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The Stained Omega by Elle T Jefferson

Chapter 290
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His Rogue Omega: Chapter 123


One Year later

I swear this pup poops way too much.‘ I laugh at Ghost as I try to change Dean’s blow out diaper, it’s

not often this happens but when it does it’s always when it’s my turn to clean him.

“Come on sweetie, hold still for momma.” I try to keep my voice light and carefree but honestly I feel

like pulling my hair out, “how about. you stay still and I let you go play with your dada.” As if he actually

understands me Dean goes still on the changing mat and I manage to finish up without any further


‘Bribing a one year old, shame shame Luna.’ I shoo off Ghost as I gather Dean up into my arms and

leave the playroom, Cas is in the office with Rowan so I head that way. The sound of tears stops me

before I enter the basement, letting the door close, I poke my head around the corner and see Sally

comforting a young female.

“Sally?” I whisper, she looks over at me which reveals the young. brunette, she’s stunning except for

the bruise on her face. It looks like someone has smacked this teenager in the face.

“Ah Luna, we could use you.” The young girl doesn’t even look up as Sally speaks to me, I nod my

head towards Dean, letting Sally know I’ll be right back. I race down the basement stairs as fast as I

dare while holding Dean, I don’t bother knocking on the office door, I know whose inside and neither

party will mind me coming in..





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“There’s my wolfie.” Cas drops his paperwork and holds his arms out for Dean, Rowan just laughs as I

practically throw him at his father.

“Sorry guys, I have something to deal with.” I run out of the office. blowing a kiss to both of my men and

race back up the stairs before either of them can say anything.

“I’m here,” I’m out of breath by the time I get back to the kitchen, the young girl is still crying and Sally is

still trying to comfort her. “What happened?” I ask as I approach the two sitting at the kitchen table.

“I messed up at work and now I’ve lost my job.” The girl wails loudly before dissolving into more tears, I

look at Sally and raise a

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questioning eyebrow at Sally.

“Beth works at the coffee shop on the high street after school.

Apparently today she broke a shelf and destroyed two weeks‘ supply of stock.” The coffee shop is just

one of five new stores we have had built in the last year, “Mr Monfield fired her because sadly Beth is a

little accident prone.” I suddenly feel very sorry for this young girl. Not. many girls her age would go out

and find a job but then be fired from it, it can’t be easy for her.

“And how did this bruise happen?” I ask Beth as I crouch down in front of her and brush my hand

across her cheek. The bruise is pretty fresh but it’s already a lovely shade of purple and blue, in a day

or two it’s going to be a full rainbow explosion.

“The shelf hit me in the face as it fell. What am I going to do Luna? I mess everything up and my family

relies on my income since my father died.” I again look at Sally, her wrinkled face drops to the floor, I

instantly don’t like where this is heading.

“When did he die?” Beth wipes at her bruised face before looking at me with a sad smile, “the clearing.

He died protecting Alpha Cas when




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the rogues attacked.” Beth nods her head and I suddenly feel very ashamed, if it wasn’t for me those

rogue’s would never have come here because Jeremy would never have sent them.

“Luna, since Lucy started college I’m short staffed in the kitchen and could use an extra hand or two.”

Patting Beth’s hand I nod my head towards the kitchen sink, Sally seems to get my meaning as starts

to walk to lead the way.

“I’ll be right back,‘ I tell Beth before I stand up and head to the sink, grabbing a glass, I turn on the tap

and let it run. “You sure? She’s very young and sounds a little accident prone.” I understand Beth

needs at job but I’m not sure if being around sharp knives is such a good idea.

“I’m sure it is a nerve thing, Mr Monfield can be a bit bull–headed when he wants to be.” I study Sally

as I get Beth some water, if she says she can help the young girl then I’m sure she can.

“Alright, let’s offer her the role.” Turning off the water I turn to go back. to Beth when Sally tops me with

a small hand on my arm.

“You know, she came here looking for you, not me. She needed help and she came looking for her

Luna.” I try not to smile at that but I can’t help the small one that creeps onto my face, I even feel Ghost

preen a little. No one from the Pack has ever come to just me for help or advice before.

