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The Love that Never Really Dies (Sasha and Sebastian)

Chapter 64
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“Oscar, these were all my orchestra mates. After our final performance, we had a celebratory dinner

where everyone had too much to drink. We were playing a game where the loser had to be kissed, no

matter men or women. I did share a little kiss with a female colleague as well, but I don’t know why they

only took pictures of me with my male colleagues. You can go and investigate yourself if you don’t trust

me. Oscar, you are the only one that I love in my life. That is the truth. Now that I am pregnant with your

child, I don’t want you to misunderstand me just because of a few photos.”

Oscar picked up a photo of Cassie passionately kissing someone at a bar. His voice betrayed not a trace

of his emotions as he said, “Cassie, I’d always thought that you were pure and innocent. When I had sex

with you a month ago, there was real blood on the bedsheet. But could you explain to me what was

going on in this picture?” “Oz, I can explain. It was my roommate Julie’s birthday, and we decided to

party at the bar. Before we knew it, we were carried away by the bar’s atmosphere and had too much to

drink. I don’t know how I ended up kissing that person in the picture,

but I can guarantee that nothing happened after that. Oz, when I left you to go to Erihal, I was very down,

and I thought that I’d never meet another man that could make me fall in love so deeply. All I wanted to

do was to let loose so I went to all the bars and clubs. I wanted to find a man for a quick one-night stand

but you remained in my mind. All I shared with those men was a kiss, and nothing else. You have to

believe me, Oz. You are the only one in my heart. I’ve really never slept with anyone else.” Tears rolled

down her cheeks as she spoke. Even Amelia could not help but praise her acting skills. With her looks, figure, and acting skills, it is a waste for her to not join the entertainment industry.

Oscar frowned and before he could speak, Olivia said, “Ms. Yard, you have excellent acting chops there.

Regular men would definitely fall for it. However, our family is a proper business family, and we cannot

allow such a wild woman into our family.” Elizabeth scowled with displeasure. “Olivia, I don’t like what

you are implying there. Our financial capacity is not that far behind yours, and our Cassie is a pure and

innocent girl. So what if you have those pictures? They’re all from the past and they took place when she

was single.” Olivia laughed. “Liz, we have been good friends for years. To be honest, I am not as big-

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hearted as you are. For you to say that shows that you are very patient and magnanimous.

However, as a mother, I cannot handle the misgiving that my son could be cheated on in the future. We

can’t afford to have a girl that is so wild and frivolous. Who knows if she would cheat on my son in the

future? Nobody can be certain about that.” The Yards’ expression darkened. “Olivia, that is too much.

We’ve been friends for years and you’ve watched Cassie grow up. Shouldn’t you know what kind of

person she is by now?” Charlie finally spoke up. Charlie and Olivia were university friends and they

shared quite a solid friendship. Olivia met Owen through Charlie, so she was still willing to respect him.

Olivia sighed. “Charlie, it’s not that I have insulted you. Look at how you barged in today. Not only did you

destroy Oscar and Amelia’s marriage, but you also made Cassie become the mistress. Is that what you

wanted?” “Olivia, I don’t want Cassie to be the hated mistress either. However, Cassie and Oscar love

each other, and I cannot bring it upon myself to separate them. You are Oscar’s mother, so how could

you just stand by and watch him miss out on his happiness?” Olivia smirked. “I thought you were the

most logical person out of all the people here, Charlie. I did not expect you to turn out to be just like Liz

and allow your daughter to do anything she wants. I don’t care about Cassie’s character, but she cannot

blame things on Oscar. Yes, our families’ standings are similar, but my son already has a wife, and they

are welcoming their own baby soon.

If you still have any ounce of self-respect, please bring Cassie with you as you leave now. Otherwise, I

will have worse things to say about you.” Elizabeth’s face darkened instantly. “You can’t say that, Olivia.

Cassie and Oscar were in love back then, and it was Oscar who requested for Cassie to come back now.

On top of that, she is pregnant with Oscar’s child, and that is why we came here despite the shame. If

not for Oscar looking for Cassie despite being married, our daughter would have never been someone

else’s mistress. Are you trying to break off our friendship here?” Elizabeth questioned Olivia grimly. Olivia

was prepared to burn all bridges today. No matter what, she would never allow Cassie to marry into the

family. Cassie was the woman who abandoned Oscar at the altar and made the Clintons the laughing

stock of the upper echelons.

The mere thought of that disgusted her. She could have just thrown Cassie out of the door if not for her

consideration for the Yards’ reputation. However, she had to go for broke with the Yards right now. She

had no choice as based on her son’s character, he could very well abandon his wife to marry Cassie.

