attempt to end my life by jumping off a building more than twenty years ago, but | survived," Saule explained with a heavy

sigh. "Letexplain..."

Finally, Saule took a seat on the sofa and began to recount her experiences in detail to Pearl and Richard.

More than twenty-five years ago, Saule had been a timid person who rarely left the Jordan Residence. While Beah flourished in the

limelight with her beauty, confidence, and popularity, Saule remained reserved and introverted.

She spent her days at home, tending to her garden, writing poetry, and drawing. Her interactions with the outside world were

limited, and she had no close male friends.

Then, tragedy struck when Beah turned twenty-three. She rebelled and insisted on marrying Max, a poor sculptor. Despite Max's

talent, Ezra disapproved of the match.

In Ezra's view, Beah stood out as the most promising and capable individual. He harbored aspirations for her to achieve greatness

and wished for her to marry a man of good character and talent from a distinguished family. His preference was for her to find a

lifelong partner who would treat her kindly, rather than someone pursuing a dream in sculpture without financial stability.

And so, Ezra stipulated a wedding gift of 41 million dollars from Max, as a condition for approving Beah's relationship with him.

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However, Max, despite his fas a sculptor, was still in the early stages of his career. His artworks, though recognized, were not

lucrative. As a result, Ezra took drastic measures to separate Beah from Max.

During this period, the Waldorf family from Enswood expressed interest in marrying Beah. Dustan, a notable figure in both Enswood

and Bodgow, was born into a prominent family and was highly sought after as a marital partner. Ezra found Dustan to be an ideal

match and quickly arranged the marriage, shortening the timeline to within a month to avoid any complications.

Unbeknownst to Ezra, Beah and Max plotted to elope on the night of her wedding. Surprisingly, Saule, known for her reserved

nature, played a pivotal role in their escape.

"I saw how desperately Beah wanted to be with Max. | couldn't bear to see her suffer, so | helped them. | played a crucial role in

their elopement," Saule revealed.

Pearl was stunned to learn of Saule's involvement with the elopement. It was a revelation she hadn't expected.