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The Alpha King’s Possession

Chapter 32
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32. The First Summit


The moment he left, I began to ponder what to ask for… What would be beneficial for me? I wanted

more than just my freedom, I wanted revenge for my father’s death… I needed a lot more…

I was pacing the bedroom floor when a knock made me look up.


The door opened and Delta Oliver stood there with a glass of blood, and from what I could smell, it was

Kian’s… My heart skipped a beat at that.

“For you, Lady Morgana.” He said politely.

I raised an eyebrow.

Lady? Since when did he address me so kindly?

“Thank you.” I said, taking the glass. “Please close the door after yourself.”

I wasn’t in the mood to entertain anyone.

He left me alone, and I sat down on the bed, staring out the window. What do I ask for?

Him to cut Sage from his life? Oh, as much as that was tempting, I needed to choose something


I wanted nothing more to do with him or his beast. I sighed, sipping the blood, when suddenly an idea

popped into my head.

I swirled the blood in the glass slowly, a small smirk crossed my lips.

“Perfect.” I murmured.



The moment I had entered the hall, everyone stood and lowered their heads towards me. I let my aura

swirl around me, displaying my power, I was king here. Taking my seat, I leant back, power and

arrogance exuding from every pore in my body, despite how casually I sat. I rested my elbow on the arm

of the chair, looking at each Alpha one by one. This meeting was like a

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pack of hungry wolves waiting for their next fucking target.

Each one here hungry for more status and power, wanting to be in my fucking spot. Everyone wished to

be the Alpha King, but I doubted that most of them even understood the fucking meaning or

responsibility of this position.

“Let the meeting commence.” I said quietly. My voice carried to every corner of the room and the Alpha’s

all took a seat.

“With permission, Alpha King Kian, may I go first?” Alpha Phillip said bowing his head to me.

I gave a curt nod, and he stood up.

“As you all know, my pack is on the borders, not far from the Black Dawn pack.” He began, he hesitated,

but I could hear the desperation in his voice. “We offered a lot of help as ordered, but it’s drained our

resources too. There are certain things we need, supplies are short and I know we have got our

allowance for the season but-”

“For helping a neighbouring pack, I thank you. As for any help you need, put in a request before the

week is over and you will be given what you need.” I said.

He gave me a small smile of appreciation and sat down.

“I don’t think that’s fair, when there was the attack from the rogues last year, you told us that the


My eyes flashed as I glared at the man who had spoken.

“For one of the strongest Alpha’s you sure as fucking petty. The rogue attacks is the norm and you

should have the correct measures put into place. These attacks are different and unless you want to

send some men to the border for extra fucking patrol, keep your mouth fucking zipped.” I said coldly.

A tense silence flitted through the room before another Alpha looked at me.

“Alpha, what are we going to do about the attacks? We are still unsure who is behind them.”

“I have sent out a team, and it is one of the things I want everyone to contribute to. I want squads of men

from every pack to strengthen the border defences.” I said, my eyes skimming over them all. “Over the

next few days, I will discuss these plans further and in detail.

I could tell which ones were reluctant and which ones were willing to protect this kingdom. “I will get to

the bottom of this, but as a kingdom, we all need to do our part.”

“What of the humans? They’re just living leisurely, they.”

“They’re humans, far weaker than us, let them stick to what they do best. Fae or Vampire, do you really

think humans would stand a fucking chance?” I growled. “It would only result in unnecessary deaths.”

“But it can’t be vampires, right? Did you not create a treaty with them?” Another Alpha cut in.

“A cease-fire, but each kingdom has those who don’t follow the law. We can’t relax over a simple treaty

when there is nothing to show for it. I don’t trust them, nor the Fae.” I said quietly

“Alpha Kian… is it true there may be war?” The eldest Alpha in the room spoke. In his late 50s, he still

looked younger than his age, but compared to a lot of these fucking assholes, he was wiser.

A rustle of unease spread through the room, and I stayed silent, my face not giving anything



“If war comes to us, then we will show them that we are ready. As for starting it… There are no plans.”

I frowned. The rumours that the Fae were making an allegiance with another species worried me, but I

was not going to let my people know that. If I show my worry, then it will only negatively impact them.

As long as I, as king, remain confident, my men will remain strong. It was a fucking domino effect, and I

was the fucking starting piece.

“So… the chances for war are low?” The Alpha repeated.

“I didn’t say that, we should be prepared for the worst, however, what I said is that war will not start by

our hand.” I replied firmly.

Our eyes met, and the Alpha nodded.

They began talking amongst themselves, discussing the pros and con’s as I remained silent, frowning

deeply as I let them debate it out. The problem was, at the moment, we were four species who were

either neutral or hostile… Yet there was no good relationship between any… but if two kingdoms

united… that fucking put us at higher risk.

The talks shifted to the water situation and then to the demand that werewolves have separate schools

from humans.

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“No. It’s not going to happen.” I interrupted coldly.

“We are above them, Alpha Kian.”

I scoffed.

“How? In what way?”

“Intelligence for one.”

“Considering fucking pups who mind link and use it to cheat in tests? Intelligent indeed.” I scoffed.

“That… That isn’t fair; they are just kids. Your new method was rather extreme…”

“What? By giving them a dose of wolfsbane before tests? Not extreme at all, it’s called fairness. ” I said

icily. “Our people are one, and I don’t care how shits done in other kingdoms. We will not divide the

humans and werewolves. That’s where it starts before we begin to believe we are better… Just the way it

has come to my attention how Omega’s may be treated. Just

because we are stronger does not give anyone the fucking right to hurt those weaker than us…

‘But you can hurt mate…’ Thanatos remarked.

I clenched my jaw… Yeah, I did fucking hurt her… Kept her tied, tossed her in a cell… hurt her

emotionally… Yeah, I was a fucking hypocrite… but I’m going to do better from here on out.


“Alpha Kian.”

I looked up, being brought out of my thoughts, and I blinked. “This kingdom will continue to treat its

people with equality and respect.” I said clearly, my voice carried powerfully across the room, my

decision absolute.

“There is still the food chain Alpha. if we are stronger, we have-”

My eyes flashed, glaring at the man who had spoken. I stood up, my aura swirling around me like a

fucking tornado. The last fucking thing I needed was a civil fucking war or tension from within the

kingdom. “I’m the fucking king here, and if you want to defy anyone, remember that I stand for those who

cannot fend for themselves.” I growled.

Casting one cold glare at the table, I turned away, this meeting was over for the day. I was fucking done.

Those who cannot fend for themselves…

Right now, it was my mate who was alone in this fucking place… I had treated her unfairly. I’d make it up

to her, because even if my father was killed by a vampire, it had not been by her hand…