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The Baby’s Mother Need Love

Chapter 122
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22.1 Am Jessie’s Biological Father When Jessie heard Shawn's voice, the joy on her face gradually disappeared.

Shawn tried his best to be calm. He said to Alex, “You left with Jessie just now. Is she still with you now?” Alex felt Jessie’s nervousness. He looked at her slightly pale face and said calmly, “I left with her after we left old residence.” Shawn paused for a while and asked carefully, “Before you two separated, did she say anything to you?” “What did she say to me?” Alex did not answer him. He asked back.

He asked Shawn while pushing Jessie against the wall.

Jessie did not expect him to be like this at this time, but she did not dare to make a sound, so she moved to the side.

Shawn wanted to meet Jessie now. He asked again, “Where did you two separate? Can you tellthe address?” Shawn originally wanted to talk to Alex, but after hearing Alex's calm tone, he was not sure if Jessie had told Alex about their relationship as father and daughter.

If she hadn't told him, and he went to talk to Alex, he would be even more embarrassed.

He would never have thought that the Alex and Jessie he wanted to see right now were tightly hugging each other.

He thought that Jessie and Alex had not known each other for a long time. Alex would always help Jessie, so they might be in a relationship. After all, with the conditions of Jessie and Jouvita, Laurent family would not easily accept her.

Alex also liked Jessie because of the huge difference between their conditions.

Alex liked to go against his father since he was young, and Amanda often mentioned these things in the past.

The more the two elders of Laurent family opposed the woman, the more Alex would be interested i n her.

Shawn guessed that Alex should have this kind of relationship with Jessie.

If that was really the case, Shawn wanted to let Alex know that Jessie was the daughter of his ex wife. With his previous relationship with Amanda, Alex would not look for Jessie anymore.

“There is something | want to talk to you about. When do you think you are free?” Alex could roughly guess what he wanted to talk about, but he did not respond to him.

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Alex did not say anything, but he did not hang up the phone. Jessie could not help but look up at him.

Alex exerted his strength again.

Jessie could not help but make a sound.

The sound on the other side of the phone was very soft, but Shawn still heard the woman's voice.

Alex's breathing also becheavier and heavier.

Only then did Jessie realize that his phone was still on.

In order to not make any sound, she immediately bit Alex's shoulder.

The suit on Alex's shoulder was deeply wrinkled by her bite.

“Are you busy now?” Shawn saw that Alex did not answer him for a long time, so he could not help but ask again.

Alex used his mouth to lift the long hair on Jessie's face. He kissed her face and vaguely hummed.

“Alright, then you do what you need to do. | will contact you when | have time.” Shawn hung up the phone and looked up at the warm winter sun. He felt strangely cold.

This kind of coldness seemed to surpass the moment Amanda passed away in the past.

Shawn hung up the phone. Alex put the phone on the washing table at the side and hugged Jessie tightly.

Jessie could no longer stand stably. Her entire body was attached to him.

Under the light, Alex teasingly said, “You were still so reserved just now, and now you are so restless?” Jessie was embarrassed and angry.

She actually saw that he was injured in old residence. She was not willing to let him down.

But now, it had bechis reason to tease her.

The teeth on his shoulder becstronger.

Alex felt a bit of pain. He felt that her bite was really not light or heavy.

Jessie bit his shoulder hard again.

Just when they were in a stalemate, there was a knock on the door of the room outside. Part-tstudent said from outside, “Sister Jessie, there is Mr. Achilles who cto see you.” Part-tstudent’s voice was very loud. He had seen them cin for a long tand did not go out. They were also a couple in love. Although he was young, he had also been in love, so he felt that they must have been in the room, so he deliberately reminded them loudly.

When she heard Mr. Achilles, Jessie immediately thought of Shawn, and she immediately bec nervous.

Alex felt her nervousness, and his eyes began to beca little scary.

He did not care about the voices and people outside.

In the next moment, the sound of footsteps could be heard from the door.

Following a knock on the door, Shawn's voice cfrom outside. “Jessie, | am your father. Can you letin?” This was the first the had called her in such a friendly manner since he asked for her name.

The word ‘father’ made Jessie fall into a trance for a moment. She froze on the spot.

When Alex saw her like this, he subconsciously hugged her tightly and kissed her gently on the He silently comforted her uneasy heart.

Part-tstudent, who was standing outside the door, kept the door open. He thought they would not make it in time, so he helped them cover it up. “Actually, I'm not sure if Sister Jessie is there. | only saw her cin, but later | went to do something. | don’t know if she left again.” Shawn looked at the closed door. He thought for a while and did not insist. He said, “Giveher phone number.

