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Sweet Subterfuge by Trina Duo

Chapter 39
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Chapter 39

After the doctor examined Mrs. Hardy, he found that other than her fever, there was nothing else wrong

with her. So, he arranged for her to receive an intravenous drip on a bed in the ward. He also

prescribed a few boxes of cold and cough medication

for her.

When Larissa returned from the pharmacy, Mrs. Hardy was still unconscious.

The nurse told her to remove the wet clothes from the woman’s body to prevent her condition from

exacerbating. Larissa felt a wave of repulsion from the bottom of her


She tried to call Travis, but his phone was still turned off. Then, she tried to contact Andrew, but he was

unreachable despite her multiple attempts. She even suspected that Andrew had already blocked her


As for Mr. Hardy–she never even saved his number in the first place.

Helplessly, Larissa slipped a hundred dollar note to the nurse tending to the next bed and had her

Follow on NovᴇlEnglish.nᴇt

change Mrs. Hardy’s clothes for her.

The three bags of IV fluids ordered by the doctor had been administered for almost two hours now.

Consequently, Larissa had sat by Mrs. Hardy’s bed for almost two

hours as well.

Mrs. Hardy started waking up gradually when the nurse came by to draw some blood.

As soon as she saw Larissa, she pushed away the nurse violently, completely disregarding the needle

still stuck on her arm. She threw herself onto Larissa and grabbed her frantically.

The nurse stumbled back two steps before accidentally knocking into the bedside table of the

neighboring bed. It shook violently before the thermos on the table fell and was smashed to bits. Not

only that, the hot water from the thermos had even splashed all over the nurse.

The ward was immediately sent into disarray. The patient from the neighboring bed quickly pressed the

call button.

Another nurse walked in, surveyed the situation, and frowned. “What happened?”

The nurse who’d been scalded earlier informed the new nurse, “Please call in more people to clean up

this mess, oh, and the patient from bed 2’s needle is dislodged. Could you please help her deal with

it?” She rushed out of the ward after that.

Chapter 99

The patient from bed 2 was none other than Mrs. Hardy.

Larissa dropped her gaze as soon as she heard the nurse’s words. The needle that had previously

been on the back of her right palm was indeed dislodged. Bright red blood was trickling through the

entrance wound, but Mrs. Hardy seemed to barely notice it.

The woman held onto Larissa, her grip tight. The veins on the back of her hand bulged, and the speed

of the blood flowing out of her wound increased as well.

The nurse was just about to help her tamp the bleeding when Mrs. Hardy ducked


“Don’t you dare touch me!” she growled ferociously.

The nurse was taken aback. She pursed her lips in disgust and left after leaving a cotton ball behind.

“Press this on her wound later,” she instructed Larissa.

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Larissa squeezed the cotton ball in her palms. Before she could make a move, Mrs. Hardy started to

climb out of the bed.

She put on her rubber shoes quickly and dragged Larissa toward the door.

“Travis is awake! He’s been asking for you since the moment he opened his eyes! You need to go see

him! You must!” She gritted her teeth as she spoke, her voice still weak and hoarse from her illness.

Without her realizing it, her blood had dripped onto Larissa’s hands, and Larissa felt another surge of

disgust and repulsion rise within her, her scalp tingling.

She put in a little more force and withdrew her hand successfully.

Mrs. Hardy’s fever had not yet subsided, so she was not as strong as usual.

She immediately turned around frantically to find Larissa when her fingers closed around nothing but


“I’m not going,” Larissa told her coldly.

“But you have to!” Mrs. Hardy tried to grab her again.

Larissa dodged. Mrs. Hardy’s waist accidentally bumped against the end of her bed and tears

streamed down her face in pain.

Taking this opportunity, Larissa quickened her pace toward the door. Just as she reached the door,

however, a scream pierced the air.