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The Female Alpha’s Sanctuary

Chapter 34
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Chapter 34

Hestia was my wife, she bore my mark, held the title as Luna and most importantly, carries my pup.

And she has the nerve to ‘need time to think’?

I couldn’t help but think about Selene being in her position. How Selene would’ve looked with my mark,

the Luna title and lastly, carrying my pup. A ghost of a smile spread across my lips. She would’ve been

a good mother. Selene always did love pups. She had a maternal instinct in her that Luna’s typically


When Hestia found out she was pregnant, I was ecstatic. I was going to be a dad, I’d have my future

Alpha in my arms, but she didnt share that view. Hestia was frightened, even considering abortion. She

claimed she was too young, at twenty-two, to have a child.

My wolf was enraged at the fact she even considered abortion. Not that he ever really liked her in the

first place. He was always against my relationship with Hestia since the very start. He only ever wanted

his mate, Selene.

Now that was impossible.

I couldn’t feel her anymore. Not after the night of Duskfall’s ruin. I remember how frantically she was

trying to reach me, and in spite, I marked Hestia. Hestia was already getting annoyed at my refusal to

mark her. I waited a good two months to do it. Frankly, I still thought it was too early. I didn’t want to

have any regrets but feeling Selene coaxing me to talk to her frustrated me.

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It frustrated me to think that I was so close into giving in that night.

So to convince myself she had no control over me, I marked her sister and mated her the same minute.

That was when the bond stopped.

I wasn’t sure if she died. Most people said she did–her parents said she did. They too, couldn’t feel the

bond. I always wondered why they treated Selene the way they did. It had to be more than simple

favoritism. It didn’t make any sense but I never bothered to question it. Hestia always had my attention

since day one. She was the prettiest girl in the pack, the most popular, friendly, kind-

She was everything her wallflower sister wasn’t.

Granted, Selene was also beautiful,but her beauty was overshadowed by her sister’s.

Anyone would’ve done the same. They would’ve gladly chosen Hestia over Selene. I know it’s selfish

but its my life. I should be able to choose who I want and in that moment, I wanted Hestia. But there

was always that small part of me that wondered what life would’ve been like with Selene. Had I not

chosen Hestia and given in to the mate bond, would me life be any different? Would we have pups right

now? Four? Three?

Would we have been happy?

A knock on the door snapped me from my thoughts. I was being fo olish. The past was the past and

nothing could be done now. Grabbing a shirt from the floor, I slid it on and walked over to answer it. I

opened it to find Beta Benicio, Hestia and Selene’s father, standing

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The Female Alpha’s Sanctuary



“Alpha, we have a message from the Chancellor.”

My face hardened. The Chancellor? What could he possibly want?

“What is it?”

Beta Benicio looked around cautiously before answering in mind link.

Two rogues were caught. Apparently they’re both high in rank. The Chancellor is calling upon all

Alpha’s to decide what to do with them. He wants everyone to go to the Capital, tonight.

My eyebrows rose at his words.

All Alphas? Including the Hellhound and the Bloodlust Alpha?

Beta Benicio grimaced at the names and nodded. The Hellhound was quite infamous. From tales of

how she mercilessly hunted down rogues to viciously cutting down Alpha’s who tried to challenge her,

she became a myth.

A legend.

No one has ever seen her but we all knew she existed.

The only thing they knew was that she was Alpha Crestfield’s daughter, the new Alpha of the

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Greyhound pack.

The Hellhound never went to social events, not even the annual Gala’s. Usually, it would’ve been a

sign of disrespect to all Alpha’s who attended but no one dared to call her out on it. That was the kind

of fear that’ll strike in anyone when this person is the leader of the second most powerful pack.

Not even I would try to cross her.

The Bloodlust Alpha was in a similar boat. Mysterious but ridi culous strong. I’ve only seen him once in

my life, and it was during a challenge for his territory. I was only fifteen at the time, my father wanted to

bring me along to show me what a “true Alpha” was like. The Bloodlust Alpha was a year older than

me, but he looked mature. He looked experienced in battles. He killed a man thrice his age without

even a sign of regret. Snapped his neck off his shoulders with blood spluttering out like a dam ned


That was the last time someone tried to challenge him.

I sighed, nodding at Beta Benicio. The two most deadliest of Alpha’s in the same room. This was going

to be a h ell h ole.


I straightened my tie, giving myself a once over in the mirror when the door pulled open. Hestia came in

wearing a light blue dress showing off her curves and slight baby bump. She ‘agreed’ to attend the

party with me because of her title, but it was mostly me pressuring her to attend. She was afraid of the

Alphas going to be there and vocally told me she’d rather stay home. I had to use my Alpha command

on her to finally get her into going. As much as I would’ve loved to leave her home, going to the

meeting without my Luna would raise unwanted eyebrows to question my authority.