I'll call her.” *Follow me. I'll go to the bar counter and give you her business card.” Part-tstudent took him away.

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Alex carried Jessie to the sofa outside. He acted as if nothing had happened.

Jessie stared at him in disbelief. She stretched out her hand to push his lips, which were about to kiss her, and said, “Shawn should still be waiting outside.” “Let him wait. Let's finish first.” The next moment, Alex kissed her lips.

After they were done, Jessie lay on the sofa without moving. Alex took out the suit he had put on the rack from the bathroom. He covered her with the suit and then tidied up his clothes. He opened the door and went out.

Shawn did not leave.

In fact, Shawn had already heard the sound from inside when he was at the door.

He found a table in the coffee shop and sat down.

The coffee he ordered was all cold.

The door to the room opened. Alex, who was wearing a white shirt and black pants, walked out from inside.

Shawn saw him cout of the room. Plus, the waiter had said Jessie had also gone in. Shawn wanted to lie to himself, but he could not find a reason, Shawn stood up and said with a stiff face, “You are here?” Alex smiled. He glanced at the cold coffee on his table. He turned to part-tstudent and said,” You can get Mr. Achilles a cup of hot coffee.” Shawn saw how familiar he was with this shop and felt even worse.

After Liang changed the coffee for Shawn, he gave Alex a cup of black coffee.

“Are you here to find Jessie?” Alex calmly said, “After we cout of old residence, she said she wanted to buy snew tea set. She went to the shopping mall with Sally.” Sally had something to do today. Alex knew she would not come, so he made up such a reason.

If Shawn knew that he and Jessie were inside, he would not mind, but Jessie was thin-skinned and she had a special relationship with Shawn. She was not willing to show up with him now.

Shawn looked at him with a complicated expression for a while. He took the initiative to confess his relationship with Jessie.

“Since you are here, you must have heard it just now. | am Jessie's biological father.” It was hard for Shawn to say something like this to Alex, but in the current situation, he had to say it.

Alex suddenly held the coffee cup tight and said coldly, “Why haven't | heard you mention it before you have another daughter?” “I don’t have the face to talk about these things.” Shawn lowered his head and nervously rubbed his hands. After a long time, he said, “Before | was with your sister, | had a short marriage. My ex wife and | were both orphans.

We grew up together in the Welfare Institute. Later, we got married. | thought we would spend our lives like this.

Not long after we got married, | had a serious illness, eye cancer. My surgery fees were very expensive, | couldn't bear to delay her. .. So | signed a divorce agreement with her.” “After that, | met your sister. She founda doctor behind my back, and she paidsurgery fees. | thought my life was over, but she broughtback to life. And so, | was with your sister.” “When your sister was in an uproar because ofand her, a friend of my ex-wife toldthat she only found out that she was pregnant after my ex-wife divorced me.” “When your sister and | were looking forward to our future, my ex-wife jumped into the sea with our child who wasn't even a year old due to pregnancy and postpartum depression.” “It has been many years since | mentioned this heart-piercing memory.” When Shawn said this, his entire body trembled and his eyes turned red. His previous high spirits seemed to be just an illusion at this moment. At this moment, he was like a dying confessor. No matter how he makes u p for it, he can’t make up for what he has done.” Alex's face suddenly beccold. After a while, he sneered and said, “You have buried these things in your heart for decades. Today, you suddenly telleverything. What is the purpose of this?” Shawn sat up slightly and said, “I know. Whether it was Fifi or Jessie, | am not a good father. | made Jessie suffer.

| spoiled Fifi so much that she did not look good. These are all my fault, but | promise, from now on, | will not be like this anymore. Especially Jessie, | will use my entire life to make up for it. | am looking for her today because | want to take her to X City. | want to know if she wants to continue studying. Or should she want to learn something interesting, no matter what she wants to do. | will cultivate her well. | will let her live the life she really wants.” Shawn paused for a few seconds, then changed the topic. He said, “It has not been easy for you to take care of two children by yourself all these years. | also took care of Fifi by myself. Only we single parents can understand the sadness within. The last t| cto R City, | saw that you were in contact with the eldest daughter of the Santonius Family. | don’t know how you guys are now. Will | be able to give you a congratulatory gift in a while?” Shawn's words were very implicit, but Alex was a shrewd man. How could he not understand what he meant?