Olivia sighed. “Liz, Charlie, I didn’t want to mean, but Oscar will definitely not marry Cassie. I am very

satisfied with my daughter-in-law, Amelia, and I will never allow them to be divorced. It was probably a

night of confusion for Oscar and Cassie. How about this? Let’s assume that Cassie is really pregnant.

We will conduct a DNA test when the baby is born. If the baby really is Oscar’s, we will bring up the child.

On top of that, we will provide Cassie with allowance.” Elizabeth was so angry her face turned slightly

green. “Olivia, don’t cross the line here.

Our daughter is not to be abused like that. Now that she is pregnant, you Clintons definitely have to bear

the responsibility. Otherwise, our families will become enemies, and I will spare no expenses to seek

justice for Cassie.” With that, Elizabeth looked at Oscar and said, “Oscar, you’re the person in question

here. What do you think? Just tell me whether you are marrying Cassie. We are still a reputable family

and we won’t hound you, but I’ll tell you now that I will not just leave it as it is.” Oscar looked at Elizabeth

calmly and said, “Mrs. Yard, I will handle this properly, and I will take care of Cassie’s child. Stop making

a scene here if you trust me. Otherwise, Cassie should just abort the child.” Cassie looked at him

begrudgingly with red eyes and said, “Oz, you said you would marry me. Was it just to make me happy?”

Oscar replied patiently, “

Be good, Cassie. Go back with your parents first. I’ll look for you later tonight.” Cassie bit her lips and

nodded before saying amenably to her parents, “Mom, Dad, let’s go back. Ms. Winters was just

discharged from the hospital today and we shouldn’t have been here in the first place. I don’t want your

friendship with Mr. and Mrs. Clinton to be severed just because of me. You can’t burn all bridges because

of my wilfulness.” Elizabeth was about to protest but her husband tugged her dress. She had no choice

but to get up and take her leave. Before she left, she said, “Olivia, Cassie is our only child. If Oscar

marries her, everything that we have will become yours. Don’t cut off this financial route just because of a

moment of anger. It’s not worth it.”

With that, the Yards left. Gloom hung across the Clintons’ living room. Amelia mustered a smile and said,

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“Mom, I’m so sorry that you have to stand up to the Yards because of a useless daughter-in-law like me.”

“Silly girl, Oscar wronged you in the first place.” Mrs. Clinton sighed and said, “Amelia, don’t blame

Oscar. There are times when men just can’t control their lower bodies. Even if Cassie is pregnant, you

are still our only daughter-in-law, so don’t worry.”

Amelia shook her head and said graciously, “Mom, I’m fine. Don’t get agitated because of me. It’s not

worth it.” Olivia sighed and looked at Oscar disapprovingly. “Oscar, remember what I am about to say

now. The Clinton family will only acknowledge Amelia as our daughter-in-law. If you still have unfinished

business with other women, you can forget about calling me Mom for the rest of your life.” Oscar

remained silent. “Why, do you still want to continue your affair with Cassie?” “Mom, Cassie is already

pregnant with my child. I can’t just abandon her,” Oscar said. “Oscar, don’t forget that Amelia is your wife

and she is pregnant with your child too. Aren’t you worried about hurting her when you say things like

this in front of her?

When have I ever taught you to be such a beast?” Olivia rebuked him woefully. She did not expect Oscar

to be so fixated with Cassie. “What is it about Cassie that made you willing to abandon your own wife?”

Olivia could not understand it at all. “I’ve spent a lot of money to get these photos, and you still can’t see

what kind of woman she is? You are an intelligent man, so you shouldn’t be easily misled by her words.”

Oscar stood up and said, “Mom, I’ll settle my relationship matters myself. Even if I were to divorce

Amelia, I will make sure that she will not be in want for the rest of her life.

Don’t worry about that.” Olivia clutched onto her tightening chest and panted slightly. Instantly, Owen

pulled Olivia into his arms and instructed Oscar grimly, “Get Mr. Lancester here this very instant.” Oscar

immediately made the call. “Get out, you jinx! My mom would not be like this if not for you!” Stephanie

dashed forward and shoved Amelia aside. Amelia nearly fell to the ground. Olivia’s chest tightened

further at that sight.

She stared at Stephanie and muttered with much difficulty, “Stephanie Clinton, she is your sister-in-law,

and she is pregnant. If anything happens to her, you might as well kill me too.” Stephanie bit on her lip

furiously as she stared at Olivia. “Mom, I am your daughter, how could you—” Owen picked up Olivia in

one fell swoop and reprimanded Stephanie, “Steph, shut up. Can’t you see that your mother’s suffering a

relapse?” Stephanie bit her lip aggrievedly.