“Beth?” The young girl lifts her head up and sniffles before accepting the glass of water I’m holding out

to her, “how about you come work in the Pack kitchen with Sally two or three times a week?” I know

Cas has a rule and anyone Pack members of school age is not allowed to work more than three days a

week. He insists this is so they have time to study and be pups before they are thrusted into the world.




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“Really?” Sally chuckles as Beth puts the glass of water down on the table and jumps up from the chair.

“I would love to!” I laugh as Bath throws her arms around my neck and starts squeezing me in a

massive hug.

“Alright, well head on home and get some studying done. Sally will call with your schedule.” Beth lets

me go and runs to Sally to squeeze her in a big hug too, I laugh as the young wolf dances out of the

kitchen. She already looks much happier than she did only ten minutes.


“Well I think that worked out well.” Sally says happily as she turns to start putting together some


“You think I handled that alright?” I start picking at my finger as I sit in the chair Beth vacated, “maybe I

should have talked to Cas first.” Sally shakes her head at me as she brings two cups of coffee to the

table and sits down next to me.

“You did perfectly, that young girl was distraught and at least here at the Pack house me and you can

guide her, help her grow and then one day she will be ready to stretch her paws.” I smile warmly at

Sally, she has this way of saying exactly what I need to hear when I need to hear

1. it.

“What did I miss?” I look over my shoulder to see Cas and Rowan coming into the kitchen, Dean is not

with them but Cas is carrying the little baby monitor which tells me he’s down for his nap.

“Beth was upset because Mr Monfield fired her, she’s a little nervous and makes mistakes.” Sally sums

up a teenage girl’s trauma in a few words, sure I know it’s not the end of the world but to her it would.

have been a big deal.

“Van’s pup? They need that income, maybe she can come and work at

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the Pack house.” Sally just raises an eyebrow at me as I chuckle into my coffee cup, “you already

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offered her a job didn’t you?” I nod my head at Cas and Rowan chuckles as he heads to the back door.

“I’ll get her added to the rota and paysheet, I need to go and check on Selena. She has a scan this

afternoon.” We all shout goodbye to Rowan, he’s been so stressed since Selena fell pregnant but I

think he’s just worried about becoming a father.

“I should get the dinner started, leave that with me and have some alone time.” Sally takes the baby

monitor from Cas and I just watch as he stares at me, he winks at me before licking his lips.

“Come to the office with me.” It’s not a question but I still nod my head as I follow Cas out of the


Cas leads me to the basement in silence, he doesn’t speak until he leads. us into his office and closes

the door behind him.

“It’s the middle of the day.” I say as he grabs me by the waist and pulls me into his chest.

“I need you.” He growls as he sniff’s up the side of my face and places a kiss on my temple, “look at

you being a powerful Luna, fixing issues. and ruling the Pack house. I’m so proud of the woman you

have grown. into.” I gasp out as I push against Cas’s chest and look up at his face.

“I’m only this woman because I have you beside me, I love you Castiel.” I cup his face with my hand

and he turns into, nuzzling his face into my touch before opening his green eyes. They are blazing with

desire as I watch Storm prowl behind his eyes, he’s there with us, enjoying this moment.

“I love you too Eva,” I smile at him as he lifts his head and lets me go, “now turn around and put your

hands on the desk.” Biting my lip I turn




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around slowly and slide my panties and leggings down my legs, I bend over to give him a full view of

my ass. I don’t miss the growl of arousal that slips from Cas’s mouth, placing my hands on the desk, I

move my hair so the back of my neck is bare to him.

“Now you have me, what are you going to do about it?” I taunt over my shoulder as I wave my ass at

him. I gasp out loud as I feel Cas’s warm breath on my ass cheek, no matter how many times he does

this to me I will never get bored.

“Mine.” Cas growls before spreading my legs further so I’m more open.

to him.

“Yours, always.” I moan out at the first swipe of his tongue, submitting to Cas will always be a

pleasurable experience, I never thought I would submit to a man after Jeremy.

One thing is certain, Cas has changed my life in more ways than one and I could never imagine

wanting to be anywhere else, in his arms. and surrounded by him, this is where I belong. It was fated.

The will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!